Wiki source for MMTough
======Tough (General, Ranked)======
You are unusually tough; add your rank in this feat as a bonus to your Toughness saving throws. Your maximum Toughness save bonus is limited by power level as normal. The Gamemaster may choose to set a limit on how many ranks you can have in this feat; Tough is an innate talent or knack, as opposed to the Protection power, which is a superhuman trait. A maximum of three ranks of Tough is usually a fair limit for semi-realistic games.
You are unusually tough; add your rank in this feat as a bonus to your Toughness saving throws. Your maximum Toughness save bonus is limited by power level as normal. The Gamemaster may choose to set a limit on how many ranks you can have in this feat; Tough is an innate talent or knack, as opposed to the Protection power, which is a superhuman trait. A maximum of three ranks of Tough is usually a fair limit for semi-realistic games.