Revision history for Eleazar
**Feats: ** [[MMAttackFocus Attack Focus (Melee)]] 4, [[MMDodgeFocus Dodge Focus]] 3, [[MMInspire Inspire]] 2, [[MMDiehard Diehard]], [[MMFearless Fearless]], [[MMFearsomePresence Fearsome Presence]] 4, [[MMRitualist Ritualist (Expertise (Religion))]]
**Skills: ** [[MMExpertise Expertise]] (Oratory) 9 (+9), [[MMExpertise Expertise]] (Religion) 15 (+15), [[MMExpertise Expertise]] (Streetwise) 10 (+10), [[MMGatherInformation Gather Information]] 6 (+10/+12), [[MMIntimidate Intimidate]] 9 (+13/+15), [[MMMedicine Medicine]] 5 (+9/+10), [[MMNotice Notice]] 7 (+11/+12), [[MMSearch Search]] 5 (+5), [[MMSenseMotive Sense Motive]] 10 (+14/+15)
**Skills: ** [[MMExpertise Expertise]] (Oratory) 9 (+13/+15), [[MMExpertise Expertise]] (Religion) 15 (+15), [[MMExpertise Expertise]] (Streetwise) 10 (+10), [[MMGatherInformation Gather Information]] 6 (+10/+12), [[MMIntimidate Intimidate]] 9 (+13/+15), [[MMMedicine Medicine]] 5 (+9/+10), [[MMNotice Notice]] 7 (+11/+12), [[MMSearch Search]] 5 (+5), [[MMSenseMotive Sense Motive]] 10 (+14/+15)
**Skills: ** [[MMGatherInformation Gather Information]] 6 (+10/+12), [[MMIntimidate Intimidate]] 9 (+13/+15), [[MMExpertise Expertise]] (Streetwise) 10 (+10), [[MMExpertise Expertise]] (Religion) 15 (+15), [[MMMedicine Medicine]] 5 (+9/+10), [[MMNotice Notice]] 7 (+11/+12), [[MMExpertise Expertise]] (Oratory) 9 (+13/+15), [[MMSearch Search]] 5 (+5), [[MMSenseMotive Sense Motive]] 10 (+14/+15)
**Skills: ** Gather Information 6 (+10/+12), Intimidate 9 (+13/+15), Knowledge (Streetwise) 10 (+10), Knowledge (Theology) 15 (+15), Medicine 5 (+9/+10), Notice 7 (+11/+12), Perform (Oratory) 9 (+13/+15), Search 5 (+5), Sense Motive 10 (+14/+15)
Circunstancia +Modificador (Detalles)
//AP: //**[[MMExorcism Exorcism]] 12** ([[MMFlaws Flaws]]: Range [Perception to Touch; -2 pp]; 1 pp)
**[[MMForceField Force Field]] 5** ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Impervious [+1]; 10 pp)
**[[MMFlight Flight]] 5** ([[MMPowerDrawbacks Drawbacks]]: Power loss [When unable to say a prayer, minor, uncommon; -1 pp]; 9 pp)
**[[MMArray Array]] 10** ([[MMPowerDrawbacks Drawbacks]]: Power Loss [When unable to say a prayer, minor, uncommon; -1 pp]; 19 pp)
//Base Power: //**[[MMStrike Strike]] 8** ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Penetrating 10 [+1]; [[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Improved Critical, Mighty)
//AP: //**[[MMBlast Blast]] 9** ([[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Accurate 2; 1 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMStun Stun]] 6** ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Area [Targeted, Cone; +1]; [[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Reversible, Sedation; 1 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMHealing Healing]] 6** ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Total [+1]; [[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Stabilize, Persistent; 1 pp)
CON +2
WIS +2
CHA +4
**Toughness** +4
Enhanced Constitution +1
Force Field +5 (Impervious)
**Fortitude** +9
Enhanced Constitution +1
**Reflex** +4
**Will** +14
Enhanced Wisdom +1
**Attack** +4
Blast +4
Melee +4
Unarmed +2
Blast +9
Strike +10 (Penetrating, Crit on 19-20)
**Defense** 16 (12 flat-footed)
**Initiative** +0
Circunstancia +Modificador (Detalles)
Circunstancia +Modificador (Detalles)
**Grapple** +6
**Knockback** 1/2 Toughness (Non-impervious) + Toughness (Impervious)
**Wealth: ** +0 (Impoverished)
**[[MMDrawbacks Drawbacks]]: ** No base wealth bonus (Minor, Common; 2pp)
**[[MMForceField Force Field]] 5** ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Impervious [+1]; 10 pp)
**[[MMFlight Flight]] 5** ([[MMPowerDrawbacks Drawbacks]]: Power loss [When unable to say a prayer, minor, uncommon; -1 pp]; 9 pp)
**[[MMArray Array]] 10** ([[MMPowerDrawbacks Drawbacks]]: Power Loss [When unable to say a prayer, minor, uncommon; -1 pp]; 19 pp)
//Base Power: //**[[MMStrike Strike]] 8** ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Penetrating 10 [+1]; [[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Improved Critical, Mighty)
//AP: //**[[MMBlast Blast]] 9** ([[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Accurate 2; 1 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMStun Stun]] 6** ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Area [Targeted, Cone; +1]; [[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Reversible, Sedation; 1 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMHealing Healing]] 6** ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Total [+1]; [[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Stabilize, Persistent; 1 pp)
CON +2
WIS +2
CHA +4
**Toughness** +4
Enhanced Constitution +1
Force Field +5 (Impervious)
**Fortitude** +9
Enhanced Constitution +1
**Reflex** +4
**Will** +14
Enhanced Wisdom +1
**Attack** +4
Blast +4
Melee +4
Unarmed +2
Blast +9
Strike +10 (Penetrating, Crit on 19-20)
**Defense** 16 (12 flat-footed)
**Initiative** +0
Circunstancia +Modificador (Detalles)
Circunstancia +Modificador (Detalles)
**Grapple** +6
**Knockback** 1/2 Toughness (Non-impervious) + Toughness (Impervious)
**Wealth: ** +0 (Impoverished)
**[[MMDrawbacks Drawbacks]]: ** No base wealth bonus (Minor, Common; 2pp)
**[[MMForceField Force Field]] 5** (Extras: Impervious [+1]; 10 pp)
**[[MMFlight Flight]] 5** (Drawbacks: Power loss [When unable to say a prayer, minor, uncommon; -1 pp]; 9 pp)
**[[MMArray Array]] 10** (Power Loss [When unable to say a prayer, minor, uncommon; -1 pp]; 19 pp)
//Base Power: //**[[MMStrike Strike]] 8** (Extras: Penetrating 10 [+1]; Power Feats: Improved Critical, Mighty)
//AP: //**[[MMBlast Blast]] 9** (Power Feats: Accurate 2; 1 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMStun Stun]] 6** (Extras: Area [Targeted, Cone; +1]; Power Feats: Reversible, Sedation; 1 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMHealing Healing]] 6** (Extras: Total [+1]; Power Feats: Stabilize, Persistent; 1 pp)
CON +2 (Enhanced)
WIS +2 (Enhanced)
CHA +4 (Enhanced)
**Combat: ** Attack +4, +8 (Melee, Blast, Stun); Damage +2 (Unarmed), +9 (Blast), +10 (Strike, Penetrating, Crit on 19-20); Defense 16 (12 flat-footed); Initiative +0; Grapple +8; Knockback 7
**Wealth: ** +0
**Drawbacks: ** No base wealth bonus (Minor, Common; 2pp)
**Feats: ** [[MMAttackFocus Attack Focus (Melee)]] 4, [[MMDodgeFocus Dodge Focus]] 3, [[MMInspire Inspire]] 2, [[MMDiehard Diehard]], [[MMFearless Fearless]], [[MMFearsomePresence Fearsome Presence]] 4, [[MMRitualist Ritualist (Knowledge (Theology))]]
**Feats: ** [[MMAttackFocus Attack Focus (Melee)]] 4, [[MMDodgeFocus Dodge Focus]] 3, [[MMInspire Inspire]] 2, [[MMDiehard Diehard]], [[MMFearless Fearless]], [[MMFearsomePresence Fearsome Presence]] 4, [[MMRitualist Ritualist [Knowledge (Theology)]]]
**Feats: ** [[MMAttackFocus Attack Focus (Melee)]] 4, [[MMDodgeFocus Dodge Focus]] 3, [[MMInspire Inspire]] 2, [[MMDiehard Diehard]], [[MMFearless Fearless]], [[MMFearsomePresence Fearsome Presence]] 4, [[MMRitualist Ritualist -Knowledge (Theology)-]]
**[[MMArray Array]] 3** (6 pp)
//Base Power: //**[[MMSuperSenses Super Senses]] 6** (Normal Sight [Counters illusion]; Demonic Awareness [Mental, Extended 2, Benefit (Direct Inspiration)])
//Base Power: //**[[MMSuperSenses Super Senses]] 6** (Normal Sight [Counters illusion]; Demonic Awareness [Mental, Extended 2, Benefit (Direct Inspiration)])
**Skills: ** Gather Information 6 (+12), Intimidate 9 (+15), Knowledge (Streetwise) 10 (+10), Knowledge (Theology) 15 (+15), Medicine 5 (+10), Notice 7 (+12), Perform (Oratory) 9 (+15), Search 5 (+5), Sense Motive 10 (+15)
**Feats: ** Melee Focus 4, Dodge Focus 3, Inspire 2, Diehard, Fearless, Fearsome Presence 4, Ritualist -Knowledge (Theology)-
**[[MMSuperSenses Super Senses]] 6** (Normal Sight [Counters illusion]; Demonic Awareness [Mental, Extended 2, Benefit (Direct Inspiration)]; 6 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMExorcism Exorcism]] 12** (Flaws: Range [Perception to Touch; -2 pp]; 1 pp)
**[[MMForceField Force Field]] 5** (Extras: Impervious [+1]; 10 pp)
**[[MMFlight Flight]] 5** (Drawbacks: Power loss [When unable to say a prayer, minor, uncommon; -1 pp]; 9 pp)
**[[MMArray Array]] 10** (Power Loss [When unable to say a prayer, minor, uncommon; -1 pp]; 19 pp)
//Base Power: //**[[MMStrike Strike]] 8** (Extras: Penetrating 10 [+1]; Power Feats: Improved Critical, Mighty)
//AP: //**[[MMBlast Blast]] 9** (Power Feats: Accurate 2; 1 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMStun Stun]] 6** (Extras: Area [Targeted, Cone; +1]; Power Feats: Reversible, Sedation; 1 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMHealing Healing]] 6** (Extras: Total [+1]; Power Feats: Stabilize, Persistent; 1 pp)
CON +2 (Enhanced)
WIS +2 (Enhanced)
CHA +4 (Enhanced)
**Combat: ** Attack +4, +8 (Melee, Blast, Stun); Damage +2 (Unarmed), +9 (Blast), +10 (Strike, Penetrating, Crit on 19-20); Defense 16 (12 flat-footed); Initiative +0; Grapple +8; Knockback 7
**Saves: ** Toughness +10 (5 Impervious); Fortitude +10; Reflex +4; Will +15
**Wealth: ** +0
**Drawbacks: ** No base wealth bonus (Minor, Common; 2pp)
**Skills: ** Gather Information 6 (+12), Intimidate 9 (+15), Knowledge (Streetwise) 10 (+10), Knowledge (Theology) 15 (+15), Medicine 5 (+10), Notice 7 (+12), Perform (Oratory) 9 (+15), Search 5 (+5), Sense Motive 10 (+15)
**Feats: ** Melee Focus 4, Dodge Focus 3, Inspire 2, Diehard, Fearless, Fearsome Presence 4, Ritualist -Knowledge (Theology)-
**[[MMSuperSenses Super Senses]] 6** (Normal Sight [Counters illusion]; Demonic Awareness [Mental, Extended 2, Benefit (Direct Inspiration)]; 6 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMExorcism Exorcism]] 12** (Flaws: Range [Perception to Touch; -2 pp]; 1 pp)
**[[MMForceField Force Field]] 5** (Extras: Impervious [+1]; 10 pp)
**[[MMFlight Flight]] 5** (Drawbacks: Power loss [When unable to say a prayer, minor, uncommon; -1 pp]; 9 pp)
**[[MMArray Array]] 10** (Power Loss [When unable to say a prayer, minor, uncommon; -1 pp]; 19 pp)
//Base Power: //**[[MMStrike Strike]] 8** (Extras: Penetrating 10 [+1]; Power Feats: Improved Critical, Mighty)
//AP: //**[[MMBlast Blast]] 9** (Power Feats: Accurate 2; 1 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMStun Stun]] 6** (Extras: Area [Targeted, Cone; +1]; Power Feats: Reversible, Sedation; 1 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMHealing Healing]] 6** (Extras: Total [+1]; Power Feats: Stabilize, Persistent; 1 pp)
CON +2 (Enhanced)
WIS +2 (Enhanced)
CHA +4 (Enhanced)
**Combat: ** Attack +4, +8 (Melee, Blast, Stun); Damage +2 (Unarmed), +9 (Blast), +10 (Strike, Penetrating, Crit on 19-20); Defense 16 (12 flat-footed); Initiative +0; Grapple +8; Knockback 7
**Saves: ** Toughness +10 (5 Impervious); Fortitude +10; Reflex +4; Will +15
**Wealth: ** +0
**Drawbacks: ** No base wealth bonus (Minor, Common; 2pp)
**Skills: ** [[MMExpertise Expertise]] (Oratory) 9 (+9), [[MMExpertise Expertise]] (Religion) 15 (+15), [[MMExpertise Expertise]] (Streetwise) 10 (+10), [[MMGatherInformation Gather Information]] 6 (+10/+12), [[MMIntimidate Intimidate]] 9 (+13/+15), [[MMMedicine Medicine]] 5 (+9/+10), [[MMNotice Notice]] 7 (+11/+12), [[MMSearch Search]] 5 (+5), [[MMSenseMotive Sense Motive]] 10 (+14/+15)
**Feats: ** [[MMAttackFocus Attack Focus (Melee)]] 4, [[MMDodgeFocus Dodge Focus]] 3, [[MMInspire Inspire]] 2, [[MMDiehard Diehard]], [[MMFearless Fearless]], [[MMFearsomePresence Fearsome Presence]] 4, [[MMRitualist Ritualist (Expertise (Religion))]]
**[[MMArray Array]] 3** (6 pp)
//Base Power: //**[[MMSuperSenses Super Senses]] 6** (Normal Sight [Counters illusion]; Demonic Awareness [Mental, Extended 2, Benefit (Direct Inspiration)])
//AP: //**[[MMExorcism Exorcism]] 12** ([[MMFlaws Flaws]]: Range [Perception to Touch; -2 pp]; 1 pp)
**[[MMForceField Force Field]] 5** ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Impervious [+1]; 10 pp)
**[[MMFlight Flight]] 5** ([[MMPowerDrawbacks Drawbacks]]: Power loss [When unable to say a prayer, minor, uncommon; -1 pp]; 9 pp)
**[[MMArray Array]] 10** ([[MMPowerDrawbacks Drawbacks]]: Power Loss [When unable to say a prayer, minor, uncommon; -1 pp]; 19 pp)
//Base Power: //**[[MMStrike Strike]] 8** ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Penetrating 10 [+1]; [[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Improved Critical, Mighty)
//AP: //**[[MMBlast Blast]] 9** ([[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Accurate 2; 1 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMStun Stun]] 6** ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Area [Targeted, Cone; +1]; [[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Reversible, Sedation; 1 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMHealing Healing]] 6** ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Total [+1]; [[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Stabilize, Persistent; 1 pp)
CON +2
WIS +2
CHA +4
**Toughness** +4
Enhanced Constitution +1
Force Field +5 (Impervious)
**Fortitude** +9
Enhanced Constitution +1
**Reflex** +4
**Will** +14
Enhanced Wisdom +1
**Attack** +4
Blast +4
Melee +4
Unarmed +2
Blast +9
Strike +10 (Penetrating, Crit on 19-20)
**Defense** 16 (12 flat-footed)
**Initiative** +0
**Grapple** +6
**Knockback** 1/2 Toughness (Non-impervious) + Toughness (Impervious)
**Wealth: ** +0 (Impoverished)
**[[MMDrawbacks Drawbacks]]: ** No base wealth bonus (Minor, Common; 2pp)
**Feats: ** [[MMAttackFocus Attack Focus (Melee)]] 4, [[MMDodgeFocus Dodge Focus]] 3, [[MMInspire Inspire]] 2, [[MMDiehard Diehard]], [[MMFearless Fearless]], [[MMFearsomePresence Fearsome Presence]] 4, [[MMRitualist Ritualist (Expertise (Religion))]]
**[[MMFlight Flight]] 5** ([[MMPowerDrawbacks Drawbacks]]: Power loss [When unable to say a prayer, minor, uncommon; -1 pp]; 9 pp)
==[[MMAlondra Alondra]]==
**Skills: ** [[MMExpertise Expertise]] (Oratory) 9 (+9), [[MMExpertise Expertise]] (Religion) 15 (+15), [[MMExpertise Expertise]] (Streetwise) 10 (+10), [[MMGatherInformation Gather Information]] 6 (+10/+12), [[MMIntimidate Intimidate]] 9 (+13/+15), [[MMMedicine Medicine]] 5 (+9/+10), [[MMNotice Notice]] 7 (+11/+12), [[MMSearch Search]] 5 (+5), [[MMSenseMotive Sense Motive]] 10 (+14/+15)
**Feats: ** [[MMAttackFocus Attack Focus (Melee)]] 4, [[MMDodgeFocus Dodge Focus]] 3, [[MMInspire Inspire]] 2, [[MMDiehard Diehard]], [[MMFearless Fearless]], [[MMFearsomePresence Fearsome Presence]] 4, [[MMRitualist Ritualist (Expertise: Religion)]]
**[[MMArray Array]] 3** (6 pp)
//Base Power: //**[[MMSuperSenses Super Senses]] 6** (Normal Sight [Counters illusion]; Demonic Awareness [Mental, Extended 2, Benefit (Direct Inspiration)])
//AP: //**[[MMExorcism Exorcism]] 12** ([[MMFlaws Flaws]]: Range [Perception to Touch; -2 pp]; 1 pp)
**[[MMForceField Force Field]] 5** ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Impervious [+1]; 10 pp)
**[[MMFlight Flight]] 5** (250MPH; [[MMPowerDrawbacks Drawbacks]]: Power loss [When unable to say a prayer, minor, uncommon; -1 pp]; 9 pp)
**[[MMArray Array]] 10** ([[MMPowerDrawbacks Drawbacks]]: Power Loss [When unable to say a prayer, minor, uncommon; -1 pp]; 19 pp)
//Base Power: //**[[MMStrike Strike]] 8** ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Penetrating 10 [+1]; [[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Improved Critical, Mighty)
//AP: //**[[MMBlast Blast]] 9** ([[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Accurate 2; 1 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMStun Stun]] 6** ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Area [Targeted, Cone; +1]; [[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Reversible, Sedation; 1 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMHealing Healing]] 6** ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Total [+1]; [[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Stabilize, Persistent; 1 pp)
CON +2
WIS +2
CHA +4
**Toughness** +4
Enhanced Constitution +1
Force Field +5 (Impervious)
**Fortitude** +9
Enhanced Constitution +1
**Reflex** +4
**Will** +14
Enhanced Wisdom +1
**Attack** +4
Blast +4
Melee +4
Unarmed +2
Blast +9
Strike +10 (Penetrating, Crit on 19-20)
**Defense** 16 (12 flat-footed)
**Initiative** +0
**Grapple** +6
**Knockback** 1/2 Toughness (Non-impervious) + Toughness (Impervious)
**Wealth: ** +0 (Impoverished)
**[[MMDrawbacks Drawbacks]]: ** No base wealth bonus (Minor, Common; 2pp)
**Skills: ** [[MMExpertise Expertise]] (Oratory) 9 (+9), [[MMExpertise Expertise]] (Religion) 15 (+15), [[MMExpertise Expertise]] (Streetwise) 10 (+10), [[MMGatherInformation Gather Information]] 6 (+10/+12), [[MMIntimidate Intimidate]] 9 (+13/+15), [[MMMedicine Medicine]] 5 (+9/+10), [[MMNotice Notice]] 7 (+11/+12), [[MMSearch Search]] 5 (+5), [[MMSenseMotive Sense Motive]] 10 (+14/+15)
**Feats: ** [[MMAttackFocus Attack Focus (Melee)]] 4, [[MMDodgeFocus Dodge Focus]] 3, [[MMInspire Inspire]] 2, [[MMDiehard Diehard]], [[MMFearless Fearless]], [[MMFearsomePresence Fearsome Presence]] 4, [[MMRitualist Ritualist (Expertise: Religion)]]
**[[MMArray Array]] 3** (6 pp)
//Base Power: //**[[MMSuperSenses Super Senses]] 6** (Normal Sight [Counters illusion]; Demonic Awareness [Mental, Extended 2, Benefit (Direct Inspiration)])
//AP: //**[[MMExorcism Exorcism]] 12** ([[MMFlaws Flaws]]: Range [Perception to Touch; -2 pp]; 1 pp)
**[[MMForceField Force Field]] 5** ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Impervious [+1]; 10 pp)
**[[MMFlight Flight]] 5** (250MPH; [[MMPowerDrawbacks Drawbacks]]: Power loss [When unable to say a prayer, minor, uncommon; -1 pp]; 9 pp)
**[[MMArray Array]] 10** ([[MMPowerDrawbacks Drawbacks]]: Power Loss [When unable to say a prayer, minor, uncommon; -1 pp]; 19 pp)
//Base Power: //**[[MMStrike Strike]] 8** ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Penetrating 10 [+1]; [[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Improved Critical, Mighty)
//AP: //**[[MMBlast Blast]] 9** ([[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Accurate 2; 1 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMStun Stun]] 6** ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Area [Targeted, Cone; +1]; [[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Reversible, Sedation; 1 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMHealing Healing]] 6** ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Total [+1]; [[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Stabilize, Persistent; 1 pp)
CON +2
WIS +2
CHA +4
**Toughness** +4
Enhanced Constitution +1
Force Field +5 (Impervious)
**Fortitude** +9
Enhanced Constitution +1
**Reflex** +4
**Will** +14
Enhanced Wisdom +1
**Attack** +4
Blast +4
Melee +4
Unarmed +2
Blast +9
Strike +10 (Penetrating, Crit on 19-20)
**Defense** 16 (12 flat-footed)
**Initiative** +0
**Grapple** +6
**Knockback** 1/2 Toughness (Non-impervious) + Toughness (Impervious)
**Wealth: ** +0 (Impoverished)
**[[MMDrawbacks Drawbacks]]: ** No base wealth bonus (Minor, Common; 2pp)
**Skills: ** Gather Information 6 (+12), Intimidate 9 (+15), Knowledge (Streetwise) 10 (+10), Knowledge (Theology) 15 (+15), Medicine 5 (+10), Notice 7 (+12), Perform (Oratory) 9 (+15), Search 5 (+5), Sense Motive 10 (+15)
**Feats: ** Melee Focus 4, Dodge Focus 3, Inspire 2, Diehard, Fearless, Fearsome Presence 4, Ritualist -Knowledge (Theology)-
**[[MMSuperSenses Super Senses]] 6** (Normal Sight [Counters illusion]; Demonic Awareness [Mental, Extended 2, Benefit (Direct Inspiration)]; 6 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMExorcism Exorcism]] 12** (Flaws: Range [Perception to Touch; -2 pp]; 1 pp)
**[[MMForceField Force Field]] 5** (Extras: Impervious [+1]; 10 pp)
**[[MMFlight Flight]] 5** (Drawbacks: Power loss [When unable to say a prayer, minor, uncommon; -1 pp]; 9 pp)
**[[MMStrike Strike]] 8** (Extras: Penetrating 10 [+1]; Power Feats: Improved Critical, Mighty; Drawbacks: Power Loss [When unable to say a prayer, minor, uncommon; -1 pp]; 19 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMBlast Blast]] 9** (Power Feats: Accurate 2; Drawbacks: Power Loss [When unable to say a prayer, minor, uncommon; -1pp]; 1 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMStun Stun]] 6** (Extras: Area [Targeted, Cone; +1]; Power Feats: Reversible, Sedation; Drawbacks: Power Loss [When unable to say a prayer, minor, uncommon; -1pp]; 1 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMHealing Healing]] 6** (Extras: Total [+1]; Power Feats: Stabilize, Persistent; Drawbacks: Power Loss [When unable to say a prayer, minor, uncommon; -1pp]; 1 pp)
CON +2 (Enhanced)
WIS +2 (Enhanced)
CHA +4 (Enhanced)
**Combat: ** Attack +4, +8 (Melee, Blast, Stun); Damage +2 (Unarmed), +9 (Blast), +10 (Strike, Penetrating, Crit on 19-20); Defense 16 (12 flat-footed); Initiative +0; Grapple +8; Knockback 7
**Saves: ** Toughness +10 (5 Impervious); Fortitude +10; Reflex +4; Will +15
**Wealth: ** +0
**Drawbacks: ** No base wealth bonus (Minor, Common; 2pp)
**Combat: ** Attack +4, +8 (Melee, Blast, Stun); Damage +2 (Unarmed), +9 (Blast), +10 (Strike, Penetrating, Crit on 19-20); Defense 16 (12 flat-footed); Initiative +0; Grapple +8; Knockback 7
**Combat: ** Attack +4, +8 (Melee, Blast, Stun); Damage +2 (Unarmed), +9 (Blast), +10 (Penetrating strike, Crit on 19-20); Defense +6 (+2 flat-footed); Initiative +0; Grapple +8; Knockback 7
**Wealth: ** +0
**Drawbacks: ** No base wealth bonus (Minor, Common; 2pp)
**Wealth: ** +0
**Drawbacks: ** No base wealth bonus (Minor, Common; 2pp)
**Drawbacks: ** No wealth bonus (Minor, Common; 2pp)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Wisdom]] 1** (2 pp)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Charisma]] 2** (4 pp)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Charisma]] 2** (4 pp)
**[[MMEnhancedTraitEnhanced Charisma]] 2** (4 pp)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Constitution]] 1** (2 pp)
**[[MMEnhancedTraitEnhanced Wisdom]] 1** (2 pp)
**[[MMEnhancedTraitEnhanced Charisma]] 2** (4 pp)
**[[MMSuperSenses Super Senses]] 6** (Normal Sight [Counters illusion]; Demonic Awareness [Mental, Extended 2, Benefit (Direct Inspiration)]; 6 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMExorcism Exorcism]] 12** (Flaws: Range [Perception to Touch; -2 pp]; 1 pp)
**[[MMForceField Force Field]] 5** (Extras: Impervious [+1]; 10 pp)
**[[MMFlight Flight]] 5** (Drawbacks: Power loss [When unable to say a prayer, minor, uncommon; -1 pp]; 9 pp)
**[[MMStrike Strike]] 8** (Extras: Penetrating 10 [+1]; Power Feats: Improved Critical, Mighty; Drawbacks: Power Loss [When unable to say a prayer, minor, uncommon; -1 pp]; 19 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMBlast Blast]] 9** (Power Feats: Accurate 2; Drawbacks: Power Loss [When unable to say a prayer, minor, uncommon; -1pp]; 1 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMStun Stun]] 6** (Extras: Area [Targeted, Cone; +1]; Power Feats: Reversible, Sedation; Drawbacks: Power Loss [When unable to say a prayer, minor, uncommon; -1pp]; 1 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMHealing Healing]] 6** (Extras: Total [+1]; Power Feats: Stabilize, Persistent; Drawbacks: Power Loss [When unable to say a prayer, minor, uncommon; -1pp]; 1 pp)
**[[MMEnhancedTraitEnhanced Wisdom]] 1** (2 pp)
**[[MMEnhancedTraitEnhanced Charisma]] 2** (4 pp)
**[[MMSuperSenses Super Senses]] 6** (Normal Sight [Counters illusion]; Demonic Awareness [Mental, Extended 2, Benefit (Direct Inspiration)]; 6 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMExorcism Exorcism]] 12** (Flaws: Range [Perception to Touch; -2 pp]; 1 pp)
**[[MMForceField Force Field]] 5** (Extras: Impervious [+1]; 10 pp)
**[[MMFlight Flight]] 5** (Drawbacks: Power loss [When unable to say a prayer, minor, uncommon; -1 pp]; 9 pp)
**[[MMStrike Strike]] 8** (Extras: Penetrating 10 [+1]; Power Feats: Improved Critical, Mighty; Drawbacks: Power Loss [When unable to say a prayer, minor, uncommon; -1 pp]; 19 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMBlast Blast]] 9** (Power Feats: Accurate 2; Drawbacks: Power Loss [When unable to say a prayer, minor, uncommon; -1pp]; 1 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMStun Stun]] 6** (Extras: Area [Targeted, Cone; +1]; Power Feats: Reversible, Sedation; Drawbacks: Power Loss [When unable to say a prayer, minor, uncommon; -1pp]; 1 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMHealing Healing]] 6** (Extras: Total [+1]; Power Feats: Stabilize, Persistent; Drawbacks: Power Loss [When unable to say a prayer, minor, uncommon; -1pp]; 1 pp)
**Enhanced Wisdom 1** (2 pp)
**Enhanced Charisma 2** (4 pp)
**Super Senses 6** (Normal Sight [Counters illusion]; Demonic Awareness [Mental, Extended 2, Benefit (Direct Inspiration)]; 6 pp)
//AP: //**Exorcism 12** (Flaws: Range [Perception to Touch; -2 pp]; 1 pp)
**Force Field 5** (Extras: Impervious [+1]; 10 pp)
**Flight 5** (Drawbacks: Power loss [When unable to say a prayer, minor, uncommon; -1 pp]; 9 pp)
**Strike 8** (Extras: Penetrating 10 [+1]; Power Feats: Improved Critical, Mighty; Drawbacks: Power Loss [When unable to say a prayer, minor, uncommon; -1 pp]; 19 pp)
//AP: //**Blast 9** (Power Feats: Accurate 2; Drawbacks: Power Loss [When unable to say a prayer, minor, uncommon; -1pp]; 1 pp)
//AP: //**Stun 6** (Extras: Area [Targeted, Cone; +1]; Power Feats: Reversible, Sedation; Drawbacks: Power Loss [When unable to say a prayer, minor, uncommon; -1pp]; 1 pp)
//AP: //**Healing 6** (Extras: Total [+1]; Power Feats: Stabilize, Persistent; Drawbacks: Power Loss [When unable to say a prayer, minor, uncommon; -1pp]; 1 pp)
**Saves: ** Toughness +10 (5 Impervious); Fortitude +10; Reflex +4; Will +15
**Combat: ** Attack +4, +8 (Melee, Blast, Stun); Damage +2 (Unarmed), +9 (Blast), +10 (Penetrating strike, Crit on 19-20); Defense +6 (+2 flat-footed); Initiative +0; Knockback 7