Revision [822]

This is an old revision of MMElongation made by GilbertoLeon on 2010-05-09 14:24:51.



Type: Alteration Action: Move (active)
Range: Personal Duration: Sustained
Saving Throw: None Cost: 1 point per rank

You can elongate your body and limbs to extend your reach. You can elongate 5 feet at rank 1; each additional rank moves your maximum range (in feet) one step up the Progression Table: 10 feet, 25 feet, 50 feet, and so on. Past rank 6, you can|t elongate your entire distance in a single move action. You can elongate up to (rank x 50 feet) per move action, up to your maximum distance. So at rank 10, for example, you can elongate 500 feet per move action to a maximum of 5,000 feet, so it takes five full-round actions to reach your maximum extension. "Snapping back" to your normal shape is a free action, unless you elongate past rank 6, in which case retracting completely requires the same amount of time as elongating that distance.

You can use Elongation to make melee attacks at a greater distance by elongating your limbs. It requires a full action to both elongate (move action) and attack (standard action). Once elongated, you can make melee attacks within your new reach as a standard action.

Your elongated attacks have a "range increment" of (power rank x 10 feet), each increment beyond the first applies a -2 penalty to your attack rolls and checks, since it|s harder for you to coordinate your limbs at a distance. If you can|t accurately sense your target at all (around a corner, for example), apply the rules for concealment (see Concealment, M&M, page 161). The range increment is based on the distance between your target and your head (or wherever your accurate senses originate), so if you elongate your neck so your head is within one increment of your target, you suffer no range penalties, although you|ll be less aware of what|s going on around the rest of your body!

You gain a bonus to Defense against attacks on your elongated limbs as if you were one size category smaller than usual (see Size, M&M, page 34). So the elongated limb of a medium character has a +1 Defense bonus (like a small character).

Elongation gives you a bonus on Escape Artist checks and grapple checks equal to your power rank due to your greater flexibility and reach.

At rank 3 or higher, you can move more quickly than normal by stretching out to a spot as a move action and pulling the rest of your body in after you, or extending your limbs to give you a longer stride. The maximum distance you can move in this way is the amount you can elongate in a single move action. You can take two move actions to double the distance (as a full round action) but you can|t move "all out" with Elongation.

Power Feats




Associated Effects

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