Demonic Glare (Skill, Ranked)

During social interaction, you have the option to express your anger and annoyance in subtle yet very effective ways. Choose a target, preferably one who just said or did something supremely stupid or insensitive. As a move action, you can make an Intimidate check against your target|s Will save. If you win, in his mind, you|re wreathed in hellfire and your eyes are giant, blank pits of white-hot flame (or choose your favorite imagery). You just have to stare at him (he must be able to see you), and he becomes unable to speak for that round. You can maintain the effect (requiring a move action each round). The effect ends when you stop. Each additional rank moves the number of targets you can affect one step up the Time and Value Progression Table. If combat begins, the effect ends. This feat works better in light-hearted or outright comedic series.

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