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======Ultimate Effort (Fortune, Ranked)======

When spending a hero point on a particular task, you treat the roll as a 20 (meaning you don|t need to roll the die at all, just apply a result of 20 to your modifier). This is not a natural 20, but is treated as a roll of 20 in all other respects. You choose the particular action the feat applies to when you acquire it and the GM must approve it. You can take Ultimate Effort multiple times, each time, it applies to a different action.

=====Sample ultimate efforts=====

The following are potential Ultimate Efforts. The GM is free to add any others suitable to the campaign.
- Ultimate Aim: When you take the time to aim an attack (see Aim, page 154), you can spend a hero point to apply a 20 result to the attack roll. Since the Ultimate Aim bonus is not a natural 20, it also does not qualify as an automatic or critical hit.
- Ultimate Save: You can spend a hero point to apply a 20 result to a saving throw with one type of save (Toughness, Fortitude, Reflex, or Will).
- Ultimate Skill: You can spend a hero point to apply a 20 result to checks with a particular skill.

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