Revision [1158]

This is an old revision of MMDiplomacy made by GilbertoLeon on 2010-09-05 15:08:45.


Diplomacy (Cha, Interaction)

You|re skilled in dealing with people, from etiquette and social graces to a way with words and public speaking. Use this skill to make a good impression, negotiate, and win people over.

Check: You can change others| attitudes with a successful Diplomacy check. In negotiations, all participants roll Diplomacy checks to see who gains the advantage. Opposed checks also resolve cases where two advocates plead opposing cases before a third party.


Attitude Means Possible Actions
Hostile Will take risks to hurt or avoid you Attack, interfere, berate, flee
Unfriendly Wishes you ill Mislead, gossip, avoid, watch suspiciously, insult
Indifferent Doesn|t much care Act as socially expected
Friendly Wishes you well Chat, advise, offer limited help, advocate
Helpful Will take risks to help you Protect, back up, heal, aid
Fanatic Will do anything for you Fight to the death under overwhelming odds


Initial Attitude Hostile Unfriendly Indifferent Friendly Helpful Fanatic
Hostile 19 or less 20 25 35 45 150
Unfriendly 4 or less 5 15 25 35 120
Indifferent -- 0 or less 1 15 25 90
Friendly -- -- 0 or less 1 15 60
Helpful -- -- -- 0 or less 1 50

Diplomacy can influence an NPC|s attitude. The GM chooses the character|s initial attitude based on circumstances. Most of the time, people are friendly or indifferent toward heroes, but a specific situation may call for a different initial attitude. The DCs given on the Interaction table show what it takes to change someone|s attitude with a use of Diplomacy. You don|t declare a specific outcome; instead, make the check and compare the result to the Interaction table to see what you|ve accomplished. A low roll may actually worsen the subject|s attitude!

A fanatical NPC is willing to do anything the character wants. The fanatic state lasts for one day, plus a day per point of the character|s Charisma bonus. Fanatics can|t have their attitudes adjusted using interaction skills and have a +20 bonus to resist attempts to intimidate them.

Try Again: Generally, trying again doesn|t work. Even if the initial check succeeds, the other character can only be persuaded so far. If the initial check fails, the other character has probably become more firmly committed to his position, and trying again is futile. At the GM|s discretion, you can try again when the situation changes in some way: you find a new approach to your argument, new evidence appears, and so forth.
Action: Diplomacy is at least a full-round action. The GM may determine some negotiations require longer (perhaps much longer).

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