Bishonen/Bishoujo (General, Ranked)

You are an extremely attractive member of your chosen gender, stunning others with your looks. When you use an interaction skill against a character controlled by the GM, success brings said character|s attitude towards you one step closer to Helpful, in addition to the normal effects of the interaction task you attempted (see Diplomacy, page 46 in Mutants & Masterminds), because she just feels good that such a good-looking person is talking to her. If you are using the Diplomacy skill precisely to improve NPCs| attitudes, a success would actually improve their attitude by two steps. Once you enjoy this effect, you cannot use it again during the same interaction with the same person. You can only affect a single target up to 10 feet away from you; with each additional rank, the range of this effect and the number of targets increase by one step on the Time and Value Progression table. The attitude gains from this feat are temporary. After a few minutes out of your sight, the target|s or targets| attitudes return to normal (unless you successfully improved them with regular interaction).

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