Revision history for Baran
**Feats: ** [[MMAmbidexterity Ambidexterity]], [[MMBenefit Benefit]] 2 (Status [Knight (Platinum Dragonknight), Wealth]), [[MMImprovedCritical Improved Critical]] (Sword) 2, [[MMTrance Trance]], [[MMTwoWeaponMastery Two Weapon Mastery]] (Melee) 4, [[MMVeteranFighter Veteran Fighter]]
**[[MMFlight Flight]] 2** [Dragon Wings] ([[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Move-by Action; [[MMPowerDrawbacks Drawbacks]]: Power Loss [If wings are bound, Minor, Uncommon; -1 pp]; 4 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMEnergyAura Energy Aura]] 4** [Dragonwrack] (Fire; [[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Incurable; [[MMExtras Extras]]: Area [General, Burst]; [[MMFlaws Flaws]]: Limited [Dragons and draconic creatures]); **[[MMImmunity Immunity]] 5** (Fire) (1 pp)
**[[MMFlight Flight]] 2** [Dragon Wings] ([[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Move-by Action; [[MMPowerDrawbacks Drawbacks]]: Power Loss [If wings are bound, Minor, Uncommon; -1 pp]; 4 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMEnergyAura Energy Aura]] 4** [Dragonwrack] (Fire; [[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Incurable; [[MMExtras Extras]]: Area [General, Burst]; [[MMFlaws Flaws]]: Limited [Dragons and draconic creatures]); **[[MMImmunity Immunity]] 5** (Fire) (1 pp)
**[[MMFlight Flight]] 2** [Dragon Wings] (25 MPH; [[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Move-by Action; [[MMPowerDrawbacks Drawbacks]]: Power Loss [If wings are bound, Minor, Uncommon; -1 pp]; 4 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMEnergyAura Energy Aura]] 4** [Dragonwrack] (Fire; [[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Incurable; [[MMExtras Extras]]: Area [General, Burst]; [[MMFlaws Flaws]]: Limited [Dragons and draconic creatures])
**[[MMImmunity Immunity]] 5** (Fire) (1 pp)
**Skills: ** [[MMBluff Bluff]] 5 (+8), [[MMConcentration Concentration]] 14 (+15), [[MMExpertise Expertise]] (Alchemy) 9 (+12), [[MMExpertise Expertise]] (Metalsmithing) 7 (+10), [[MMDiplomacy Diplomacy]] 6 (+9), [[MMGatherInformation Gather Information]] 1 (+4), [[MMIntimidate Intimidate]] 4 (+7), [[MMExpertise Expertise]] (Magic) 17 (+20), [[MMExpertise Expertise]] (Nobility) 4 (+7), [[MMExpertise Expertise]] (Religion) 2 (+5), [[MMLanguage Language]] (Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, Elven, Goblin, Halfling, Infernal, Orc) 8, [[MMNotice Notice]] 4 (+5), [[MMRide Ride]] 2 (+5), [[MMSearch Search]] 1 (+4)
**Feats: ** [[MMAmbidexterity Ambidexterity]], [[MMBenefit Benefit]] 2 (Status [Knight: Platinum Dragonknight, Wealth]), [[MMImprovedCritical Improved Critical]] (Sword) 2, [[MMTrance Trance]], [[MMTwoWeaponMastery Two Weapon Mastery]] (Melee) 4, [[MMVeteranFighter Veteran Fighter]]
**[[MMFlight Flight]] 2** [Dragon Wings] (25 MPH; [[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Move-by Action; [[MMPowerDrawbacks Drawbacks]]: Power Loss [If wings are bound, Minor, Uncommon; -1 pp]; 4 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMEnergyAura Energy Aura]] 4** [Dragonwrack] (Fire; [[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Incurable; [[MMExtras Extras]]: Area [General, Burst]; [[MMFlaws Flaws]]: Limited [Dragons and draconic creatures])
**[[MMImmunity Immunity]] 5** (Fire) (1 pp)
**Feats: ** [[MMAmbidexterity Ambidexterity]], [[MMBenefit Benefit]] 2 (Status [Knight: Platinum Dragonknight, Wealth]), [[MMImprovedCritical Improved Critical]] (Sword) 2, [[MMTrance Trance]], [[MMTwoWeaponMastery Two Weapon Mastery]] (Melee) 4, [[MMVeteranFighter Veteran Fighter]]
**[[MMFlight Flight]] 2** [Dragon Wings] (25 MPH; [[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Move-by Action; [[MMPowerDrawbacks Drawbacks]]: Power Loss [If wings are bound, Minor, Uncommon; -1 pp]; 4 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMEnergyAura Energy Aura]] 4** [Dragonwrack] (Fire; [[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Incurable; [[MMExtras Extras]]: Area [General, Burst]; [[MMFlaws Flaws]]: Limited [Dragons and draconic creatures])
**[[MMImmunity Immunity]] 5** (Fire) (1 pp)
**Feats: ** [[MMAmbidexterity Ambidexterity]], [[MMBenefit Benefit]] 2 (Status [Knight (Platinum Dragonknight), Wealth]), [[MMImprovedCritical Improved Critical]] (Sword) 2, [[MMTrance Trance]], [[MMTwoWeaponMastery Two Weapon Mastery]] (Melee) 4, [[MMVeteranFighter Veteran Fighter]]
**[[MMFlight Flight]] 2** [Dragon Wings] ([[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Move-by Action; [[MMPowerDrawbacks Drawbacks]]: Power Loss [If wings are bound, Minor, Uncommon; -1 pp]; 4 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMEnergyAura Energy Aura]] 4** [Dragonwrack] (Fire; [[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Incurable; [[MMExtras Extras]]: Area [General, Burst]; [[MMFlaws Flaws]]: Limited [Dragons and draconic creatures]); **[[MMImmunity Immunity]] 5** (Fire) (1 pp)
**Skills: ** [[MMBluff Bluff]] 5 (+8), [[MMConcentration Concentration]] 14 (+15), [[MMExpertise Expertise]] (Alchemy) 9 (+12), [[MMExpertise Expertise]] (Metalsmithing) 7 (+10), [[MMDiplomacy Diplomacy]] 6 (+9), [[MMGatherInformation Gather Information]] 1 (+4), [[MMIntimidate Intimidate]] 4 (+7), [[MMExpertise Expertise]] (Arcane Lore) 17 (+20), [[MMExpertise Expertise]] (Nobility) 4 (+7), [[MMExpertise Expertise]] (Religion) 2 (+5), [[MMLanguage Language]] (Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, Elven, Goblin, Halfling, Infernal, Orc) 8, [[MMNotice Notice]] 4 (+5), [[MMRide Ride]] 2 (+5), [[MMSearch Search]] 1 (+4)
**Skills: ** [[MMBluff Bluff]] 5 (+8), [[MMConcentration Concentration]] 14 (+15), [[MMExpertise Expertise]] (Alchemy) 9 (+12), [[MMExpertise Expertise]] (Smithing) 7 (+10), [[MMDiplomacy Diplomacy]] 6 (+9), [[MMGatherInformation Gather Information]] 1 (+4), [[MMIntimidate Intimidate]] 4 (+7), [[MMExpertise Expertise]] (Arcane Lore) 17 (+20), [[MMExpertise Expertise]] (Nobility) 4 (+7), [[MMExpertise Expertise]] (Religion) 2 (+5), [[MMLanguage Language]] (Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, Elven, Goblin, Halfling, Infernal, Orc) 8, [[MMNotice Notice]] 4 (+5), [[MMRide Ride]] 2 (+5), [[MMSearch Search]] 1 (+4)
**Equipment (Wealth): ** Bow, long
**[[MMBlast Blast]] 3** [Bow, long] ([[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Improved Range [25 ft.], Mighty 5; 9 ep)
**[[MMBlast Blast]] 3** (100 ft. range increment; PF: Mighty 5)
**Equipment (Wealth): ** Bow, long (8 ep)
**Equipment (Wealth): ** Bow, long (9 ep)
**[[MMFlight Flight]] 2** [Dragon Wings] ([[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Move-by Action; [[MMPowerDrawbacks Drawbacks]]: Power Loss [If wings are bound, Minor, Uncommon; -1 pp]; 4 pp)
Dragon Might +4 (Penetrating, Melee)
Dragon Might +4 (Bow, long)
Twin Sword 1 +2
Twin Sword 2 +2
Dragon Might +4 (Bow, long)
Twin Sword 1 +2
Twin Sword 2 +2
//Modifiers (Bow, long):// +4 (Dragon Might)
Twin Sword +2
**[[MMDevice Device]] 2** [Platinum Armor] (Hard to lose; [[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Indestructible, Restricted (Dragonknights); 10 pp)
**[[MMFlight Flight]] 2** [Dragon Wings] ([[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Move-by Action; [[MMDrawbacks Drawbacks]]: Power Loss [If wings are bound, Minor, Uncommon; -1 pp]; 4 pp)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Strength]] 4** [Dragon Might] ([[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Split Attack; [[MMExtras Extras]]: Penetrating; 13 pp)
//Base Power: //**[[MMBlast Blast]] 12** [Breath of Fire] ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Area [General, Cone]; [[MMFlaws Flaws]]: Range [Touch])
//AP: //**[[MMBlast Blast]] 8** [Fire Darts] ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Penetrating [+1]; 1 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMEnergyAura Energy Aura]] 4** [Dragonwrack] (Fire; [[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Incurable; [[MMExtras Extras]]: Area [General, Burst]; [[MMFlaws Flaws]]: Limited [Dragons and draconic creatures]); **[[MMImmunity Immunity]] 5** (Fire) (1 pp)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Skills]] 8** [Imperious Aura] (32 skill ranks [Bluff 8 (+16), Diplomacy 8 (+17), Gather Information 8 (+12), Intimidate 8 (+15)]; [[MMFlaws Flaws]]: Limited [Dragons and draconic creatures]; 4 pp)
**[[MMProtection Protection]] 5** ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Impervious; 1 pp)
Dragon skin +4
Platinum Armor +5 (Impervious)
Bow, long +3
Breath of Fire+12
Fire Darts +8 (Penetrating)
Twin Sword +2 (Crit on 18-20)
Unarmed +0
Dragon Might +4 (Penetrating)
Two Weapon Mastery (Melee) +4
Dragonwrack +4 (Incurable)
Twin Sword +2
Dragon Strength +4
**[[MMFlight Flight]] 2** [Dragon Wings] ([[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Move-by Action; [[MMDrawbacks Drawbacks]]: Power Loss [If wings are bound, Minor, Uncommon; -1 pp]; 4 pp)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Strength]] 4** [Dragon Might] ([[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Split Attack; [[MMExtras Extras]]: Penetrating; 13 pp)
//Base Power: //**[[MMBlast Blast]] 12** [Breath of Fire] ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Area [General, Cone]; [[MMFlaws Flaws]]: Range [Touch])
//AP: //**[[MMBlast Blast]] 8** [Fire Darts] ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Penetrating [+1]; 1 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMEnergyAura Energy Aura]] 4** [Dragonwrack] (Fire; [[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Incurable; [[MMExtras Extras]]: Area [General, Burst]; [[MMFlaws Flaws]]: Limited [Dragons and draconic creatures]); **[[MMImmunity Immunity]] 5** (Fire) (1 pp)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Skills]] 8** [Imperious Aura] (32 skill ranks [Bluff 8 (+16), Diplomacy 8 (+17), Gather Information 8 (+12), Intimidate 8 (+15)]; [[MMFlaws Flaws]]: Limited [Dragons and draconic creatures]; 4 pp)
**[[MMProtection Protection]] 5** ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Impervious; 1 pp)
Dragon skin +4
Platinum Armor +5 (Impervious)
Bow, long +3
Breath of Fire+12
Fire Darts +8 (Penetrating)
Twin Sword +2 (Crit on 18-20)
Unarmed +0
Dragon Might +4 (Penetrating)
Two Weapon Mastery (Melee) +4
Dragonwrack +4 (Incurable)
Twin Sword +2
Dragon Strength +4
**[[MMFlight Flight]] 2** [Dragon Wings] (Power Feats: Move-by Action; Drawbacks: Power Loss [If wings are bound, Minor, Uncommon; -1 pp]; 4 pp)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Strength]] 4** [Dragon Might] (Power Feats: Split Attack; Extras: Penetrating; 13 pp)
//Base Power: //**[[MMBlast Blast]] 12** [Breath of Fire] (Extras: Area [General, Cone]; Flaws: Range [Touch])
//AP: //**[[MMBlast Blast]] 8** [Fire Darts] (Extras: Penetrating [+1]; 1 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMEnergyAura Energy Aura]] 4** [Dragonwrack] (Fire; Power Feats: Incurable; Extras: Area [General, Burst]; Flaws: Limited [Dragons and draconic creatures]); **[[MMImmunity Immunity]] 5** (Fire) (1 pp)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Skills]] 8** [Imperious Aura] (32 skill ranks [Bluff 8 (+16), Diplomacy 8 (+17), Gather Information 8 (+12), Intimidate 8 (+15)]; Flaws: Limited [Dragons and draconic creatures]; 4 pp)
**[[MMProtection Protection]] 5** (Extras: Impervious; 1 pp)
//Modifiers:// +4 (Dragon skin), +5 (Platinum Armor, Impervious)
**Damage** +0 (Unarmed), +2 (Twin Sword, Critical on 18-20), +12 (Breath of Fire), +8 (Fire Darts, Penetrating), +3 (Bow, long)
//Mofidiers:// +4 (Dragon Might, Penetrating), +4 (Two Weapon Mastery (Melee)), +4 (Dragonwrack, Incurable)
//Modifiers:// +2 (Twin Sword)
//Modifiers:// +4 (Dragon Strength)
**[[MMFeatures Features]] 1** (Longevity; 1 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMEnergyAura Energy Aura]] 4** [Dragonwrack] (Fire; Power Feats: Incurable; Extras: Area [General, Burst]; Flaws: Limited [Dragons and draconic creatures]); **[[MMImmunity Immunity]] 5** (Fire) (1 pp)
//Mofidiers:// +4 (Dragon Might, Penetrating), +4 (Two Weapon Mastery (Melee)), +4 (Dragonwrack, Incurable)
//Mofidiers:// +4 (Dragon Might, Penetrating), +4 (Two Weapon Mastery (Melee)), +4 (Dragonwrack, Incurable)
//Mofidiers:// +4 (Dragon Might, Penetrating), +4 (Two Weapon Mastery (Melee)), +4 (Dragonwrack)
//AP: //**[[MMEnergyAura Energy Aura]] 4** [Dragonwrack] (Fire, Power Feats: Incurable; Extras: Area [General, Burst]; Flaws: Limited [Dragons and draconic creatures]); **[[MMImmunity Immunity]] 5** (Fire) (1 pp)
**[[MMArray Array]] 12** (24 pp)
**Will** +10
**Abilities 26 + Skills 21 (84) + Feats 11 + Powers 73 + Combat 36 + Saves 25 - Drawbacks 0 = Total 192**
**Will** +10
**Abilities 26 + Skills 21 (84) + Feats 11 + Powers 73 + Combat 36 + Saves 25 - Drawbacks 0 = Total 192**
**Will** +9
**Abilities 26 + Skills 21 (84) + Feats 11 + Powers 74 + Combat 36 + Saves 24 - Drawbacks 0 = Total 192**
No Differences
**[[MMProtection Protection]] 5** (Extras: Impervious; 1 pp)
//Modifiers (Bow, long):// +4 (Dragon Might)
**Abilities: ** STR 10 [18 (Dragon Might)] (+0/+4), DEX 16 (+3), CON 16 (+3), INT 16 (+3), WIS 12 (+1), CHA 16 (+3)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Strength]] 4** [Dragon Might] (Power Feats: Split Attack; Extras: Penetrating; 13 pp)
**Damage** +0 (Unarmed), +2 (Twin Sword, Critical on 18-20), +12 (Breath of Fire), +8 (Fire Darts, Penetrating), +3 (Bow, long)
//Mofidiers:// +4 (Dragon Might, Penetrating), +4 (Two Weapon Mastery (Melee)), +4 (Dragonwrack)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Strength]] 4** [Dragon Might] (Power Feats: Split Attack; Extras: Penetrating; 13 pp)
**Damage** +0 (Unarmed), +2 (Twin Sword, Critical on 18-20), +12 (Breath of Fire), +8 (Fire Darts, Penetrating), +3 (Bow, long)
//Mofidiers:// +4 (Dragon Might, Penetrating), +4 (Two Weapon Mastery (Melee)), +4 (Dragonwrack)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Strength]] 4** [Dragon strength] (8 pp)
**Penetrating Strength 4** [Dragon claws] (Power Feats: Split Attack; 5 pp)
**Damage** +4 (Unarmed, Penetrating), +6 (Twin Sword, Critical on 18-20), +12 (Breath of Fire), +8 (Fire Darts, Penetrating), +3 (Bow, long)
//Modifiers:// +4 (Two Weapon Mastery (Melee)), +4 (Dragonwrack)
**Combat: ** Attack +10; Damage +4 (Unarmed, Penetrating), +6 (Twin Sword, Critical on 18-20), +12 (Breath of Fire), +8 (Fire Darts, Penetrating), +8 (Bow, long) [+4 (Two Weapon Mastery (Melee)), +4 (Dragonwrack)]; Defense 18 (14 flat-footed) [+2 (Twin Sword)]; Initiative +3; Grapple +14; Knockback 3 [+5 (Platinum Armor)]
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Strength]] 4** [Dragon strength] (8 pp)
**Abilities: ** STR 10 [18 (Dragon Strength)] (+0/+4), DEX 16 (+3), CON 16 (+3), INT 16 (+3), WIS 12 (+1), CHA 16 (+3)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Strength]] [Dragon Strength] 4** (8 pp)
**Toughness** +3
//Modifiers:// +4 (Dragon skin), +5 (Platinum Armor, Impervious)
**Fortitude** +13
**Reflex** +9
**Will** +9
**Attack** +10
**Damage** +4 (Unarmed, Penetrating), +6 (Twin Sword, Critical on 18-20), +12 (Breath of Fire), +8 (Fire Darts, Penetrating), +3 (Bow, long)
//Modifiers:// +4 (Two Weapon Mastery (Melee)), +4 (Dragonwrack)
**Defense** 18 (14 flat-footed)
//Modifiers:// +2 (Twin Sword)
**Initiative** +3
**Grapple** +10
//Modifiers:// +4 (Dragon Strength)
**Knockback** 1/2 Toughness (Non-impervious) + Toughness (Impervious)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Strength]] [Dragon Strength] 4** (8 pp)
**Toughness** +3
//Modifiers:// +4 (Dragon skin), +5 (Platinum Armor, Impervious)
**Fortitude** +13
**Reflex** +9
**Will** +9
**Attack** +10
**Damage** +4 (Unarmed, Penetrating), +6 (Twin Sword, Critical on 18-20), +12 (Breath of Fire), +8 (Fire Darts, Penetrating), +3 (Bow, long)
//Modifiers:// +4 (Two Weapon Mastery (Melee)), +4 (Dragonwrack)
**Defense** 18 (14 flat-footed)
//Modifiers:// +2 (Twin Sword)
**Initiative** +3
**Grapple** +10
//Modifiers:// +4 (Dragon Strength)
**Knockback** 1/2 Toughness (Non-impervious) + Toughness (Impervious)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Strength]] 4** (8 pp)
**Saves: ** Toughness +7 [+5 (Platinum Armor, Impervious)]; Fortitude +13; Reflex +9; Will +9
**Combat: ** Attack +10; Damage +4 (Unarmed, Penetrating), +6 (Twin Sword, Critical on 18-20), +12 (Breath of Fire), +8 (Fire Darts, Penetrating), +8 (Bow, long) [+4 (Two Weapon Mastery (Melee)), +4 (Dragonwrack)]; Defense 18 (14 flat-footed) [+2 (Twin Sword)]; Initiative +3; Grapple +14; Knockback 3 [+5 (Platinum Armor)]
**Feats: ** [[MMAmbidexterity Ambidexterity]], [[MMBenefit Benefit]] 2 (Status [Knight (Platinum Dragonknight), Wealth]), [[MMImprovedCritical Improved Critical]] (Sword) 2, [[MMTrance Trance]], [[MMTwoWeaponMastery Two Weapon Mastery]] (Melee) 4, [[MMVeteranFighter Veteran Fighter]]
**[[MMContainer Container]] 11** [Sadrian|s Blessing] (Passive, Permanent; 55 pp)
//Sadrian|s Blessing// (55 pp total)
**[[MMArray Array]] 12** (Power Feats: Incurable; 25 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMBlast Blast]] 8** [Fire Darts] (Extras: Penetrating [+1]; 1 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMEnergyAura Energy Aura]] 4** [Dragonwrack] (Fire, Extras: Area [General, Burst]; Flaws: Limited [Dragons and draconic creatures]); **[[MMImmunity Immunity]] 5** (Fire) (1 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMBlast Blast]] 8** [Fire Darts] (Extras: Penetrating [+1]; 1 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMEnergyAura Energy Aura]] 4** [Dragonwrack] (Fire, Extras: Area [General, Burst]; Flaws: Limited [Dragons and draconic creatures]); **[[MMImmunity Immunity]] 5** (Fire) (1 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMBlast Blast]] 8** [Fire Darts] (Extras: Penetrating [+1])
//AP: //**[[MMEnergyAura Energy Aura]] 4** [Dragonwrack] (Fire, Extras: Area [General, Burst]; Flaws: Limited [Dragons and draconic creatures]); **[[MMImmunity Immunity]] 5** (Fire)
//AP: //**[[MMEnergyAura Energy Aura]] 4** [Dragonwrack] (Fire, Extras: Area [General, Burst]; Flaws: Limited [Dragons and draconic creatures]); **[[MMImmunity Immunity]] 5** (Fire)
//AP: //**[[MMEnergyAura Energy Aura]] 4** [Dragonwrack] (Fire, Extras: Area [General, Burst]; Flaws: Limited [Dragons and draconic creatures]) **and** **[[MMImmunity Immunity]] 5** (Fire)
**Complications: ** Vow of Obedience (Sadrian)
**[[MMArray Array]] 12** (Power Feats: Alternate Power 2, Incurable; 27 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMBlast Blast]] 8** [Fire Darts] (Extras: Penetrating [+1])
//AP: //**[[MMEnergyAura Energy Aura]] 4** [Dragonwrack] (Fire, Extras: Area [General, Burst]; Flaws: Limited [Dragons and draconic creatures]) and **[[MMImmunity Immunity]] 5** (Fire)
**Equipment (Wealth): ** Bow, long (8 ep)
//Bow, long//
**[[MMBlast Blast]] 3** (100 ft. range increment; PF: Mighty 5)
**Combat: ** Attack +10; Damage +4 (Unarmed), +6 (Twin Sword, Critical on 18-20), +12 (Breath of Fire), +8 (Fire Darts, Penetrating), +8 (Bow, long) [+4 (Two Weapon Mastery (Melee)), +4 (Dragonwrack)]; Defense 18 (14 flat-footed) [+2 (Twin Sword)]; Initiative +3; Grapple +14; Knockback 3 [+5 (Platinum Armor)]
//AP: //**[[MMBlast Blast]] 8** [Fire Darts] (Extras: Penetrating [+1])
//AP: //**[[MMEnergyAura Energy Aura]] 4** [Dragonwrack] (Fire, Extras: Area [General, Burst]; Flaws: Limited [Dragons and draconic creatures]) and **[[MMImmunity Immunity]] 5** (Fire)
**Equipment (Wealth): ** Bow, long (8 ep)
//Bow, long//
**[[MMBlast Blast]] 3** (100 ft. range increment; PF: Mighty 5)
**Combat: ** Attack +10; Damage +4 (Unarmed), +6 (Twin Sword, Critical on 18-20), +12 (Breath of Fire), +8 (Fire Darts, Penetrating), +8 (Bow, long) [+4 (Two Weapon Mastery (Melee)), +4 (Dragonwrack)]; Defense 18 (14 flat-footed) [+2 (Twin Sword)]; Initiative +3; Grapple +14; Knockback 3 [+5 (Platinum Armor)]
//AP: //**[[MMBlast Blast]] 8** [Fire Darts] (Extras: Penetrating [+1]; 1 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMEnergyAura Energy Aura]] 4** [Dragonwrack] (Fire, Extras: Area [General, Burst]; Flaws: Limited [Dragons and draconic creatures]) and **[[MMImmunity Immunity]] 5** (Fire; 1 pp)
**Combat: ** Attack +10; Damage +4 (Unarmed), +6 (Twin Sword, Critical on 18-20), +12 (Breath of Fire), +8 (Fire Darts, Penetrating) [+4 (Two Weapon Mastery (Melee)), +4 (Dragonwrack)]; Defense 18 (14 flat-footed) [+2 (Twin Sword)]; Initiative +3; Grapple ??; Knockback ??
**Combat: ** Attack +10; Damage +4 (Unarmed), +6 (Twin Sword, Critical on 18-20), +12 (Breath of Fire), +8 (Fire Darts, Penetrating) [+4 (Two Weapon Mastery (Melee)), +4 (Dragonwrack)]; Defense 18 (14 flat-footed) [+2 (Twin Sword)]; Initiative +3; Grapple ??; Knockback ??
**Combat: ** Attack +10; Damage +4 (Unarmed), +6 (Twin Sword, Critical on 18-20), +12 (Breath of Fire), +8 (Fire Darts, Penetrating) [+4 (Two Weapon Mastery (Melee)), +4 Dragonwrack]; Defense 18 (14 flat-footed) [+2 (Twin Sword)]; Initiative +3; Grapple ??; Knockback ??
**Skills: ** Bluff 5 (+8), Concentration 14 (+15), Craft (Chemical) 9 (+12), Craft (Mechanical) 7 (+10), Diplomacy 6 (+9), Gather Information 1 (+4), Intimidate 4 (+7), Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 17 (+20), Knowledge (Civics) 4 (+7), Knowledge (Theology and Philosophy) 2 (+5), Language (Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, Elven, Goblin, Halfling, Infernal, Orc) 8, Notice 4 (+5), Ride 2 (+5), Search 1 (+4)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Skills]] 8** [Imperious Aura] (32 skill ranks [Bluff 8 (+16), Diplomacy 8 (+17), Gather Information 8 (+12), Intimidate 8 (+15)]; Flaws: Limited [Dragons and draconic creatures]; 4 pp)
**Saves: ** Toughness +7 [+5 (Platinum Armor, Impervious)]; Fortitude +13; Reflex +9; Will +9
**Combat: ** Attack +10; Damage +4 (Unarmed), +6 (Twin Sword), +12 (Breath of Fire), +8 (Fire Darts, Penetrating) [+4 (Two Weapon Mastery (Melee)), +4 Dragonwrack]; Defense 18 (14 flat-footed) [+2 (Twin Sword)]; Initiative +3; Grapple ??; Knockback ??
**Wealth: ** +12 (Affluent)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Skills]] 8** [Imperious Aura] (32 skill ranks [Bluff 8 (+16), Diplomacy 8 (+17), Gather Information 8 (+12), Intimidate 8 (+15)]; Flaws: Limited [Dragons and draconic creatures]; 4 pp)
**Saves: ** Toughness +7 [+5 (Platinum Armor, Impervious)]; Fortitude +13; Reflex +9; Will +9
**Combat: ** Attack +10; Damage +4 (Unarmed), +6 (Twin Sword), +12 (Breath of Fire), +8 (Fire Darts, Penetrating) [+4 (Two Weapon Mastery (Melee)), +4 Dragonwrack]; Defense 18 (14 flat-footed) [+2 (Twin Sword)]; Initiative +3; Grapple ??; Knockback ??
**Wealth: ** +12 (Affluent)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Skills]] 8** [Imperious Aura] (32 skill ranks [Bluff 8 (), Diplomacy 8 (), Gather Information 8 (), Intimidate 8 ()]; Flaws: Limited [Dragons and draconic creatures]; 4 pp)
**Saves: ** Toughness +6 [+6 (Draconic Skin), 6 (Platinum Armor, Impervious)]; Fortitude +16; Reflex +9; Will +9
**Combat: ** Attack +10; Damage +6 (Unarmed), +12 (Platinum Claws, Penetrating 6), +10 (Breath of Fire) [+4 (Two Weapon Mastery (Melee))]; Defense 18 (14 flat-footed) [+4 (Platinum Armor)]; Initiative +3; Grapple ??; Knockback ??
**Wealth: ** +8 (Middle class)
**Feats: ** Ambidexterity, Benefit 2 (Status [Knight (Platinum Dragonknight), Wealth]), Improved Critical (Sword) 2, Trance, Two Weapon Mastery (Melee) 4, Veteran Fighter
**Abilities 26 + Skills 21 (84) + Feats 11 + Powers 74 + Combat 36 + Saves 24 - Drawbacks 0 = Total 192**
**Abilities 26 + Skills 21 (84) + Feats 11 + Powers 74 + Combat 36 + Saves 24 - Drawbacks 0 = Total 192**
Vasal of Bahamut
Platinum Armor
Shared Trove (Money)
**Feats: ** Ambidexterity, Benefit 2 (Status [Knight (Platinum Dragonknight), Wealth]), Trance, Two Weapon Mastery (Melee) 4, Improved Critical (Sword) 2
**Abilities 26 + Skills 21 (84) + Feats 10 + Powers 74 + Combat 36 + Saves 24 - Drawbacks 0 = Total 191**
**[[MMProtection Protection]] 5 (Extras: Impervious; 1 pp)**
**[[MMFlight Flight]] 2** [Dragonic Wings] (Power Feats: Move-by Action; Drawbacks: Power Loss [If wings are bound, Minor, Uncommon; -1 pp]; 4 pp)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Strength]] 3** (6 pp)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Skills]] 6** (24 skill ranks [Bluff 2 (+14), Diplomacy 2 (+15), Gather Information 2 (+10), Intimidate 2 (+13)]; Flaws: Limited [Against draconic creatures]; 3 pp)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Constitution]] 3** (6 pp)
**[[MMProtection Protection]] 6** [Draconic Skin] (6 pp)
**[[MMSuperStrength Super Strength]] 1** (2 pp)
**[[MMArray Array]] 10** (20 pp)
//Base Power: //**[[MMBlast Blast]] 10** [Breath of Fire] (Extras: Area [General, Cone]; Flaws: Range [Touch])
//AP: //**[[MMStrike Strike]] 6** [Platinum Claws] (Extras: Penetrating; Power Feats: Mighty, Split Attack; 1 pp)
Adds Impervious Extra to Protection (6 pp)
**[[MMShield Shield]] 4** (4 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMBlast Blast]] 8** [Fire Darts] (Extras: Penetrating [+1]; 1 pp)
**Abilities 26 + Skills 21 (84) + Feats 10 + Powers 74 + Combat 36 + Saves 24 - Drawbacks 0 = Total 191**
**Abilities 26 + Skills 21 (84) + Feats 10 + Powers 74 + Combat 36 + Saves 24 - Drawbacks 0 = Total 191**
**Abilities 26 + Skills 21 (84) + Feats 10 + Powers 79 + Combat 36 + Saves 24 - Drawbacks 0 = Total 196**
**Abilities: ** STR 10 [18] (+0/+4) DEX 16 (+3) CON 16 (+3) INT 16 (+3) WIS 12 (+1) CHA 16 (+3)
**[[MMContainer Container]] 11** [Bahamut|s Blessing] (Passive, Permanent; 55 pp)
//Bahamut|s Blessing// (54 pp total)
**[[MMContainer Container]] 11** [Bahamut|s Blessing] (Passive, Permanent; 55 pp)
//Bahamut|s Blessing// (54 pp total)
**[[MMContainer Container]] 12** [Bahamut|s Blessing] (Passive, Permanent; 60 pp)
//Bahamut|s Blessing// (60 pp total)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Constitution]] 1** (2 pp)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Intelligence]] 1** (2 pp)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Charisma]] 1** (2 pp)
**Abilities 26 + Skills 21 (84) + Feats 10 + Powers 79 + Combat 36 + Saves 24 - Drawbacks 0 = Total 196**
**[[MMContainer Container]] 12** [Bahamut|s Blessing] (Passive, Permanent; 60 pp)
//Bahamut|s Blessing// (60 pp total)
//AP: //**[[MMEnergyAura Energy Aura]] 4** [Dragonwrack] (Fire, Extras: Area [General, Burst]; Flaws: Limited [Dragons and draconic creatures]) and **[[MMImmunity Immunity]] 5** (Fire; 1 pp)
**Abilities 26 + Skills 21 (84) + Feats 10 + Powers 79 + Combat 36 + Saves 24 - Drawbacks 0 = Total 201**
//Bahamut|s Blessing// (60 pp total)
//AP: //**[[MMEnergyAura Energy Aura]] 4** [Dragonwrack] (Fire, Extras: Area [General, Burst]; Flaws: Limited [Dragons and draconic creatures]) and **[[MMImmunity Immunity]] 5** (Fire; 1 pp)
**Abilities 26 + Skills 21 (84) + Feats 10 + Powers 79 + Combat 36 + Saves 24 - Drawbacks 0 = Total 201**
//Bahamut|s Blessing// (65 pp total)
**[[MMImmunity Immunity]] 5** (Fire; 5 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMEnergyAura Energy Aura]] 4** [Dragonwrack] (Fire, Extras: Area [General, Burst]; Flaws: Limited [Dragons and draconic creatures]; 1 pp)
**Abilities 26 + Skills 21 (84) + Feats 10 + Powers 84 + Combat 36 + Saves 24 - Drawbacks 0 = Total 201**
**Abilities: ** STR 10 [18] (+0/+4) DEX 16 (+3) CON 16 [18] (+3/+4) INT 16 [18] (+3/+4) WIS 12 (+1) CHA 16 [18] (+3/+4)
**Skills: ** Bluff 5 (+9), Concentration 14 (+15), Craft (Chemical) 9 (+13), Craft (Mechanical) 7 (+11), Diplomacy 6 (+10), Gather Information 1 (+5), Intimidate 4 (+8), Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 17 (+21), Knowledge (Civics) 4 (+8), Knowledge (Theology and Philosophy) 2 (+6), Language (Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, Elven, Goblin, Halfling, Infernal, Orc) 8, Notice 4 (+5), Ride 2 (+5), Search 1 (+5)
**Abilities 26 + Skills 21 (84) + Feats 10 + Powers 84 + Combat 36 + Saves 24 - Drawbacks 0 = Total 201**
**Skills: ** Bluff 5 (+9), Concentration 14 (+15), Craft (Chemical) 9 (+13), Craft (Mechanical) 7 (+11), Diplomacy 6 (+10), Gather Information 1 (+5), Intimidate 4 (+8), Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 17 (+21), Knowledge (Civics) 4 (+8), Knowledge (Theology and Philosophy) 2 (+6), Language (Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, Elven, Goblin, Halfling, Infernal, Orc) 8, Notice 4 (+5), Ride 2 (+5), Search 1 (+5)
**Abilities 26 + Skills 21 (84) + Feats 10 + Powers 84 + Combat 36 + Saves 24 - Drawbacks 0 = Total 201**
**Skills: ** Bluff 5 (+8), Concentration 14 (+15), Craft (Chemical) 9 (+12), Craft (Mechanical) 7 (+10), Diplomacy 6 (+9), Gather Information 1 (+4), Intimidate 4 (+7), Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 17 (+20), Knowledge (Civics) 4 (+7), Knowledge (Theology and Philosophy) 2 (+5), Language (Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, Elven, Goblin, Halfling, Infernal, Orc) 8, Notice 4 (+5), Ride 2 (+5), Search 1 (+4)
**Abilities 29 + Skills 21 (84) + Feats 10 + Powers 84 + Combat 36 + Saves 24 - Drawbacks 0 = Total 204**
**Feats: ** Ambidexterity, Benefit 2 (Status [Knight (Platinum Dragonknight), Wealth]), Trance, Two Weapon Mastery (Melee) 4, Improved Critical (Sword) 2
**Abilities 29 + Skills 21 (84) + Feats 10 + Powers 84 + Combat 36 + Saves 24 - Drawbacks 0 = Total 204**
**Abilities 29 + Skills 21 (84) + Feats 10 + Powers 84 + Combat 36 + Saves 24 - Drawbacks 0 = Total 204**
**Abilities 29 + Skills 21 (84) + Feats ?? + Powers 84 + Combat 36 + Saves 24 - Drawbacks 0 = Total 194**
**Abilities 29 + Skills 21 (84) + Feats ?? + Powers 84 + Combat 36 + Saves 24 - Drawbacks 0 = Total 194**
**[[MMDevice Device]] 2** [Platinum Armor] (Hard to lose; Power Feats: Indestructible, Restricted (Dragonknights); 10 pp)
**[[MMDevice Device]] 1** [Platinum Armor] (Hard to lose; Power Feats: Indestructible, Restricted (Dragonknights); 6 pp)
**Feats: ** Ambidexterity, Benefit (Status [Knight (Platinum Dragonknight)]), Trance, Two Weapon Mastery (Melee) 4, Improved Critical (Sword) 2
**[[MMDevice Device]] 3** [Platinum Armor] (Hard to lose; Power Feats: Indestructible, Restricted (Dragonknights); 14 pp)
**[[MMDevice Device]] 2** [Twin Swords] (Easy to lose; 6 pp)
//Twin Sword 1// (5 pp total)
//Twin Sword 2// (5 pp total)
**Abilities 29 + Skills 21 (84) + Feats ?? + Powers 74 + Combat 36 + Saves 24 - Drawbacks 0 = Total 179**
**[[MMDevice Device]] 3** [Platinum Armor] (Hard to lose; Power Feats: Indestructible, Restricted (Dragonknights); 14 pp)
**[[MMDevice Device]] 2** [Twin Swords] (Easy to lose; 6 pp)
//Twin Sword 1// (5 pp total)
//Twin Sword 2// (5 pp total)
**Abilities 29 + Skills 21 (84) + Feats ?? + Powers 74 + Combat 36 + Saves 24 - Drawbacks 0 = Total 179**
**[[MMDevice Device]] 2** [Swords] (Easy to lose; 6 pp)
//Sword 1// (5 pp total)
//Sword 2// (5 pp total)
**Abilities 29 + Skills 21 (84) + Feats ?? + Powers 69 + Combat 36 + Saves 24 - Drawbacks 0 = Total 179**
**[[MMDevice Device]] 2** [Swords] (Easy to lose; 6 pp)
//Sword 1// (5 pp total)
**[[MMStrike Strike]] 2** (PF: Mighty; 3 pp)
**[[MMShield Shield]] 2** (2 pp)
//Sword 2// (5 pp total)
**[[MMStrike Strike]] 2** (PF: Mighty; 3 pp)
**[[MMShield Shield]] 2** (2 pp)
//Sword 1// (5 pp total)
**[[MMStrike Strike]] 2** (PF: Mighty; 3 pp)
**[[MMShield Shield]] 2** (2 pp)
//Sword 2// (5 pp total)
**[[MMStrike Strike]] 2** (PF: Mighty; 3 pp)
**[[MMShield Shield]] 2** (2 pp)
//Base Power: //**[[MMBlast Blast]] 12** [Breath of Fire] (Extras: Area [General, Cone]; Flaws: Range [Touch])
//AP: //**[[MMEnergyAura Energy Aura]] 4** [Dragonwrack] (Fire, Extras: Area [General, Burst]; Flaws: Limited [Dragons and draconic creatures]; 1 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMEnergyAura Energy Aura]] 4** [Dragonwrack] (Fire, Extras: Area [General, Burst]; Flaws: Limited [Dragons and draconic creatures]; 1 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMBlast Blast]] 12** [Breath of Fire] (Extras: Area [General, Cone]; Flaws: Range [Touch]; 1 pp)
**Abilities: ** STR 11 [] (+0) DEX 16 (+3) CON 16 [] (+3) INT 16 (+3) WIS 13 (+1) CHA 17 (+3)
**Feats: ** Ambidexterity, Benefit (Status [Knight (Platinum Dragonknight)]), Trance, Two Weapon Mastery (Melee) 4
**[[MMContainer Container]] 13** [Bahamut|s Blessing] (Passive, Permanent; 65 pp)
//Bahamut|s Blessing// (65 pp total)
**Combat: ** Attack +10; Damage +6 (Unarmed), +12 (Platinum Claws, Penetrating 6), +10 (Breath of Fire) [+4 (Two Weapon Mastery (Melee))]; Defense 18 (14 flat-footed) [+4 (Platinum Armor)]; Initiative +3; Grapple ??; Knockback ??
**Abilities 29 + Skills 21 (84) + Feats ?? + Powers 69 + Combat 36 + Saves 24 - Drawbacks 0 = Total 179**
**Feats: ** Ambidexterity, Benefit (Status [Knight (Platinum Dragonknight)]), Trance, Two Weapon Mastery (Melee) 4
**[[MMContainer Container]] 13** [Bahamut|s Blessing] (Passive, Permanent; 65 pp)
//Bahamut|s Blessing// (65 pp total)
**Combat: ** Attack +10; Damage +6 (Unarmed), +12 (Platinum Claws, Penetrating 6), +10 (Breath of Fire) [+4 (Two Weapon Mastery (Melee))]; Defense 18 (14 flat-footed) [+4 (Platinum Armor)]; Initiative +3; Grapple ??; Knockback ??
**Abilities 29 + Skills 21 (84) + Feats ?? + Powers 69 + Combat 36 + Saves 24 - Drawbacks 0 = Total 179**
**Feats: ** Ambidexterity, Attack Focus (Melee) 2, Benefit (Status [Knight (Platinum Dragonknight)]), Trance, Two Weapon Mastery (Melee) 4
**[[MMContainer Container]] X** [Bahamut|s Blessing] (Passive, Permanent; 5X pp)
**Combat: ** Attack +10, +12 (Melee); Damage +6 (Unarmed), +12 (Platinum Claws, Penetrating 6), +10 (Breath of Fire) [+4 (Two Weapon Mastery (Melee))]; Defense 18 (14 flat-footed) [+4 (Platinum Armor)]; Initiative +3; Grapple ??; Knockback ??
**Abilities 29 + Skills 21 (84) + Feats 14 + Powers 68 + Combat 36 + Saves 24 - Drawbacks 0 = Total 192**
//Base Power: //**[[MMEnergyAura Energy Aura]] 6** [Dragonwrack] (Fire, Extras: Area [General, Burst]; Flaws: Limited [Dragons and draconic creatures])
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Skills]] 8** [Imperious Aura] (32 skill ranks [Bluff 8 (), Diplomacy 8 (), Gather Information 8 (), Intimidate 8 ()]; Flaws: Limited [Dragons and draconic creatures]; 4 pp)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Skills]] 8** [Imperious Aura] (32 skill ranks [Bluff 8 (), Diplomacy 8 (), Gather Information 8 (), Intimidate 8 ()]; Flaws: Limited [Dragons and draconic creatures]; 4 pp)
//Base Power: //**[[MMEnergyAura Energy Aura]] 6** [Dragonwrack] (Fire, Extras: Area [General, Burst]; Flaws: Limited [Dragons and draconic creatures]; 24 pp)
**Feats: ** Ambidexterity, Attack Focus (Melee) 2, Benefit (Status [Knight (Platinum Dragonknight)]), Trance, Two Weapon Mastery (Melee) 4
**[[MMContainer Container]] X** [Bahamut|s Blessing] (Passive, Permanent; 5X pp)
**[[MMFlight Flight]] 2** [Dragon Wings] (Power Feats: Move-by Action; Drawbacks: Power Loss [If wings are bound, Minor, Uncommon; -1 pp]; 4 pp)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Strength]] 4** (8 pp)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Constitution]] 1** (2 pp)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Intelligence]] 1** (2 pp)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Charisma]] 1** (2 pp)
**Penetrating Strength 4** [Dragon claws] (Power Feats: Split Attack; 5 pp)
**[[MMImmunity Immunity]] 5** (Fire; 5 pp)
**[[MMProtection Protection]] 4** [Dragon skin] (4 pp)
**[[MMArray Array]] 12** (Power Feats: Incurable; 25 pp)
//Base Power: //**[[MMEnergyAura Energy Aura]] 6** [Dragonwrack] (Fire, Extras: Area [General, Burst]; Flaws: Limited [Dragons and draconic creatures]; 24 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMBlast Blast]] 12** [Breath of Fire] (Extras: Area [General, Cone]; Flaws: Range [Touch]; 1 pp)
**[[MMContainer Container]] X** [Bahamut|s Blessing] (Passive, Permanent; 5X pp)
**[[MMFlight Flight]] 2** [Dragon Wings] (Power Feats: Move-by Action; Drawbacks: Power Loss [If wings are bound, Minor, Uncommon; -1 pp]; 4 pp)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Strength]] 4** (8 pp)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Constitution]] 1** (2 pp)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Intelligence]] 1** (2 pp)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Charisma]] 1** (2 pp)
**Penetrating Strength 4** [Dragon claws] (Power Feats: Split Attack; 5 pp)
**[[MMImmunity Immunity]] 5** (Fire; 5 pp)
**[[MMProtection Protection]] 4** [Dragon skin] (4 pp)
**[[MMArray Array]] 12** (Power Feats: Incurable; 25 pp)
//Base Power: //**[[MMEnergyAura Energy Aura]] 6** [Dragonwrack] (Fire, Extras: Area [General, Burst]; Flaws: Limited [Dragons and draconic creatures]; 24 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMBlast Blast]] 12** [Breath of Fire] (Extras: Area [General, Cone]; Flaws: Range [Touch]; 1 pp)
Armor Class: Natural armor improves by +4.
NAtural Weapons: Claws and Bite (1d4 - 1d6)
Special Attacks: A half-dragon retains all the special attacks of the base creature and gains a breath weapon based on the dragon variety (see table), usable once per day. A half-dragon|s breath weapon deals 6d8 points of damage. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + ½ half-dragon|s racial HD + half-dragon|s Con modifier) reduces damage by half.
Special Qualities: A half-dragon has all the special qualities of the base creature, plus darkvision out to 60 feet and low-light vision. A half-dragon has immunity to sleep and paralysis effects, and an additional immunity based on its dragon variety.
Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Str +8, Con +2, Int +2, Cha +2.
Flight (Wings)
Dragon Senses: 4x que un humano low-light, 2 normales. Darkvision 120
DragonWrack: +1d6-+4d6 daño como aura a dragones que lo ataquen (la mitad es Permanent HP Drain)
**Feats: ** Ambidexterity, Attack Focus (Melee) 2, Benefit (Status [Knight (Platinum Dragonknight)]), Equipment 5, Trance, Two Weapon Mastery (Melee) 4
**[[MMContainer Container]] 11** [Bahamut|s Blessing] (Passive, Permanent; 55 pp)
Dragon Disciple (Half-Dragon Template)
Armor Class: Natural armor improves by +4.
NAtural Weapons: Claws and Bite (1d4 - 1d6)
Special Attacks: A half-dragon retains all the special attacks of the base creature and gains a breath weapon based on the dragon variety (see table), usable once per day. A half-dragon|s breath weapon deals 6d8 points of damage. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + ½ half-dragon|s racial HD + half-dragon|s Con modifier) reduces damage by half.
Special Qualities: A half-dragon has all the special qualities of the base creature, plus darkvision out to 60 feet and low-light vision. A half-dragon has immunity to sleep and paralysis effects, and an additional immunity based on its dragon variety.
Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Str +8, Con +2, Int +2, Cha +2.
Flight (Wings)
Vasal of Bahamut
Imperious Aura (Ex): Bonos por nivel de clase a skills cha
Platinum Armor
Dragon Senses: 4x que un humano low-light, 2 normales. Darkvision 120
Shared Trove (Money)
DragonWrack: +1d6-+4d6 daño como aura a dragones que lo ataquen (la mitad es Permanent HP Drain)
Armor Class: Natural armor improves by +4.
NAtural Weapons: Claws and Bite (1d4 - 1d6)
Special Attacks: A half-dragon retains all the special attacks of the base creature and gains a breath weapon based on the dragon variety (see table), usable once per day. A half-dragon|s breath weapon deals 6d8 points of damage. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + ½ half-dragon|s racial HD + half-dragon|s Con modifier) reduces damage by half.
Special Qualities: A half-dragon has all the special qualities of the base creature, plus darkvision out to 60 feet and low-light vision. A half-dragon has immunity to sleep and paralysis effects, and an additional immunity based on its dragon variety.
Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Str +8, Con +2, Int +2, Cha +2.
Flight (Wings)
Vasal of Bahamut
Imperious Aura (Ex): Bonos por nivel de clase a skills cha
Platinum Armor
Dragon Senses: 4x que un humano low-light, 2 normales. Darkvision 120
Shared Trove (Money)
DragonWrack: +1d6-+4d6 daño como aura a dragones que lo ataquen (la mitad es Permanent HP Drain)
**[[MMSuperSenses Super Senses]] 3** [Dragon Senses] (Darkvision, Extended [Low-Light Vision]; 3 pp)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Strength]] 3** (6 pp)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Skills]] 6** (24 skill ranks [Bluff 2 (+14), Diplomacy 2 (+15), Gather Information 2 (+10), Intimidate 2 (+13)]; Flaws: Limited [Against draconic creatures]; 3 pp)
**[[MMSuperSenses Super Senses]] 3** [Dragon Senses] (Darkvision, Extended [Low-Light Vision]; 3 pp)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Strength]] 3** (6 pp)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Skills]] 6** (24 skill ranks [Bluff 2 (+14), Diplomacy 2 (+15), Gather Information 2 (+10), Intimidate 2 (+13)]; Flaws: Limited [Against draconic creatures]; 3 pp)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Skills]] 6** (24 skill ranks [Bluff 6 (+14), Diplomacy 6 (+15), Gather Information 6 (+10), Intimidate 6 (+13)]; Flaws: Limited [Against draconic creatures]; 3 pp)
**[[MMSuperSenses Super Senses]] 1** [Draconic Sight] (Extended [applied to Low-Light Vision]; 1 pp)
**Feats: ** Ambidexterity, Attack Focus (Melee) 2, Benefit (Status [Knight (Platinum Dragonknight)]), Equipment 5, Trance, Two Weapon Mastery (Melee) 4
No Differences
No Differences
**Feats: ** Ambidexterity, Attack Focus (Melee) 2, Benefit (Status [Platinum Dragonknight]), Equipment 5, Trance, Two Weapon Mastery (Melee) 4
**Abilities 29 + Skills 21 (84) + Feats 14 + Powers 68 + Combat 36 + Saves 24 - Drawbacks 0 = Total 192**
**Abilities 29 + Skills 21 (84) + Feats 14 + Powers 68 + Combat 36 + Saves 24 - Drawbacks 0 = Total 192**
**Abilities 29 + Skills 21 (84) + Feats 9 + Powers 68 + Combat 36 + Saves 24 - Drawbacks 0 = Total 187**
Ataque Comprado: 10
Defensa comprada: 8
Fort: 10
Ref: 6
Will: 8
**Feats: ** Ambidexterity, Attack Focus (Melee) 2, Benefit (Status [Platinum Dragonknight]), Trance, Two Weapon Mastery (Melee) 4
**Abilities 29 + Skills 21 (84) + Feats 9 + Powers 68 + Combat 36 + Saves 24 - Drawbacks 0 = Total 187**
**Abilities 29 + Skills 21 (84) + Feats 9 + Powers 68 + Combat 36 + Saves 24 - Drawbacks 0 = Total 187**
Attack Focus (Melee) 2
Benefit (Status [Platinum Dragonknight])
Two Weapon Mastery (Melee) 4
Acrobatic Bluff, Benefit 4 (Wealth 2 [+8], Status 2 [Merchant Princess]), Deffensive Roll 4, Evasion, Lionhearted, Quick Draw, Sidekick 19 (90 pp, 2 famliars), Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Disable Device, Open Lock, Sleight Of Hand), Sneak Attack 3, Trap Sense, Uncanny Dodge (Visual)
**Abilities 29 + Skills 21 (84) + Feats ?? + Powers 68 + Combat 36 + Saves 24 - Drawbacks 0 = Total 178**
Attack Focus (Melee) 2
Benefit (Status [Platinum Dragonknight])
Two Weapon Mastery (Melee) 4
**[[MMFeature Feature]] 1** (Longevity; 1 pp)
**[[MMSuperSenses Super Senses]] 1** (Low-Light Vision; 1 pp)
**[[MMDevice Device]] 2** [Platinum Armor] (Hard to lose; Power Feats: Indestructible, Restricted (Draconic creatures); 10 pp)
//Platinum Armor// (10 pp total)
Adds Impervious Extra to Protection (6 pp)
**[[MMShield Shield]] 4** (4 pp)
**Saves: ** Toughness +6 [+6 (Draconic Skin), 6 (Platinum Armor, Impervious)]; Fortitude +16; Reflex +9; Will +9
**Combat: ** Attack +10, +12 (Melee); Damage +6 (Unarmed), +12 (Platinum Claws, Penetrating 6), +10 (Breath of Fire) [+4 (Two Weapon Mastery (Melee))]; Defense 18 (14 flat-footed) [+4 (Platinum Armor)]; Initiative +3; Grapple ??; Knockback ??
**Wealth: ** +8 (Middle class)
**Abilities 29 + Skills 21 (84) + Feats ?? + Powers 68 + Combat 36 + Saves 24 - Drawbacks 0 = Total 178**
Ataque Comprado: 10
Defensa comprada: 8
Fort: 10
Ref: 6
Will: 8
Benefit (Status [Platinum Dragonknight])
Two Weapon Mastery (Melee) 4
**[[MMFeature Feature]] 1** (Longevity; 1 pp)
**[[MMSuperSenses Super Senses]] 1** (Low-Light Vision; 1 pp)
**[[MMDevice Device]] 2** [Platinum Armor] (Hard to lose; Power Feats: Indestructible, Restricted (Draconic creatures); 10 pp)
//Platinum Armor// (10 pp total)
Adds Impervious Extra to Protection (6 pp)
**[[MMShield Shield]] 4** (4 pp)
**Saves: ** Toughness +6 [+6 (Draconic Skin), 6 (Platinum Armor, Impervious)]; Fortitude +16; Reflex +9; Will +9
**Combat: ** Attack +10, +12 (Melee); Damage +6 (Unarmed), +12 (Platinum Claws, Penetrating 6), +10 (Breath of Fire) [+4 (Two Weapon Mastery (Melee))]; Defense 18 (14 flat-footed) [+4 (Platinum Armor)]; Initiative +3; Grapple ??; Knockback ??
**Wealth: ** +8 (Middle class)
**Abilities 29 + Skills 21 (84) + Feats ?? + Powers 68 + Combat 36 + Saves 24 - Drawbacks 0 = Total 178**
Ataque Comprado: 10
Defensa comprada: 8
Fort: 10
Ref: 6
Will: 8
Two weapon Mastery
**Familiares: **
- [[Rata Rata]]
**[[MMSuperSenses Super Senses]] 2** (Communication Link [to [[Rata Rata]], Mental (Empathic)], Low-Light Vision; 2 pp)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Feats]] 2**(Attack Specialization [Radiant Star]; 2 pp)
**[[MMARray Array]] 7** (Power Feats: Affects Insubstantial, Improved Critical 2; 17 pp)
//Base Power: //**[[MMStrike Strike]] 9** [Fire Slash] (Extras: Penetrating 5 [+1]; Power Feats: Mighty)
//AP: //**[[MMBlast Blast]] 7** [Fire Blast] (1 pp)
**[[MMShrinking Shrinking]] 4** [Halfling Size] (Extras: Duration [Continuous; +1], Normal Strength [+1]; Power Feats: Innate; Flaws: Permanent [-1]; 9 pp)
**[[MMSuperSenses Super Senses]] 2** (Communication Link [to [[Lyle Lyle]] and [[Leeda Leeda]], Mental (Empathic)]; 2 pp)
**[[MMArray Array]] 16** [Elemental Chaos Sorcery] (Power Feats: Variable Descriptor 2 [Elemental energies]; Flaws: Side effect [Stun, Always occurs; -2]; Drawbacks: Power Loss [When unable to speak, Minor, Uncommon; -1 pp]; 9 pp)
//Base Power: //**[[MMBlast Blast]] 9** [Elemental Darts] (Extras: Penetrating [+1]; Power Feats: Accurate 2, Split Attack 3)
//AP: //**[[MMBlast Blast]] 10** [Elemental Burst] (Extras: Area [General, Burst; +1]; 1 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMSnare Snare]] 10** [Elemental Snare] (Extras: Area [General, Burst; +1]; 1 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMStun Stun]] 10** [Elemental Spray] (Extras: Area [General, Cone; +1]; 1 pp)
**[[MMArray Array]] 8** [Chaos Sorcery] (Flaws: Side effect [Stun, Always occurs; -2]; Drawbacks: Power Loss [When unable to speak, Minor, Uncommon; -1 pp]; 3 pp)
//Base Power: //**[[MMTelekinesis Telekinesis]] 5** [Mage Hand] (Power Feats: Dynamic; Flaws: Duration [Concentration, -1]; 1 pp)
//DAP: //**[[MMShield Shield]] 4** [Shield] (Power Feats: Dynamic; 2 pp)
//DAP: //**[[MMProtection Protection]] 4** [Dragonskin] (Extras: Impervious [+1]; Power Feats: Dynamic; 2 pp)
//DAP: //**[[MMInvisibility Invisibility]]** [Greater Invisibility] (All visual senses; Power Feats: Dynamic; 2 pp)
//DAP: //**[[MMEnvironmentalControl Environmental Control]] 5** [Dancing Lights] (Light; Extras: Independent [+0], Total Fade [Ranks/2 rounds, +1]; Power Feats: Dynamic; 2 pp)
//DAP: //**[[MMSuperSenses Super Senses]] 4** [Magic Senses] (Detect Magic, See Invisible; Power Feats: Dynamic; 2 pp)
**[[MMDevice Device]] 4** [Radiant Star] (Easy to lose; Power Feats: Restricted 2 (Must bond with wielder, only one person may be bond with it at a time); 14 pp)
//Halfling Size//
Small size
Toughness -1
Attack +1
Defense +1
Grapple -4
Stealth +4
Intimidate -2
Carrying Capacity x3/4
**Devices: **
//Radiant Star// (20 pp total)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Feats]] 2**(Attack Specialization [Radiant Star]; 2 pp)
**[[MMARray Array]] 7** (Power Feats: Affects Insubstantial, Improved Critical 2; 17 pp)
//Base Power: //**[[MMStrike Strike]] 9** [Fire Slash] (Extras: Penetrating 5 [+1]; Power Feats: Mighty)
//AP: //**[[MMBlast Blast]] 7** [Fire Blast] (1 pp)
**Equipment (Wealth): ** 4 Daggers (4 ep/each), Sling (4 ep), Small Metal Shield (2 ep), Studded Leather (2 ep)
**Equipment: **
//Small Metal Shield//
**[[MMDeflect Deflect]] 1**(Slow projectiles)
**Saves: ** Toughness +2 [+4 (Defensive Roll), +4 (Dragonskin, Impervious), +2 (Studded Leather)]; Fortitude +8; Reflex +13 [+4 (Defensive Roll, Against area attacks)]; Will +10
**Combat: ** Attack +7, +11 (Elemental Dart, Radiant Star); Damage +1 (Dagger, Crit on 19-20, Range Increment 10 ft), +1 (Sling, Range Increment 20 ft), +7 (Radiant Star Fire Blast, Crit on 18-20), +9 (Elemental Darts, Penetrating), +9 (Radiant Star Fire Slash, Penetrating 5, Crit on 18-20), +10 (Elemental Burst) [+4 (Sneak Attack)]; Defense 20 (16 flat-footed) [+4 (Shield), +1 (Small Metal Shield)]; Initiative +5; Grapple ??; Knockback ??
**Wealth: ** +16 (Wealthy)
**Abilities 29 + Skills 21 (84) + Feats ?? + Powers 58 + Combat 30 + Saves 24 - Drawbacks 0 = Total 192**
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Skills]] 6** (24 skill ranks [Bluff 6 (+14), Diplomacy 6 (+15), Gather Information 6 (+10), Intimidate 6 (+13)]; Flaws: Limited [Against draconic creatures]; 3 pp)
**Abilities 29 + Skills 21 (84) + Feats ?? + Powers 58 + Combat 30 + Saves 24 - Drawbacks 0 = Total 192**
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Skills]] 6** (24 skill ranks [Bluff 6 (+14), Diplomacy 6 (+15), Gather Information 6 (+10), Intimidate 6 (+13)];Flaws: Limited [Against draconic creatures]; 3 pp)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Skills]] 6** (Bluff 6 (+14), Diplomacy 6 (+15), Gather Information 6 (+10), Intimidate 6 (+13) ;Flaws: Limited [Against draconic creatures]; 3 pp)
**Abilities: ** STR 11 [23] (+0/+6) DEX 16 (+3) CON 16 [22] (+3/+6) INT 16 (+3) WIS 13 (+1) CHA 17 (+3)
**[[MMContainer Container]] 11** [Bahamut|s Blessing] (Passive, Permanent; 55 pp)
//Bahamut|s Blessing// (55 pp total)
**[[MMFlight Flight]] 2** [Dragonic Wings] (Power Feats: Move-by Action; Drawbacks: Power Loss [If wings are bound, Minor, Uncommon; -1 pp]; 4 pp)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Strength]] 6** (12 pp)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Constitution]] 3** (6 pp)
**MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Skills]] 6** (Bluff 6 (+14), Diplomacy 6 (+15), Gather Information 6 (+10), Intimidate 6 (+13) ;Flaws: Limited [Against draconic creatures]; 3 pp)
**[[MMProtection Protection]] 6** [Draconic Skin] (6 pp)
**[[MMArray Array]] 10** (20 pp)
//Base Power: //**[[MMBlast Blast]] 10** [Breath of Fire] (Extras: Area [General, Cone]; Flaws: Range [Touch])
//AP: //**[[MMStrike Strike]] 6** [Platinum Claws] (Extras: Penetrating; Power Feats: Mighty, Split Attack; 1 pp)
**[[MMSuperStrength Super Strength]] 1** (2 pp)
**[[MMContainer Container]] 11** [Bahamut|s Blessing] (Passive, Permanent; 55 pp)
//Bahamut|s Blessing// (55 pp total)
**[[MMFlight Flight]] 2** [Dragonic Wings] (Power Feats: Move-by Action; Drawbacks: Power Loss [If wings are bound, Minor, Uncommon; -1 pp]; 4 pp)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Strength]] 6** (12 pp)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Constitution]] 3** (6 pp)
**MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Skills]] 6** (Bluff 6 (+14), Diplomacy 6 (+15), Gather Information 6 (+10), Intimidate 6 (+13) ;Flaws: Limited [Against draconic creatures]; 3 pp)
**[[MMProtection Protection]] 6** [Draconic Skin] (6 pp)
**[[MMArray Array]] 10** (20 pp)
//Base Power: //**[[MMBlast Blast]] 10** [Breath of Fire] (Extras: Area [General, Cone]; Flaws: Range [Touch])
//AP: //**[[MMStrike Strike]] 6** [Platinum Claws] (Extras: Penetrating; Power Feats: Mighty, Split Attack; 1 pp)
**[[MMSuperStrength Super Strength]] 1** (2 pp)
**[[MMContainer Container]] X** [Bahamut|s Blessing] (Passive, Permanent; 5Xpp)
//Bahamut|s Blessing// (5X pp total)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Strength]] 5** (10 pp)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Constitution]] 2** (4 pp)
**[[MMStrike Strike]] 5** [Platinum Claws] (Extras: Penetrating; Power Feats: Mighty, Split Attack; 12 pp)
**[[MMProtection Protection]] 5** [Draconic Skin] (Extras: Impervious; 10 pp)
**[[MMSuperSenses Super Senses]] 2** (Communication Link [to [[Rata Rata]], Mental (Empathic)], Low-Light Vision; 2 pp)
Two weapon Mastery
- [[Rata Rata]]
**[[MMImmunity Immunity]] 1** (Need for sleep; 1 pp)
**[[MMSuperSenses Super Senses]] 2** [Elven Sight] (Communication Link [to [[Lyle Lyle]] and [[Leeda Leeda]], Mental (Empathic)], Low-Light Vision; 2 pp)
**[[MMSuperSenses Super Senses]] 1** [Draconic Sight] (Extended [applied to Low-Light Vision]; 1 pp)
**[[MMProtection Protection]] 5** [Draconic Skin] (Extras: Impervious; 10 pp)
Two weapon Mastery
- [[Rata Rata]]
**[[MMImmunity Immunity]] 1** (Need for sleep; 1 pp)
**[[MMSuperSenses Super Senses]] 2** [Elven Sight] (Communication Link [to [[Lyle Lyle]] and [[Leeda Leeda]], Mental (Empathic)], Low-Light Vision; 2 pp)
**[[MMSuperSenses Super Senses]] 1** [Draconic Sight] (Extended [applied to Low-Light Vision]; 1 pp)
**[[MMProtection Protection]] 5** [Draconic Skin] (Extras: Impervious; 10 pp)
- [[Leeda Leeda]]
**Abilities: ** STR 11 [21] (+0/+5) DEX 16 (+3) CON 16 [20] (+3/+5) INT 16 (+3) WIS 13 (+1) CHA 17 (+3)
**Skills: ** Bluff 5 (+8), Concentration 14 (+15), Craft (Chemical) 9 (+12), Craft (Mechanical) 7 (+10), Diplomacy 6 (+9), Gather Information 1 (+4), Intimidate 4 (+7), Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 17 (+20), Knowledge (Civics) 4 (+7), Knowledge (Theology and Philosophy) 2 (+5), Language (Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, Elven, Goblin, Halfling, Infernal, Orc) 8, Notice 4 (+5), Ride 2 (+5), Search 1 (+4)
**Feats: **
Acrobatic Bluff, Benefit 4 (Wealth 2 [+8], Status 2 [Merchant Princess]), Deffensive Roll 4, Evasion, Lionhearted, Quick Draw, Sidekick 19 (90 pp, 2 famliars), Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Disable Device, Open Lock, Sleight Of Hand), Sneak Attack 3, Trap Sense, Uncanny Dodge (Visual)
**[[MMContainer Container]] X** [Bahamut|s Blessing] (Passive, Permanent; 5Xpp)
//Bahamut|s Blessing// (5X pp total)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Strength]] 5** (10 pp)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Constitution]] 2** (4 pp)
**[[MMStrike Strike]] 5** [Platinum Claws] (Extras: Penetrating; Power Feats: Mighty, Split Attack; 12 pp)
**Abilities 29 + Skills 21 (84) + Feats ?? + Powers 51 + Combat 30 + Saves 24 - Drawbacks 0 = Total 192**
**Complications: ** Vow of Obedience (Bahamut)
**Skills: ** Bluff 5 (+8), Concentration 14 (+15), Craft (Chemical) 9 (+12), Craft (Mechanical) 7 (+10), Diplomacy 6 (+9), Gather Information 1 (+4), Intimidate 4 (+7), Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 17 (+20), Knowledge (Civics) 4 (+7), Knowledge (Theology and Philosophy) 2 (+5), Language (Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, Elven, Goblin, Halfling, Infernal, Orc) 8, Notice 4 (+5), Ride 2 (+5), Search 1 (+4)
**Feats: **
Acrobatic Bluff, Benefit 4 (Wealth 2 [+8], Status 2 [Merchant Princess]), Deffensive Roll 4, Evasion, Lionhearted, Quick Draw, Sidekick 19 (90 pp, 2 famliars), Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Disable Device, Open Lock, Sleight Of Hand), Sneak Attack 3, Trap Sense, Uncanny Dodge (Visual)
**[[MMContainer Container]] X** [Bahamut|s Blessing] (Passive, Permanent; 5Xpp)
//Bahamut|s Blessing// (5X pp total)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Strength]] 5** (10 pp)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Constitution]] 2** (4 pp)
**[[MMStrike Strike]] 5** [Platinum Claws] (Extras: Penetrating; Power Feats: Mighty, Split Attack; 12 pp)
**Abilities 29 + Skills 21 (84) + Feats ?? + Powers 51 + Combat 30 + Saves 24 - Drawbacks 0 = Total 192**
**Complications: ** Vow of Obedience (Bahamut)
**Skills: ** Bluff 5 (+8), Concentration 14 (+15), Craft (Chemical) 9 (+12), Craft (Mechanical) 7 (+10), Diplomacy 6 (+9), Gather Information 1 (+4), Intimidate 4 (+7), Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 17 (+20), Knowledge (Civics) 4 (+7), Knowledge (Theology and Philosophy) 2 (+5), Language (Goblin, Infernal, Halfling, Orc) 4, Notice 4 (+5), Ride 2 (+5), Search 1 (+4)
**Feats: ** Acrobatic Bluff, Benefit 4 (Wealth 2 [+8], Status 2 [Merchant Princess]), Deffensive Roll 4, Evasion, Lionhearted, Quick Draw, Sidekick 19 (90 pp, 2 famliars), Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Disable Device, Open Lock, Sleight Of Hand), Sneak Attack 3, Trap Sense, Uncanny Dodge (Visual)
**Abilities 29 + Skills 20 (80) + Feats 37 + Powers 51 + Combat 30 + Saves 24 - Drawbacks 0 = Total 192**
**Skills: ** Bluff 5 (+8), Concentration 14 (+15), Craft (Chemical) 9 (+12), Craft (Mechanical) 7 (+10), Diplomacy 6 (+9), Gather Information 1 (+4), Intimidate 4 (+7), Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 17 (+20), Knowledge (Civics) 4 (+7), Knowledge (Theology and Philosophy) 2 (+5), Language (Goblin, Infernal, Halfling, Orc) 4, Notice 4 (+5), Ride 2 (+5), Search 1 (+4)
Bluff 5 (+8), Concentration 14 (+15), Craft (Chemical) 9 (+12), Craft (Mechanical) 7 (+10), Diplomacy 6 (+9), Gather Information 1 (+4), Intimidate 4 (+7), Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 17 (+20), Knowledge (Civics) 4 (+7), Knowledge (Theology and Philosophy) 2 (+5), Language (Goblin, Infernal, Halfling, Orc) 4, Notice 4 (+5), Ride 2 (+5), Search 1 (+4)
**Abilities: ** STR 11 (+0) DEX 16 (+3) CON 16 (+3) INT 16 (+3) WIS 13 (+1) CHA 17 (+3)
**Skills: **
Bluff 5 (+8), Concentration 14 (+15), Craft (Chemical) 9 (+12), Craft (Mechanical) 7 (+10), Diplomacy 6 (+9), Gather Information 1 (+4), Intimidate 4 (+7), Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 17 (+20), Knowledge (Civics) 4 (+7), Knowledge (Theology and Philosophy) 2 (+5), Language (Goblin, Infernal, Halfling, Orc) 4, Notice 4 (+5), Ride 2 (+5), Search 1 (+4)
**Abilities 29 + Skills 20 (80) + Feats 37 + Powers 51 + Combat 30 + Saves 24 - Drawbacks 0 = Total 192**
**Skills: **
Bluff 5 (+8), Concentration 14 (+15), Craft (Chemical) 9 (+12), Craft (Mechanical) 7 (+10), Diplomacy 6 (+9), Gather Information 1 (+4), Intimidate 4 (+7), Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 17 (+20), Knowledge (Civics) 4 (+7), Knowledge (Theology and Philosophy) 2 (+5), Language (Goblin, Infernal, Halfling, Orc) 4, Notice 4 (+5), Ride 2 (+5), Search 1 (+4)
**Abilities 29 + Skills 20 (80) + Feats 37 + Powers 51 + Combat 30 + Saves 24 - Drawbacks 0 = Total 192**
**Skills: ** Acrobatics 17 (+21), Concentration 8 (+10), Disable Device 17 (+20), Escape Artist 7 (+12), Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 8 (+11), Notice 5 (+7), Open Lock 12 (+15), Perform (String Instruments) 2 (+5), Search 7 (+10), Sleight Of Hand 5 (+10), Stealth 8 (+17)
**Abilities 26 + Skills 24 (96) + Feats 37 + Powers 51 + Combat 30 + Saves 24 - Drawbacks 0 = Total 192**
**Abilities: ** STR 10 (+0) DEX 20 (+5) CON 14 (+2) INT 14 (+2) WIS 11 (+0) CHA 17 (+3)
**Skills: ** Acrobatics 17 (+21), Concentration 8 (+10), Disable Device 17 (+20), Escape Artist 7 (+12), Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 8 (+11), Notice 5 (+7), Open Lock 12 (+15), Perform (String Instruments) 2 (+5), Search 7 (+10), Sleight Of Hand 5 (+10), Stealth 8 (+17)
**Feats: ** Acrobatic Bluff, Benefit 4 (Wealth 2 [+8], Status 2 [Merchant Princess]), Deffensive Roll 4, Evasion, Lionhearted, Quick Draw, Sidekick 19 (90 pp, 2 famliars), Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Disable Device, Open Lock, Sleight Of Hand), Sneak Attack 3, Trap Sense, Uncanny Dodge (Visual)
**Familiares: **
- [[Lyle Lyle]]
- [[Leeda Leeda]]
**[[MMShrinking Shrinking]] 4** [Halfling Size] (Extras: Duration [Continuous; +1], Normal Strength [+1]; Power Feats: Innate; Flaws: Permanent [-1]; 9 pp)
**[[MMSuperSenses Super Senses]] 2** (Communication Link [to [[Lyle Lyle]] and [[Leeda Leeda]], Mental (Empathic)]; 2 pp)
**[[MMArray Array]] 16** [Elemental Chaos Sorcery] (Power Feats: Variable Descriptor 2 [Elemental energies]; Flaws: Side effect [Stun, Always occurs; -2]; Drawbacks: Power Loss [When unable to speak, Minor, Uncommon; -1 pp]; 9 pp)
//Base Power: //**[[MMBlast Blast]] 9** [Elemental Darts] (Extras: Penetrating [+1]; Power Feats: Accurate 2, Split Attack 3)
//AP: //**[[MMBlast Blast]] 10** [Elemental Burst] (Extras: Area [General, Burst; +1]; 1 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMSnare Snare]] 10** [Elemental Snare] (Extras: Area [General, Burst; +1]; 1 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMStun Stun]] 10** [Elemental Spray] (Extras: Area [General, Cone; +1]; 1 pp)
**[[MMArray Array]] 8** [Chaos Sorcery] (Flaws: Side effect [Stun, Always occurs; -2]; Drawbacks: Power Loss [When unable to speak, Minor, Uncommon; -1 pp]; 3 pp)
//Base Power: //**[[MMTelekinesis Telekinesis]] 5** [Mage Hand] (Power Feats: Dynamic; Flaws: Duration [Concentration, -1]; 1 pp)
//DAP: //**[[MMShield Shield]] 4** [Shield] (Power Feats: Dynamic; 2 pp)
//DAP: //**[[MMProtection Protection]] 4** [Dragonskin] (Extras: Impervious [+1]; Power Feats: Dynamic; 2 pp)
//DAP: //**[[MMInvisibility Invisibility]]** [Greater Invisibility] (All visual senses; Power Feats: Dynamic; 2 pp)
//DAP: //**[[MMEnvironmentalControl Environmental Control]] 5** [Dancing Lights] (Light; Extras: Independent [+0], Total Fade [Ranks/2 rounds, +1]; Power Feats: Dynamic; 2 pp)
//DAP: //**[[MMSuperSenses Super Senses]] 4** [Magic Senses] (Detect Magic, See Invisible; Power Feats: Dynamic; 2 pp)
**[[MMDevice Device]] 4** [Radiant Star] (Easy to lose; Power Feats: Restricted 2 (Must bond with wielder, only one person may be bond with it at a time); 14 pp)
//Halfling Size//
Small size
Toughness -1
Attack +1
Defense +1
Grapple -4
Stealth +4
Intimidate -2
Carrying Capacity x3/4
**Devices: **
//Radiant Star// (20 pp total)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Feats]] 2**(Attack Specialization [Radiant Star]; 2 pp)
**[[MMARray Array]] 7** (Power Feats: Affects Insubstantial, Improved Critical 2; 17 pp)
//Base Power: //**[[MMStrike Strike]] 9** [Fire Slash] (Extras: Penetrating 5 [+1]; Power Feats: Mighty)
//AP: //**[[MMBlast Blast]] 7** [Fire Blast] (1 pp)
**Equipment (Wealth): ** 4 Daggers (4 ep/each), Sling (4 ep), Small Metal Shield (2 ep), Studded Leather (2 ep)
**Equipment: **
//Small Metal Shield//
**[[MMDeflect Deflect]] 1**(Slow projectiles)
**Saves: ** Toughness +2 [+4 (Defensive Roll), +4 (Dragonskin, Impervious), +2 (Studded Leather)]; Fortitude +8; Reflex +13 [+4 (Defensive Roll, Against area attacks)]; Will +10
**Combat: ** Attack +7, +11 (Elemental Dart, Radiant Star); Damage +1 (Dagger, Crit on 19-20, Range Increment 10 ft), +1 (Sling, Range Increment 20 ft), +7 (Radiant Star Fire Blast, Crit on 18-20), +9 (Elemental Darts, Penetrating), +9 (Radiant Star Fire Slash, Penetrating 5, Crit on 18-20), +10 (Elemental Burst) [+4 (Sneak Attack)]; Defense 20 (16 flat-footed) [+4 (Shield), +1 (Small Metal Shield)]; Initiative +5; Grapple ??; Knockback ??
**Wealth: ** +16 (Wealthy)
**Abilities 26 + Skills 24 (96) + Feats 37 + Powers 51 + Combat 30 + Saves 24 - Drawbacks 0 = Total 192**
**Skills: ** Acrobatics 17 (+21), Concentration 8 (+10), Disable Device 17 (+20), Escape Artist 7 (+12), Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 8 (+11), Notice 5 (+7), Open Lock 12 (+15), Perform (String Instruments) 2 (+5), Search 7 (+10), Sleight Of Hand 5 (+10), Stealth 8 (+17)
**Feats: ** Acrobatic Bluff, Benefit 4 (Wealth 2 [+8], Status 2 [Merchant Princess]), Deffensive Roll 4, Evasion, Lionhearted, Quick Draw, Sidekick 19 (90 pp, 2 famliars), Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Disable Device, Open Lock, Sleight Of Hand), Sneak Attack 3, Trap Sense, Uncanny Dodge (Visual)
**Familiares: **
- [[Lyle Lyle]]
- [[Leeda Leeda]]
**[[MMShrinking Shrinking]] 4** [Halfling Size] (Extras: Duration [Continuous; +1], Normal Strength [+1]; Power Feats: Innate; Flaws: Permanent [-1]; 9 pp)
**[[MMSuperSenses Super Senses]] 2** (Communication Link [to [[Lyle Lyle]] and [[Leeda Leeda]], Mental (Empathic)]; 2 pp)
**[[MMArray Array]] 16** [Elemental Chaos Sorcery] (Power Feats: Variable Descriptor 2 [Elemental energies]; Flaws: Side effect [Stun, Always occurs; -2]; Drawbacks: Power Loss [When unable to speak, Minor, Uncommon; -1 pp]; 9 pp)
//Base Power: //**[[MMBlast Blast]] 9** [Elemental Darts] (Extras: Penetrating [+1]; Power Feats: Accurate 2, Split Attack 3)
//AP: //**[[MMBlast Blast]] 10** [Elemental Burst] (Extras: Area [General, Burst; +1]; 1 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMSnare Snare]] 10** [Elemental Snare] (Extras: Area [General, Burst; +1]; 1 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMStun Stun]] 10** [Elemental Spray] (Extras: Area [General, Cone; +1]; 1 pp)
**[[MMArray Array]] 8** [Chaos Sorcery] (Flaws: Side effect [Stun, Always occurs; -2]; Drawbacks: Power Loss [When unable to speak, Minor, Uncommon; -1 pp]; 3 pp)
//Base Power: //**[[MMTelekinesis Telekinesis]] 5** [Mage Hand] (Power Feats: Dynamic; Flaws: Duration [Concentration, -1]; 1 pp)
//DAP: //**[[MMShield Shield]] 4** [Shield] (Power Feats: Dynamic; 2 pp)
//DAP: //**[[MMProtection Protection]] 4** [Dragonskin] (Extras: Impervious [+1]; Power Feats: Dynamic; 2 pp)
//DAP: //**[[MMInvisibility Invisibility]]** [Greater Invisibility] (All visual senses; Power Feats: Dynamic; 2 pp)
//DAP: //**[[MMEnvironmentalControl Environmental Control]] 5** [Dancing Lights] (Light; Extras: Independent [+0], Total Fade [Ranks/2 rounds, +1]; Power Feats: Dynamic; 2 pp)
//DAP: //**[[MMSuperSenses Super Senses]] 4** [Magic Senses] (Detect Magic, See Invisible; Power Feats: Dynamic; 2 pp)
**[[MMDevice Device]] 4** [Radiant Star] (Easy to lose; Power Feats: Restricted 2 (Must bond with wielder, only one person may be bond with it at a time); 14 pp)
//Halfling Size//
Small size
Toughness -1
Attack +1
Defense +1
Grapple -4
Stealth +4
Intimidate -2
Carrying Capacity x3/4
**Devices: **
//Radiant Star// (20 pp total)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Feats]] 2**(Attack Specialization [Radiant Star]; 2 pp)
**[[MMARray Array]] 7** (Power Feats: Affects Insubstantial, Improved Critical 2; 17 pp)
//Base Power: //**[[MMStrike Strike]] 9** [Fire Slash] (Extras: Penetrating 5 [+1]; Power Feats: Mighty)
//AP: //**[[MMBlast Blast]] 7** [Fire Blast] (1 pp)
**Equipment (Wealth): ** 4 Daggers (4 ep/each), Sling (4 ep), Small Metal Shield (2 ep), Studded Leather (2 ep)
**Equipment: **
//Small Metal Shield//
**[[MMDeflect Deflect]] 1**(Slow projectiles)
**Saves: ** Toughness +2 [+4 (Defensive Roll), +4 (Dragonskin, Impervious), +2 (Studded Leather)]; Fortitude +8; Reflex +13 [+4 (Defensive Roll, Against area attacks)]; Will +10
**Combat: ** Attack +7, +11 (Elemental Dart, Radiant Star); Damage +1 (Dagger, Crit on 19-20, Range Increment 10 ft), +1 (Sling, Range Increment 20 ft), +7 (Radiant Star Fire Blast, Crit on 18-20), +9 (Elemental Darts, Penetrating), +9 (Radiant Star Fire Slash, Penetrating 5, Crit on 18-20), +10 (Elemental Burst) [+4 (Sneak Attack)]; Defense 20 (16 flat-footed) [+4 (Shield), +1 (Small Metal Shield)]; Initiative +5; Grapple ??; Knockback ??
**Wealth: ** +16 (Wealthy)
**Abilities 26 + Skills 24 (96) + Feats 37 + Powers 51 + Combat 30 + Saves 24 - Drawbacks 0 = Total 192**
**Skills: ** [[MMBluff Bluff]] 5 (+8), [[MMConcentration Concentration]] 14 (+15), [[MMExpertise Expertise]] (Alchemy) 9 (+12), [[MMExpertise Expertise]] (Metalsmithing) 7 (+10), [[MMDiplomacy Diplomacy]] 6 (+9), [[MMGatherInformation Gather Information]] 1 (+4), [[MMIntimidate Intimidate]] 4 (+7), [[MMExpertise Expertise]] (Magic) 17 (+20), [[MMExpertise Expertise]] (Nobility) 4 (+7), [[MMExpertise Expertise]] (Religion) 2 (+5), [[MMLanguage Language]] (Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, Elven, Goblin, Halfling, Infernal, Orc) 8, [[MMNotice Notice]] 4 (+5), [[MMRide Ride]] 2 (+5), [[MMSearch Search]] 1 (+4)
**Feats: ** [[MMAmbidexterity Ambidexterity]], [[MMBenefit Benefit]] 2 (Status [Knight: Platinum Dragonknight, Wealth]), [[MMImprovedCritical Improved Critical]] (Sword) 2, [[MMTrance Trance]], [[MMTwoWeaponMastery Two Weapon Mastery]] (Melee) 4, [[MMVeteranFighter Veteran Fighter]]
**[[MMImmunity Immunity]] 1** (Need for sleep; 1 pp)
**[[MMFeatures Features]] 1** (Longevity; 1 pp)
**[[MMSuperSenses Super Senses]] 1** (Low-Light Vision; 1 pp)
**[[MMContainer Container]] 11** [Sadrian|s Blessing] (Passive, Permanent; 55 pp)
**[[MMDevice Device]] 2** [Platinum Armor] (Hard to lose; [[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Indestructible, Restricted (Dragonknights); 10 pp)
**[[MMDevice Device]] 2** [Twin Swords] (Easy to lose; 6 pp)
//Sadrian|s Blessing// (55 pp total)
**[[MMFlight Flight]] 2** [Dragon Wings] (25 MPH; [[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Move-by Action; [[MMPowerDrawbacks Drawbacks]]: Power Loss [If wings are bound, Minor, Uncommon; -1 pp]; 4 pp)
**[[MMSuperSenses Super Senses]] 3** [Dragon Senses] (Darkvision, Extended [Low-Light Vision]; 3 pp)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Strength]] 4** [Dragon Might] ([[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Split Attack; [[MMExtras Extras]]: Penetrating; 13 pp)
**[[MMProtection Protection]] 4** [Dragon skin] (4 pp)
**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Skills]] 8** [Imperious Aura] (32 skill ranks [Bluff 8 (+16), Diplomacy 8 (+17), Gather Information 8 (+12), Intimidate 8 (+15)]; [[MMFlaws Flaws]]: Limited [Dragons and draconic creatures]; 4 pp)
**[[MMArray Array]] 12** (24 pp)
//Base Power: //**[[MMBlast Blast]] 12** [Breath of Fire] ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Area [General, Cone]; [[MMFlaws Flaws]]: Range [Touch])
//AP: //**[[MMBlast Blast]] 8** [Fire Darts] ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Penetrating [+1]; 1 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMEnergyAura Energy Aura]] 4** [Dragonwrack] (Fire; [[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Incurable; [[MMExtras Extras]]: Area [General, Burst]; [[MMFlaws Flaws]]: Limited [Dragons and draconic creatures])
**[[MMImmunity Immunity]] 5** (Fire) (1 pp)
//Twin Sword 1// (5 pp total)
**[[MMStrike Strike]] 2** (PF: Mighty; 3 pp)
**[[MMShield Shield]] 2** (2 pp)
//Twin Sword 2// (5 pp total)
**[[MMStrike Strike]] 2** (PF: Mighty; 3 pp)
**[[MMShield Shield]] 2** (2 pp)
//Platinum Armor// (10 pp total)
**[[MMProtection Protection]] 5** ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Impervious; 1 pp)
**Equipment (Wealth): ** Bow, long
**[[MMBlast Blast]] 3** [Bow, long] ([[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Improved Range [25 ft.], Mighty 5; 9 ep)
**Toughness** +3
Dragon skin +4
Platinum Armor +5 (Impervious)
**Fortitude** +13
**Reflex** +9
**Will** +10
**Attack** +10
Bow, long +3
Breath of Fire+12
Fire Darts +8 (Penetrating)
Twin Sword +2 (Crit on 18-20)
Unarmed +0
Dragon Might +4 (Penetrating, Melee)
Dragon Might +4 (Bow, long)
Two Weapon Mastery (Melee) +4
Dragonwrack +4 (Incurable)
**Defense** 18 (14 flat-footed)
Twin Sword 1 +2
Twin Sword 2 +2
**Initiative** +3
**Grapple** +10
Dragon Strength +4
**Knockback** 1/2 Toughness (Non-impervious) + Toughness (Impervious)
**Wealth: ** +12 (Affluent)
**Complications: ** Vow of Obedience (Sadrian)
**Abilities 26 + Skills 21 (84) + Feats 11 + Powers 73 + Combat 36 + Saves 25 - Drawbacks 0 = Total 192**
**Feats: ** [[MMAmbidexterity Ambidexterity]], [[MMBenefit Benefit]] 2 (Status [Knight: Platinum Dragonknight, Wealth]), [[MMImprovedCritical Improved Critical]] (Sword) 2, [[MMTrance Trance]], [[MMTwoWeaponMastery Two Weapon Mastery]] (Melee) 4, [[MMVeteranFighter Veteran Fighter]]
**Feats: ** [[MMAmbidexterity Ambidexterity]], [[MMBenefit Benefit]] 2 (Status [Knight: Platinum Dragonknight], Wealth), [[MMImprovedCritical Improved Critical]] (Sword) 2, [[MMTrance Trance]], [[MMTwoWeaponMastery Two Weapon Mastery]] (Melee) 4, [[MMVeteranFighter Veteran Fighter]]
**[[MMFlight Flight]] 2** [Dragon Wings] (25 MPH; [[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Move-by Action; [[MMPowerDrawbacks Drawbacks]]: Power Loss [If wings are bound, Minor, Uncommon; -1 pp]; 4 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMEnergyAura Energy Aura]] 4** [Dragonwrack] (Fire; [[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Incurable; [[MMExtras Extras]]: Area [General, Burst]; [[MMFlaws Flaws]]: Limited [Dragons and draconic creatures])
**[[MMImmunity Immunity]] 5** (Fire) (1 pp)
**[[MMFlight Flight]] 2** [Dragon Wings] (25 MPH; [[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Move-by Action; [[MMPowerDrawbacks Drawbacks]]: Power Loss [If wings are bound, Minor, Uncommon; -1 pp]; 4 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMEnergyAura Energy Aura]] 4** [Dragonwrack] (Fire; [[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Incurable; [[MMExtras Extras]]: Area [General, Burst]; [[MMFlaws Flaws]]: Limited [Dragons and draconic creatures])
**[[MMImmunity Immunity]] 5** (Fire) (1 pp)
**[[MMFlight Flight]] 2** [Dragon Wings] ([[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Move-by Action; [[MMPowerDrawbacks Drawbacks]]: Power Loss [If wings are bound, Minor, Uncommon; -1 pp]; 4 pp)
//AP: //**[[MMEnergyAura Energy Aura]] 4** [Dragonwrack] (Fire; [[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Incurable; [[MMExtras Extras]]: Area [General, Burst]; [[MMFlaws Flaws]]: Limited [Dragons and draconic creatures]); **[[MMImmunity Immunity]] 5** (Fire) (1 pp)
**[[MMFlight Flight]] 2** [Dragon Wings] ([[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Move-by Action; [[MMPowerDrawbacks Drawbacks]]: Power Loss [If wings are bound, Minor, Uncommon; -1 pp]; 4 pp)
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