Revision [855]
This is an old revision of MMDisplacement made by GilbertoLeon on 2010-05-10 15:57:35.
Effect: Visual Concealment, Limited | Action: Free (active) |
Range: Personal | Duration: Sustained |
Saving Throw: None | Cost: 4 points per rank |
You can create a visual distortion that causes you to appear in an area adjacent (about 5 feet away) from where you actually are. This provides total concealment in that opponents attacking your apparent position have a 50% miss chance and your actual position is difficult to detect (use the guidelines under the Concealment effect description). This power is not quite as useful as true invisibility as your displaced image is still present; anyone seeing it knows you are nearby, just not necessarily where. You can shift the position of your displaced image as a free action once each round, but it must always remain within 5 feet of your actual position.