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======Escape Artist (Dex, Manipulation)======

You|re trained in escaping bonds and other restraints.

**Check:** Make a check to escape from restraints or to squeeze through a tight space.

||Ropes||Opponent|s Dex bonus +20||
||[[MMSnare Snare]]||[[MMSnare Snare|s]] rank +20 (see Snare, page 99)||
||Tight space||30||
||Grapple||Opponent|s grapple check||

- //Tight Spaces:// For a tight space, a check is only called for if your head fits but your shoulders don|t. If the space is longer than your height, such as in an airshaft, the GM may call for multiple checks. You can|t fit through a space your head doesn|t fit through. You can also reach through a tight space your hand fits through but your arm normally does not by making an Escape Artist check.

- //Escaping Grapples:// You can make an Escape Artist check opposed by an opponent|s grapple check to get out of a grapple or out of a pinned condition. Doing so is a standard action. If you escape being pinned, you are still being grappled. If you escape the grapple you can move in the same round.

**Try Again:** Yes.
**Action:** Making a check to escape from ropes or other restraints requires one minute. Escaping a grapple is a standard action. Escaping a [[MMSnare Snare]] is a full-round action. Squeezing or reaching through a tight space takes at least one minute, maybe longer, depending on the distance.
**Special:** You can take 10 on an Escape Artist check. You can take 20 if you are not actively opposed, such as when being grappled or pinned.

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