Fascinate (Skill, Ranked)

One of your interaction skills is so effective you can capture and hold someone|s attention with it. Choose Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, or Perform when you acquire this feat. You are subject to the normal guidelines for interaction skills, and combat or other immediate danger makes this feat ineffective. Take a standard action and make an interaction skill check against your target|s opposing check (the same skill, Sense Motive, or Will save, whichever has the highest bonus). If you succeed, the target becomes fascinated (see Condition Summary, page 170). You can maintain the effect (requiring a standard action each round). The fascination ends when you stop or the target overcomes it. You may take this feat more than once. Each time, it applies to a different interaction skill. Like all interaction skills, you can use Fascinate on a group, but you must affect everyone in the group equally.

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