======Vibration Control====== ||**Effect:** [[MMArray Array]] ([[MMDamage Damage]])||**Action:** Standard (active)|| ||**Range:** Ranged||**Duration:** Instant|| ||**Saving Throw:** Toughness||**Cost:** 2 points per rank|| You can generate and project vibrations, creating a blast of vibratory energy as a [[MMDamage Ranged Bludgeoning Damage]] effect. =====Countering===== Vibration can counter other vibration effects, including sonic effects, by matching and canceling out their vibratory frequencies. [[MMObscure Auditory Obscure]] effects may also be able to counter vibration effects, but they don|t do so automatically; use the normal countering rules for an opposed power check between the two. =====Alternate Powers===== The following are some suitable Alternate Powers for a Vibration Control Array: - **[[MMObscure Auditory Obscure]]: **By putting out counter-vibrations, you cancel all sound in a radius of (rank x 5) feet at normal range. - **[[MMBurrowing Burrowing]]: **Your directed vibrations can tunnel through the ground, giving you a [[MMBurrowing Ranged Burrowing]] effect at your power rank. - **Buzzsaw: **Vibrating your hands at high speed turns them into "buzzsaws" capable of cutting into almost any material, giving you a [[MMDamage Penetrating Physical Damage]] effect at your power rank. - **[[MMDeflect Deflect]]: **Vibrations allows you to [[MMDeflect Deflect]] incoming projectiles (slow or fast) at your Vibration Control power rank. - **[[MMDrain Drain Toughness]]: **By setting up the right vibrations, you can weaken the structure of objects, eventually causing them to become brittle, a [[MMDrain Ranged Affects Only Objects Drain Toughness]] effect at your power rank. - **[[MMInsubstantial Insubstantial]]: **You can vibrate your body|s molecules so they pass through ordinary matter, making you incorporeal like the rank 4 [[MMInsubstantial Insubstantial]] effect. You must have rank 10 Vibration Control to acquire this Alternate Power. - **[[MMNauseate Nauseate]]: **Directed vibrations upset the target|s inner ear, inducing a [[MMNauseate Ranged Nauseate]] effect at two-thirds your Vibration Control power rank. - **[[MMNullify Nullify Machines]]: **Your vibrations can interfere with the operation of complex machines, creating a [[MMNullify Nullify Machines]] effect at your power rank. - **Shockwave: **You send out a shockwave of vibrations (rank x 5) feet in all directions, an [[MMDamage Area Burst Bludgeoning Damage]] effect. - **[[MMStun Stun]]: **A concentrated blast of vibrations hits the target with a [[MMStun Ranged Stun]] effect at two-thirds your Vibration Control rank. =====Power Feats===== - **Affects Insubstantial: **Certain vibrations may be able to affect insubstantial targets to one degree or another, granting the benefits of this power feat. =====Associated Effects===== - **[[MMConcealment Concealment]]: **By controlling the vibrations you emit, you can acquire [[MMConcealment Concealment]] from auditory senses or [[MMSuperSenses tremorsense]]. - **[[MMForceField Force Field]]: **You can surround yourself with a protective [[MMForceField Force Field]] of vibratory force. This vibratory field may be Limited to physical damage (and realistically, probably should be), but doesn|t have to be. - **[[MMSuperSenses Super-Senses]]: **Super-senses associated with Vibration Control include [[MMSuperSenses enhanced hearing]], [[MMSuperSenses detect vibrations]], [[MMSuperSenses tracking (vibration)]], [[MMSuperSenses tremorsense]] and [[MMSuperSenses and ultra-hearing]]. [[MMPoderes]]