Create Object

Type: GeneralAction: Standard (active)
Range: RangedDuration: Sustained
Saving Throw: See descriptionCost: 2 points per rank

You can form solid objects essentially out of nowhere. They may be made of solidified energy, "hard" water or air, transmuted bulk matter, ice, stone, or something else entirely, depending on the effect|s descriptors.

You can form any simple geometric shape or common object (such as a cube, sphere, dome, hammer, lens, disk, etc.). The GM has final say on whether or not a particular object is too complex for this effect. Generally, your objects can|t have any moving parts more complex than a hinge. They can be solid or hollow, opaque or transparent, as you choose when you use the effect.

You can create an object up to one 5-foot cube in size per power rank with Toughness up to your power rank. Created objects can be damaged or broken like ordinary objects (see Damaging Objects, M&M, page 166). They also vanish if you stop maintaining them. You can repair any damage to a created object at will by using your effect again (essentially "re-creating" the object).

Created Objects, Cover, And Concealment

A created object can provide cover or concealment (if the object is opaque) just like a normal object. Cover provided by a created object can block incoming attacks, but blocks outgoing attacks as well. Attacks hitting the covering object damage it normally. Indirect effects can bypass the cover a created object provides just like any other cover (see the Indirect power feat description). Selective Create Object allows you to vary the cover and concealment your objects provide.

Trapping With Objects

You can trap a target inside a large enough hollow object (a cage or bubble, for example). The target gets a Reflex saving throw to avoid being trapped. A trapped character can break out of the object normally. Limiting the target|s mobility in addition to trapping them requires a Snare effect rather than Create Object (see Snare in this chapter). You may wish to place a Snare in an Array with Create Object (see Array in this chapter).

Dropping Objects

Dropping a created object on a target is treated like an Area Attack based on the object|s size (see Area Attack, M&M, page 159). The object inflicts damage equal to its Toughness, and targets get a Reflex saving throw to evade the falling object. A successful save results in no damage (rather than the usual half damage).

While a created object can potentially be wielded as an improvised weapon, the Create Objects effect cannot otherwise create attacks or other effects; you must acquire these separately (as Linked effects or Alternate Powers in an Array, for example).

Supporting Weight

If a created object needs to support weight--created as a bridge or support a weakened structure, for example--treat the object|s effective heavy load strength as (Create Object rank x 5). So a rank 8 object can support 3 tons, the same as Strength 40 (or 8 x 5). More than a heavy load causes the object to collapse. You can "shore up" a created object by taking a full-round action and concentrating, allowing it to support twice its normal heavy load for one round. You can also use extra effort to double a created object|s maximum support for one round, and these modifiers are cumulative.

Power Feats



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