Revision [134]

This is an old revision of MMDensity made by GilbertoLeon on 2009-11-11 17:49:31.



Type: Alteration Action: Free (active)
Range: Personal Duration: Sustained
Saving Throw: None Cost: 3 points per rank

You can increase your mass, and therefore your Strength and Toughness. Every rank of Density active gives you +2 Strength (a +1 Str bonus). Every two ranks give you +1 Toughness with the Impervious extra (see Impervious under Protection). Every three ranks give you a rank of Immovable and Super-Strength (see those effect descriptions in this chapter) and move your mass one step up the Progression Table: x2 at rank 3, x5 at rank 6, x10 at rank 9, and so forth.

Additional Strength from Density does not improve your Strength-based skills or the distance you can jump, since your mass also increases. In fact, you automatically fail Swim checks while Density is active at 3 ranks or more, because of your negative buoyancy.

Density Effects

Rank Strength Toughness [[MMImmovable Immovable]] [[MMSuperStrength Super-Strength]] Mass

Power Feats




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