Revision history for MMEnhancedTrait

Revision [1352]

Last edited on 2012-03-05 23:38:57 by GilbertoLeon
{{table columns="2" cellpadding="1" cells="Type: Trait;Action: None (passive);Range: Personal;Duration: Continuous;Saving Throw: None;Cost: Varies (see description)"}}

Revision [1351]

Edited on 2012-03-05 23:38:49 by GilbertoLeon
||**Type:** Trait||**Action:** None (passive)||
||**Range:** Personal||**Duration:** Continuous||
||**Saving Throw:** None||**Cost:** Varies (see description)||

Revision [945]

Edited on 2011-03-06 10:51:03 by GilbertoLeon
You can freely mix normal and Enhanced Traits, and their benefits stack up to the limits of the campaign|s power level. So a character can have Dexterity 15 and Enhanced Dexterity 5 for a total Dexterity score of 25 (a +7 bonus), so long as the total Dex score is within the power level limits. If the character|s Enhanced Dexterity is nullified, he drops down to a +2 Dex modifier (from his natural Dex of 15).
You can freely mix normal and Enhanced Traits, and their benefits stack up to the limits of the campaign|s power level. So a character can have Dexterity 15 and Enhanced Dexterity 10 for a total Dexterity score of 25 (a +7 bonus), so long as the total Dex score is within the power level limits. If the character|s Enhanced Dexterity is nullified, he drops down to a +2 Dex modifier (from his natural Dex of 15).

Revision [170]

Edited on 2009-08-31 20:37:53 by GilbertoLeon
Enhanced Traits can be nullified like other effects (and unlike normal traits), but you can also apply extra effort to them and include them in Arrays, [[MMDevice Devices]], and so forth (also unlike normal traits). The GM approves any extra effort use in conjunction with your Enhanced Traits. Enhanced Traits also have appropriate descriptors, differentiating them from normal traits.
Enhanced Traits can be nullified like other effects (and unlike normal traits), but you can also apply extra effort to them and include them in Arrays, [[MMDevices Devices]], and so forth (also unlike normal traits). The GM approves any extra effort use in conjunction with your Enhanced Traits. Enhanced Traits also have appropriate descriptors, differentiating them from normal traits.

Revision [161]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2009-08-31 20:03:01 by GilbertoLeon
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