
Type: AlterationAction: Standard (active)
Range: RangedDuration: Sustained (lasting)
Saving Throw: FortitudeCost: 3-6 points per rank

You can change a target into something else. Make an attack roll to hit your target, who makes a Fortitude save (DC 10 + Transform rank). If the save fails, the target transforms. Inanimate targets transform automatically, so long as you can affect their mass. Characters can make a Reflex saving throw for any worn or held object. You can transform 1 pound of inanimate mass at rank 1. Each additional rank moves this one step up the Progression Table. The transformation lasts as long as you continue sustaining it. When you stop, the target reverts to normal. What you can transform affects cost per rank:

You can change around a transformed target|s physical traits, so long as their point total remains the same or less. Adding new traits (such as giving a target wings) can be paid for by adding drawbacks or reducing other traits to compensate (or by Linking an Affects Others Variable structure to Transform, allowing you to add traits to the subject).

Transforming Devices And Equipment

Transforming someone|s devices or equipment requires targeting them first, as given under Attacking Objects (from M&M, page 155): a held object has a Defense of the holder|s Defense + the object|s size modifier + 5, while a worn or carried object has a Defense of the holder|s Defense + the object|s size modifier. So transforming a held weapon like a gun requires an attack roll against the holder|s Defense + 9 (+5 base +4 for a diminutive-sized object), targeting a worn suit of armor is an attack against the holder|s Defense (with no modifier for a medium-sized object).

Equipment is transformed automatically so long as the effect has sufficient rank to encompass its entire mass. The holder or wearer of a Device gets a Reflex saving throw to avoid having it transformed (DC 10 + Transform rank); a successful save means no effect. Transform is merely another way of "removing" a Device or equipment, considered a part of the discount that they offer, although transformed Device should eventually be restored or replaced.

Mental Transform

Transformed targets normally retain their mental traits and personality, although animate targets made inanimate are effectively rendered unconscious. A Transform effect with the Will Save modifier can change targets mentally as well as physically. A mental transformation is considered a separate effect; apply modifiers and power stunts to it separately. To transform a target both mentally and physically at once, link the two Transforms together (see the Linked power modifier). The type of mental transformation determines cost per rank:

Power Feats



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