Revision history for MMArray

Revision [847]

Last edited on 2010-05-10 12:06:54 by GilbertoLeon
- **Dynamic: **This feat makes an Alternate Power Dynamic, allowing it to share Array power points with other Dynamic Alternate Powers. Making the default power of an Array dynamic also requires an application of this feat. Usually, an Array needs at least two Dynamic configurations for this feat to be useful, although it can also be handy for Arrays where one Alternate Power requires fewer points than the Array provides (allowing those "wasted" points to be applied elsewhere). The total point value of Dynamic Alternate Powers in use still cannot exceed the Array|s available power points and the Array|s configuration can still only change once per round.
- **Dynamic: **Applied to one of the Array|s Alternate Powers, this feat makes that Alternate Power dynamic, allowing it to share Array power points with other Dynamic Alternate Powers. Making the default power of an Array dynamic also requires an application of this feat. Usually, an Array needs at least two Dynamic configurations for this feat to be useful, although it can also be handy for Arrays where one Alternate Power requires fewer points than the Array provides (allowing those "wasted" points to be applied elsewhere). The total point value of Dynamic Alternate Powers in use still cannot exceed the Array|s available power points and the Array|s configuration can still only change once per round.

Revision [846]

Edited on 2010-05-09 20:53:56 by GilbertoLeon
=====Alternate Power Level Limits=====
=====Using Alternate Powers=====
=====Multiple Effects In An Alternate Power=====
=====Power Feats=====
=====Alternate power level limits=====
=====Using alternate powers=====
=====Multiple effects in an alternate power=====
=====Power feats=====

Revision [808]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2010-05-09 13:13:57 by GilbertoLeon
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