Revision history for MMTwoWeaponFighting
Normally, you do not inflict additional damage if you have a weapon in each hand. Whenever you are using two weapons, nominate one as your "primary" each round. If you do not have the Ambidexterity feat, you suffer the usual offhand penalty. The GM may also limit the ranks affected by the [[MMExtras Autofire]] extra to the bonus of the weapon you have not designated as your primary.
Normally, you do not inflict additional damage if you have a weapon in each hand. Whenever you are using two weapons, nominate one as your "primary" each round. This feat adds the [[MMExtras Autofire]] extra to your damage with the primary weapon. If you do not have the [[MMAmbidexterity Ambidexterity]] feat, you suffer the usual offhand penalty. The GM may also limit the ranks affected by the [[MMExtras Autofire]] extra to the bonus of the weapon you have not designated as your primary.
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