Revision [1162]

This is an old revision of MMEscapeArtist made by GilbertoLeon on 2010-09-05 15:28:04.


Escape Artist (Dex, Manipulation)

You|re trained in escaping bonds and other restraints.

Check: Make a check to escape from restraints or to squeeze through a tight space.

Restraint DC
Ropes Opponent|s Dex bonus +20
Snare Snare|s rank +20 (see Snare, page 99)
Tight space 30
Grapple Opponent|s grapple check

Try Again: Yes.
Action: Making a check to escape from ropes or other restraints requires one minute. Escaping a grapple is a standard action. Escaping a Snare is a full-round action. Squeezing or reaching through a tight space takes at least one minute, maybe longer, depending on the distance.
Special: You can take 10 on an Escape Artist check. You can take 20 if you are not actively opposed, such as when being grappled or pinned.

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