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||**Type:** Attack||**Action:** Standard (active)||
||**Range:** Ranged||**Duration:** Instant||
||**Saving Throw:** See description||**Cost:** 1 point per rank||

You can make a trip attack (see Trip, M&M, page 159) at normal range, with no modifier for your size category, only the target|s size category (since larger targets are still harder to move). Make a ranged attack roll. If successful, the target makes a Strength or Dexterity check, whichever is better, against the results of your power check. If you win, the target falls prone. The target does not get the opportunity to trip you.

=====Power Feats=====

- **[[MMImprovedTrip Improved Trip]]: **Targets of your Trip effect use the worse of Strength or Dexterity to resist it. This is just like the regular Improved Trip feat, but as a power feat.


- **Alternate Save: **Since Trip doesn|t technically have a saving throw this modifier does not apply to it.

- **Area: **An Area Trip effect works on everyone in the area at the same time. Make a single power check and compare the results against the targets| Dexterity or Strength checks.

- **Duration: **If a Trip effect|s duration is extended beyond instant, it continues to affect its target(s) on succeeding rounds. Any time the target gets back up, make another opposed check to avoid being tripped again.

- **Knockback (+1): **If you successfully trip the target, you also knock the target back with an effective "damage bonus" equal to your Trip power rank (see Knockback, M&M, page 165, for details).

- **Opposed by (Ability) (+0): **A Trip effect with this modifier always uses a particular ability, either Strength or Dexterity, to oppose it. So an Opposed by Dexterity Trip effect is always an opposed roll of Trip vs. Dexterity, for example. The effect can sometimes take advantage of targets with an inferior ability, but at the cost of being less effective against targets with a superior ability score. You can|t have the Improved Trip power feat.

- **Range: **A Perception range Trip effect does not require an attack roll, but still requires an opposed power check to trip the target.

- **Selective Attack: **An Area Trip effect with this modifier can affect only some targets in the area and exclude others, as you wish.


- **Range: **A Trip effect limited to touch range still retains the benefits of ignoring your size category and not giving the target the opportunity to trip you, making it somewhat more advantageous than a standard trip attack.

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