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======Withstand Damage (Combat)======

Dodging is for wimps. You stand your ground in the face of an incoming energy blast the size of a mountain and take it like a real man...or woman... or android... When you are the target of an attack, you can take a penalty of up to -5 on your dodge defense bonus and add the same number (up to +5) to your Toughness save bonus. Your Defense bonus cannot be reduced below +0, and your Toughness bonus cannot more than double. If you reduce your dodge bonus to +0, you are considered flat-footed, and all attacks made against you are considered surprise attacks, even if you have Uncanny Dodge. You can declare this change as a free action or as a reaction, but only once in a turn and before your opponent makes his attack roll; the new values remain until the beginning of your next turn.

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