Revision history for MMBurrowing
||**Type:** Movement||**Action:** Move (active)||
||**Range:** Personal||**Duration:** Sustained||
||**Saving Throw:** None||**Cost:** 1 point per rank||
||**Range:** Personal||**Duration:** Sustained||
||**Saving Throw:** None||**Cost:** 1 point per rank||
- **Penetrating: **Normally, the hardness of the ground affects only the speed at which you burrow. At the GM|s discretion, some super-hard materials may be considered Impervious to Burrowing, in which case this extra allows you to dig through them. See the [[MMExtras Penetrating]] extra for details.
- **Penetrating: **Normally, the hardness of the ground affects only the speed at which you burrow. At the GM|s discretion, some super-hard materials may be considered Impervious to Burrowing, in which case this extra allows you to dig through them. See the [[MMPenetrating Penetrating]] extra for details.