Revision [150]

This is an old revision of MMDevice made by GilbertoLeon on 2009-08-31 18:34:53.



Effect: Container Action: None
Range: Touch Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None Cost: 3 or 4 points per rank

A Device is a type of Container (see the Container power structure): an item granting you the use of certain traits. A Device might be a piece of super-science technology, a magical artifact, or a focus of cosmic power. Each Device rank gives you 5 power points you use to purchase the Device|s traits. So long as you have the Device, you have access to its traits. You cannot use points from a Device to buy another Device.

The cost of a Device depends on how easily you can lose it. For 4 points per rank (an effective -1 flaw), the Device is hard to lose. It can only be taken away from you while you are helpless (see Helpless, M&M, page 171). Examples include a suit of armor or a magic ring. For 3 points per rank (an effective -2 flaw), the Device is easy to lose. It can be taken away from you with a successful Disarm action (see Disarm, M&M, page 156). Examples include a hand-held weapon or hat that can be snatched from you.

An item that cannot be taken away from you at all isn|t a Device, just a descriptor for another effect. For example, a bionic arm may grant you Enhanced Strength, and have a technological descriptor, but since it can|t be taken away (short of surgery or severing it from your body) it doesn|t count as a Device.

With the GM|s permission, you can split power points from this effect into several Devices, so long as they can all be taken away from you in the same manner. It|s harder to take away all of your Devices at once, but easier to remove their benefits one-by-one.

Damaging Devices

Devices are subject to damage like objects (see Damaging Objects, M&M, page 166). Treat the Device|s Toughness as (10 + Device rank). A disabled Device no longer functions, while a "dying" Device is destroyed and must be replaced or rebuilt. Repairing a Device is normally a Craft skill check, with the DC and time required depending on the damage: simple (DC 15 and 1 hour) for repairing an "injured" Device, and complex (DC 25 and 24 hours) for repairing a disabled one. Destroyed Devices must be completely rebuilt.

Device And Extra Effort

When you acquire a Device choose whether the strain of using extra effort applies to you or the Device itself (see Extra Effort, M&M, page 120). If it applies to you, follow the normal extra effort rules. If it applies to the Device, then using extra effort to enhance the Device|s traits places stress on its construction or systems. A "fatigued" Device loses 2 power points from each of its effects. An "exhausted" Device loses 6 power points from each of its effects, and a Device pushed beyond exhausted is disabled and stops working. The modifiers last until the Device is repaired (a simple or moderate repair task, respectively, see the Craft skill, M&M, page 45).

Power Feats

Note that a Device|s effects may have power feats of their own. These are associated with the particular effect and come out of the Device|s pool of power points. The following feats apply to the Device structure itself. Their cost is therefore in addition to the structure|s cost per rank.




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