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||**Effect:** [[MMMindControl Mind Control]], [[MMExtras Area]], [[MMFlaws Limited]]||**Action:** Standard (active)||
||**Range:** Touch||**Duration:** Sustained||
||**Saving Throw:** Will||**Cost:** 1 point per rank||

You can hedge out creatures of a particular type from an area up to (rank x 5) feet in radius around you. Choose a creature descriptor when you acquire this power, such as good or evil supernatural creatures, machines, aliens, and so forth. The GM determines if a type of creature is sufficiently limited, based on the details of the setting. Generally categories like "villains" or "super-humans" are too broad.

Affected creatures must make a Will saving throw against the result of your Ward power check. A failed save means the creature must leave the area of your ward immediately and as quickly as possible and cannot enter the affected area so long as the ward is maintained. A successful save means the creature is unaffected. Although affected creatures cannot enter the area of your Ward, they can still launch attacks from outside of it, interact and observe from a distance, and so forth.


As Ward is essentially a mental effect, other mental effects may be able to counter it, at the GM|s discretion, depending on descriptors. Likewise, Ward may be able to counter certain mental effects, making it useful in warding off the mental influences or powers of creatures it can hedge out, such as a holy ward used actively to counter the mental powers of evil supernatural creatures, for example.

=====Power Feats=====

- **Affects Insubstantial: **Ward works normally on insubstantial beings without the need for this power feat, so you can use it to hedge out incorporeal ghosts, insubstantial elementals, and so forth.


- **Damaging (+3): **In addition to driving out creatures, your Ward power may damage them; any creature failing the Will save against your Ward suffers damage read on the Toughness Saving Throw table (see Toughness Saving Throws, M&M, page 163) in addition to the Ward|s normal effect; so a creature that fails the Will save suffers a bruised result, failure by 5 results in a bruise plus a stun, and so forth. The Ward can inflict lethal or non-lethal damage, as you prefer, when you use it.


- **Limited: **The GM may permit the application of his flaw if your Ward is Limited to a smaller category of creatures than usual. The inherent limit on the Ward power cannot be removed, however.

- **Side Effect: **If a creature succeeds on the saving throw against your Ward, you suffer some side effect, such as a [[MMDamage Damage]], [[MMFatigue Fatigue]], or [[MMStun Stun]] effect equal in intensity to your Ward power rank.

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