Revision [459]

This is an old revision of MMDefensiveRoll made by GilbertoLeon on 2010-04-02 12:09:29.


Deffensive Roll (Combat, Ranked)

You can evade damage through agility and "rolling" with an attack. You receive a bonus to your Toughness saving throws equal to your rank, but lose your Defensive Roll bonus whenever you are denied your dodge bonus or unable to take a free action unless you are able to succeed on a Concentration check (DC based on circumstances, see Concentration in Chapter 3).. Your total Toughness save bonus, including Defensive Roll, is limited by the campaign|s power level. You can add your Defensive Roll rank as a bonus to Reflex saves against area attacks (see Chapter 8) or as a bonus to your Toughness save against the resulting damage, but not both.

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