======Telepathy====== ||**Effect:** [[MMCommunication Communication]], [[MMMindReading Mind Reading]]||**Action:** Standard (active)|| ||**Range:** Perception/Extended||**Duration:** Concentration (lasting)|| ||**Saving Throw:** Will||**Cost:** 2 points per rank|| You can read minds and project your thoughts into the minds of others. You have the [[MMCommunication Mental Communication]] and [[MMMindReading Mind Reading]] effects at your Telepathy power rank. To allow anyone to understand your projected thoughts, regardless of language, add a rank of the Comprehend effect. =====Countering===== Telepathy is useful for countering [[MMCommunication Mental Communication]] and [[MMMindReading Mind Reading]] as well as most maintained mental effects, by entering the subject|s mind and providing a mental "boost" in overcoming the effect. Telepathy can|t generally counter instant mental effects, but the GM should decide in any particular situation if Telepathy is able to counter a particular effect. [[MMPoderes]]