
Effect: Damage, Drain, Affects ObjectsAction: Standard (active)
Range: TouchDuration: Instant
Saving Throw: Fortitude/ToughnessCost: 3 points per rank

Your touch causes matter to weaken and corrode. Living targets make a Fortitude save. If the save fails, subtract the amount of the failure from the target|s Toughness save bonus, up to a maximum of your power rank, before inflicting damage equal to your power rank. Nonliving objects lose Toughness equal to your rank automatically and suffer damage according to their lowered Toughness score. Damage is inflicted whether the target loses Toughness or not. A living target|s Toughness save cannot drop below -5, an object|s can drop to as low as -10. Living targets recover lost Toughness at a rate of 1 point per round. Objects must be repaired.

Power Feats


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