
Type: AttackAction: Standard (active)
Range: TouchDuration: Instant
Saving Throw: Fortitude (staged)Cost: 2 points per rank

You can inflict fatigue on a target. Make a melee attack roll. The target makes a Fortitude save (DC 10 + Fatigue rank). A failed save means the target is fatigued: -2 to Str and Dex, -1 to attack and defense, and cannot move all out. If the save fails by 5 or more, the target is exhausted: -6 to Str and Dex, -3 to attack and defense, and unable to move faster than normal pace. If the save fails by 10 or more, the target is unconscious. Targets immune to fatigue are unaffected. Already fatigued characters suffering another fatigue result become exhausted, while exhausted characters suffering another fatigue result become unconscious. The target recovers from the fatigue normally (see Fatigue, M&M, page 167, for details).

Power Feats



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