======Teleport====== ||**Type:** Movement||**Action:** Move (active)|| ||**Range:** Personal||**Duration:** Instant|| ||**Saving Throw:** Reflex (harmless)||**Cost:** 2 points per rank|| You can move instantly from place to place without crossing the distance in between. You can teleport yourself and carry up to 100 lbs. of additional mass a distance of (power rank x 100) feet as a move action. At rank 3 and above, you can also take a full action and teleport the distance shown on the Extended Range Table instead, but you lose your dodge bonus for one round after you arrive at your destination due to disorientation. You can only teleport to places you can accurately sense or know especially well (in the GM|s judgment). You retain your facing and relative velocity when you teleport. So if you are falling, for example, when you teleport, you are still falling at the same speed when you arrive at your destination. =====Power Feats===== - **Change Direction: **You can change your direction or orientation after a teleport. - **Change Velocity: **You can teleport "at rest" to your destination. Among other things, this means you can teleport out of a fall and suffer no damage. - **Easy: **You are not disoriented when making full round teleports; you retain your dodge bonus after doing so. - **Progression: **You increase the mass you can carry with you when you teleport. Each additional time you take this power feat, it moves your maximum "cargo" one step up the Progression Table (x 2, x 5, x 10, etc.). - **Turnabout: **You can teleport, take a standard action, and teleport again as a full action, so long as the total distance doesn|t exceed your short Teleport range (rank x 100 feet). This is Teleport|s version of the Move-By Action feat (see Move-By Action, M&M, page 63). =====Extras===== - **Accurate (+1): **You don|t need to accurately sense your destination to teleport there, just be able to generally describe it, such as "inside the capitol building lobby" or "atop the Goodman Building|s roof." If you can|t accurately describe your destination or have no idea where it is, you still can|t teleport there. At the GM|s discretion, [[MMDazzle Dazzle]] and [[MMObscure Obscure]] (Accurate Teleport) can temporarily block this extra like any other mental sense. This allows, among other things, for sites "shielded" against Accurate teleporters. - **Affects Others: **This extra allows you to grant a subject the ability to teleport--either with you or alone--by touch. Note that Affects Others is voluntary, so anyone not wishing to be teleported is unaffected. To teleport unwilling targets see the Attack extra. - **Area: **Applied to Affects Others Teleport, this extra allows you to teleport everyone in the affected area. Apply the Selective power feat if you can choose who is and is not taken along on the jaunt, otherwise, you automatically teleport everyone in the area. You can choose to leave behind physical objects not in anyone|s possession whether or not you have Selective (so you don|t automatically teleport all the assorted junk in the area). - **Attack: **A Teleport Attack is a standard action and only teleports the target the effect|s normal, rather than extended, range. Targets get a Reflex save (DC 10 + rank) to avoid being teleported, assuming the attack hits. At the GM|s option, you may be able to make an "extended" Teleport Attack; this requires a full-round action and you lose your dodge bonus for one round after making the attack. The target is transported up to the effect|s extended range and disoriented (no dodge bonus) for one round after arrival. Gamemasters should view Teleport Attacks with caution, due to their ability to quickly remove opponents from an encounter. - **Castling (+0): **You and a willing subject within your Teleport range must "trade places" for you to teleport. You appear in the subject|s location and the subject appears in yours. The subject of a Castling attempt is basically aware of who you are (if they|re familiar with you), where you are (roughly), and of your desire to trade places. If they agree (as a reaction) the effect occurs. If they refuse, nothing happens. This means you cannot castle with unconscious subjects. Castling often has some type of [[MMCommunication Communication]], possibly Limited only to potential Teleport subjects, as an associated effect. If you can castle with unwilling subjects, you have a Teleport Attack Linked to your Teleport instead. - **Portal (+2): **You open a portal or gateway between two points as a free action. The portal is 5 feet-by-5 feet in size. Anyone stepping through (a move action) is transported. The portal remains open as long as you concentrate. You can apply Progression feats to increase the size of your portal. - **Selective Attack: **An Area Teleport Attack with this extra can teleport some targets without affecting others, as you choose. =====Flaws===== - **Anchor (-1): **You are limited to teleporting either to a single specific place or to the location of a single specific object, either of which is considered "known especially well" to you. Choose one option when you apply this flaw. You can change the location of your anchor-point either by physically visiting and attuning yourself to a new site for one minute or by moving your anchor object to a new location. If you have an anchor object and it|s moved without your knowledge, you still teleport to its location (which can potentially cause problems if your foes discover your anchor and move it). - **Long-Range (-1): **You can only teleport up to extended range distance as a full-round action. You can|t make short-range teleports as a move action and you can|t have the Easy or Turnabout power feats. - **Medium (-1): **You require a medium for your teleportation, such as electrical or telephone wires, root structures, waterways, doorways, shadows, flames, mirrors, and so forth. You can only teleport from and to locations where your medium exists. - **Short-Range (-1): **You can|t make extended range teleports, only short-range teleports as a move action. =====Associated Effects===== - **[[MMESP ESP]]: **The ability to perceive distant locations is quite useful in allowing a character to teleport there, particularly since [[MMESP ESP]] and long range Teleport have the same range. - **[[MMNauseate Nauseate]] & [[MMStun Stun]]: **Teleportation often has disorienting side effects on passengers other than those of extended range teleports, allowing teleporters to, for example, grab an opponent and "jaunt," inflicting disorientation or nausea. This is a Linked [[MMNauseate Nauseate]] or [[MMStun Stun]] effect and requires a full-round action to grab the opponent and make the jump to inflict the effect. Note that if you can choose not to inflict this effect on your passengers, the Link modifier is +1 rather than +0. - **[[MMNullify Nullify]] Teleport: **"Teleport nullifiers" of one sort or another are fairly common in the comics, from mystic wards blocking the passage of spells of teleportation to super-science force fields. This is usually a Nullifying Field, preventing anyone from teleporting into or out of the affected area, although things like Nullifying Devices applied directly (headbands, collars, manacles, etc.) are also common. (See [[MMNullify Nullify]] for details.) - **Rend: **You can grab a target and teleport away with just part of them, inflicting damage! This is a touch range Penetrating [[MMDamage Damage]] effect Linked to Teleport as a +1 modifier (since you presumably have the ability not to rend a passenger teleporting with you). - **Teleport Awareness: **Characters with Teleport or related powers may acquire the [[MMSuperSenses Awareness Super-Sense]], attuned to detecting uses of Teleport by picking up on "spatial distortions" or similar effects when someone arrives or departs via a Teleport effect. Also note that descriptor-based forms of Awareness can detect teleports involving that descriptor (Mental Awareness sensing the arrival of a psionic teleporter, for example). (See [[MMSuperSenses Super-Senses]] for more information.) [[MMPoderes]]