Revision [280]

This is an old revision of MMEnvironmentalControl made by GilbertoLeon on 2009-12-06 21:03:26.


Environmental Control

Type: General Action: Standard (active)
Range: Ranged Duration: Sustained
Saving Throw: See description Cost: 1-2 points per rank

You can change the environmental conditions in an area: altering the temperature, creating light, causing rain, and so forth (see The Environment, M&M, beginning on page 167, for the effects of different environmental conditions).

Each of the following is a separate Environmental Control effect. If you have one you can acquire others as Alternate Powers in an Array (see the Array power structure), but you can then only use and maintain one at a time. To use or maintain multiple Environmental Control effects simultaneously, add their costs together for the effect|s total cost per rank (or see the Mix-and-Match Environments option, following).

Your Environmental Control has a 5-foot radius at rank 1. Each additional rank moves the maximum radius one step up the Progression Table (with a radius of approximately 2,000 miles at rank 20, sufficient to alter the environment of an entire continent!).

Option: Mix-and-match environments

For especially broad Environmental Control effects, like the power to command the weather, the GM may wish to apply the following optional rule. Rather than having a set list of effects the user can create, Environmental Control divides its cost for any given use among effects with appropriate descriptors, making it a limited sort of Variable structure (see Variable later in this chapter).

So, for example, an Environmental Control effect costing 4 points per rank can distribute those 4 points among different effects as the user sees fit. So one use it might be intense cold (1 point), a DC 10 distraction (2 points), and hamper movement to one-half speed (1 point) for a blizzard. The next use could be extreme heat (2 points) and hampering movement to one-quarter (2 points) for desert-like heat, and so forth.

Power Feats


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