Wiki source for MMTelelocation

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||**Effect:** [[MMESP ESP]]||**Action:** Full (active)||
||**Range:** Extended||**Duration:** Concentration (lasting)||
||**Saving Throw:** Will||**Cost:** 1 point per rank||

You can mentally "search" an area for an intelligent (Int 1+) creature. Your maximum radius is based on your rank on the [[MMExtended Extended Range Table]]. Use the Extended Search guidelines given under the Search skill description (see Search, M&M, page 53). Subjects that do not wish to be found can make a Will saving throw (DC 10 + your Telelocation rank), success means your attempt to locate the subject fails and trying again in the same scene requires extra effort.

If your Search check succeeds, you know the subject|s location, but cannot necessarily communicate or interact with the subject without the use of other effects.

You can "track" a located subject by continuing to maintain your Telelocation power; as long as you do so, you keep track of the subject|s location. The subject gets a new Will saving throw for each interval on the [[MMTimeTable Time Table]] to "shake off" your mental "lock," in which case you need to locate the subject again (note that this does not count as a failure nor does it require extra effort).


- **Duration: **Sustained Telelocation is easy to maintain, just a free action each round, allowing you to do other things while you keep track of your subject rather than concentrate on your power. This may include using other powers requiring a standard action.

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