Revision [546]

This is an old revision of CaraGreenbottle made by GilbertoLeon on 2010-04-03 00:36:26.


Cara Greenbottle


Power level: 12 (180 pp)
Abilities: STR 10 (+0) DEX 20 (+5) CON 14 (+2) INT 14 (+2) WIS 11 (+0) CHA 17 (+3) = (26 pp)

Skills: Acrobatics 17 (+21), Concentration 8 (+10), Disable Device 17 (+20), Escape Artist 7 (+12), Intimidate 0 (+1), Knowledge (Arcana) 8 (+11), Notice 5 (+7), Open Lock 12 (+15), Perform (String Instruments) 2 (+5), Search 7 (+10), Sleight Of Hand 5 (+10), Stealth 8 (+17) = (24 pp)

Feats: Acrobatic Bluff, Attack Specialization (Dagger), Dodge Focus 5, Evasion, Lionhearted, Quick Draw, Sidekick , Sneack Attack 3, Trap Sense, Uncanny Dodge (visual)


Shrinking 4 [Halfling Size] (Extras: Duration [Continuous; +1], Normal Strength [+1]; Power Feats: Innate; Flaws: Permanent [-1]; 9 pp)

Halfling Size
Small size
Toughness -1
Attack +1
Defense +1
Grapple -4
Stealth +4
Intimidate -2
Carrying Capacity x3/4

Saves: Fortitude 4; Reflex 12; Will 12 = (28 pp)

Enhanced Constitution 1 (2 pp)

Enhanced Wisdom 1 (2 pp)

Enhanced Charisma 2 (4 pp)

Array 3 (6 pp)
Base Power: Super Senses 6 (Normal Sight [Counters illusion]; Demonic Awareness [Mental, Extended 2, Benefit (Direct Inspiration)])
AP: Exorcism 12 (Flaws: Range [Perception to Touch; -2 pp]; 1 pp)

Force Field 5 (Extras: Impervious [+1]; 10 pp)

Flight 5 (Drawbacks: Power loss [When unable to say a prayer, minor, uncommon; -1 pp]; 9 pp)

Array 10 (Power Loss [When unable to say a prayer, minor, uncommon; -1 pp]; 19 pp)
Base Power: Strike 8 (Extras: Penetrating 10 [+1]; Power Feats: Improved Critical, Mighty)
AP: Blast 9 (Power Feats: Accurate 2; 1 pp)
AP: Stun 6 (Extras: Area [Targeted, Cone; +1]; Power Feats: Reversible, Sedation; 1 pp)
AP: Healing 6 (Extras: Total [+1]; Power Feats: Stabilize, Persistent; 1 pp)

Enhanced Wisdom
WIS +2 (Enhanced)

Enhanced Charisma
CHA +4 (Enhanced)

Combat: Attack +4, +8 (Melee, Blast, Stun); Damage +2 (Unarmed), +9 (Blast), +10 (Strike, Penetrating, Crit on 19-20); Defense 16 (12 flat-footed); Initiative +0; Grapple +8; Knockback 7

Wealth: +0

Drawbacks: No base wealth bonus (Minor, Common; 2pp)

Abilities 26 + Skills 24 (96) + Feats 8 + Powers 56 + Combat 32 + Saves 30 - Drawbacks 2 = Total 150

Ataque comprado: 7
Ataque con daga: +9
Daño con daga: +15

Defensa máxima: 14 (Dodge Focus 5 + Defense 9)
Toughness máximo: 10
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