Revision [140]

This is an old revision of MMCommunication made by GilbertoLeon on 2009-08-31 17:32:24.



Type: Sensory Action: Free (active)
Range: Extended Duration: Sustained
Saving Throw: None Cost: 1 points per rank

You can communicate over a distance using a medium other than your normal voice. Choose a sense type as the medium for your communication (see the list of examples). You may also use a special sense type (neutrinos, gravitons, magical sendings, and so forth) noticeable only to an appropriate form of the detect Super-Sense (see Super-Senses in this chapter).

The following are some types of communication associated with particular sense types. This is by no means an exhaustive list, and the Gamemaster is free to allow other sorts of Communication, as best suits the character and the setting.

Base range for Communication is 10 feet at rank 1. Each additional rank increases range as shown on the Extended Range Table. Communication is instantaneous with any subject within your range.
A fluid character may attempt to catch a falling person or object, cushioning the fall with the character|s flexible form. This requires a move action, and reduces the falling damage by the cushioning character|s Toughness bonus (representing flexibility in this case). Both characters suffer any remaining damage. Higher rank insubstantial forms--lacking physical Strength--cannot attempt this.

Unless you have Immunity to Suffocation (see the Associated Effects section of this power), you must hold your breath while passing through a solid object, and you can suffocate normally. If you revert to solid form while inside a solid object for any reason, you suffer Fortitude-based lethal damage equal to the object|s Toughness. If you are not disabled by the damage, you|re immediately ejected from the object into the nearest open space. If you are disabled, you|re trapped inside the object and your condition worsens to dying on the following round.

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