Revision [246]

This is an old revision of MMBoost made by GilbertoLeon on 2009-11-11 18:51:26.



Type: Trait Action: Standard (active)
Range: Touch Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: Fortitude (harmless) Cost: 1-5 points per rank

You can improve a trait or traits temporarily. You can boost yourself or others by touch.

Take a standard action to use Boost. Each rank improves the targeted trait by 1 power point. These temporary points fade at a rate of 1 per round until they are gone and the trait returns to its normal value (this rate can be slowed using the Slow Fade power feat). Temporary power points that restore a trait back to its normal starting value do not fade.

You can boost the trait again before the temporary power points have faded, but you cannot add more than your Boost rank in power points to a trait. Boosts are not cumulative; only the highest-ranked one applies to any given trait at any given time. So combining Boost 3 and Boost 8 results in an increase of 8 power points, not 11, and applying Boost 10 to a trait after 5 power points have faded raises the temporary power points back to 10, not 15.

The cost per rank determines the effect of Boost:

You cannot Boost permanent or innate effects. Boosted traits must generally remain within the campaign|s power level limits, although the GM should feel free to waive or modify this requirement as best suits the needs of the game (see Buffing Powers on page 120 for further discussion).

Power Feats



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