Revision [710]

This is an old revision of Baran made by GilbertoLeon on 2010-04-27 14:45:03.




Vasal of Bahamut

Platinum Armor

Shared Trove (Money)

Power level: 12 (192 pp)

Abilities: STR 11 [] (+0) DEX 16 (+3) CON 16 [] (+3) INT 16 (+3) WIS 13 (+1) CHA 17 (+3)

Skills: Bluff 5 (+8), Concentration 14 (+15), Craft (Chemical) 9 (+12), Craft (Mechanical) 7 (+10), Diplomacy 6 (+9), Gather Information 1 (+4), Intimidate 4 (+7), Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 17 (+20), Knowledge (Civics) 4 (+7), Knowledge (Theology and Philosophy) 2 (+5), Language (Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, Elven, Goblin, Halfling, Infernal, Orc) 8, Notice 4 (+5), Ride 2 (+5), Search 1 (+4)

Feats: Ambidexterity, Benefit (Status [Knight (Platinum Dragonknight)]), Trance, Two Weapon Mastery (Melee) 4


Immunity 1 (Need for sleep; 1 pp)

Feature 1 (Longevity; 1 pp)

Super Senses 1 (Low-Light Vision; 1 pp)

Container 13 [Bahamut|s Blessing] (Passive, Permanent; 65 pp)

Bahamut|s Blessing (65 pp total)
Flight 2 [Dragon Wings] (Power Feats: Move-by Action; Drawbacks: Power Loss [If wings are bound, Minor, Uncommon; -1 pp]; 4 pp)
Super Senses 3 [Dragon Senses] (Darkvision, Extended [Low-Light Vision]; 3 pp)
Enhanced Strength 4 (8 pp)
Enhanced Constitution 1 (2 pp)
Enhanced Intelligence 1 (2 pp)
Enhanced Charisma 1 (2 pp)
Penetrating Strength 4 [Dragon claws] (Power Feats: Split Attack; 5 pp)
Immunity 5 (Fire; 5 pp)
Protection 4 [Dragon skin] (4 pp)
Array 12 (Power Feats: Incurable; 25 pp)
Base Power: Blast 12 [Breath of Fire] (Extras: Area [General, Cone]; Flaws: Range [Touch])
AP: Energy Aura 4 [Dragonwrack] (Fire, Extras: Area [General, Burst]; Flaws: Limited [Dragons and draconic creatures]; 1 pp)
Enhanced Skills 8 [Imperious Aura] (32 skill ranks [Bluff 8 (), Diplomacy 8 (), Gather Information 8 (), Intimidate 8 ()]; Flaws: Limited [Dragons and draconic creatures]; 4 pp)

Device 2 [Platinum Armor] (Hard to lose; Power Feats: Indestructible, Restricted (Draconic creatures); 10 pp)

Bahamut|s Blessing (55 pp total)
Flight 2 [Dragonic Wings] (Power Feats: Move-by Action; Drawbacks: Power Loss [If wings are bound, Minor, Uncommon; -1 pp]; 4 pp)
Super Senses 3 [Dragon Senses] (Darkvision, Extended [Low-Light Vision]; 3 pp)
Enhanced Strength 3 (6 pp)
Enhanced Skills 6 (24 skill ranks [Bluff 2 (+14), Diplomacy 2 (+15), Gather Information 2 (+10), Intimidate 2 (+13)]; Flaws: Limited [Against draconic creatures]; 3 pp)

Enhanced Constitution 3 (6 pp)

Protection 6 [Draconic Skin] (6 pp)
Super Strength 1 (2 pp)
Array 10 (20 pp)
Base Power: Blast 10 [Breath of Fire] (Extras: Area [General, Cone]; Flaws: Range [Touch])
AP: Strike 6 [Platinum Claws] (Extras: Penetrating; Power Feats: Mighty, Split Attack; 1 pp)

Platinum Armor (10 pp total)
Adds Impervious Extra to Protection (6 pp)
Shield 4 (4 pp)

Saves: Toughness +6 [+6 (Draconic Skin), 6 (Platinum Armor, Impervious)]; Fortitude +16; Reflex +9; Will +9

Combat: Attack +10; Damage +6 (Unarmed), +12 (Platinum Claws, Penetrating 6), +10 (Breath of Fire) [+4 (Two Weapon Mastery (Melee))]; Defense 18 (14 flat-footed) [+4 (Platinum Armor)]; Initiative +3; Grapple ??; Knockback ??

Wealth: +8 (Middle class)

Abilities 29 + Skills 21 (84) + Feats ?? + Powers 69 + Combat 36 + Saves 24 - Drawbacks 0 = Total 179

Complications: Vow of Obedience (Bahamut)
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