Wiki source for MMSwimming

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||**Type:** Movement||**Action:** Move (active)||
||**Range:** Personal||**Duration:** Sustained||
||**Saving Throw:** None||**Cost:** 1 point per rank||

You can swim faster than normal. You have a water speed of 2.5 MPH (25 ft.) at rank 1. Each additional rank moves your speed one step up the [[MMProgresion Progression Table]]. You can always take 10 on Swim skill checks, even while under pressure. This effect does not allow you to survive underwater (for that, see the Associated Effects section of Swimming).

Generally, you|re limited to towing weights along with you if you want to carry more than you can fit under your arm or on your back. More than a light load reduces movement speed to two-thirds while a heavy load also reduces your all-out speed to one half. More than a heavy load drops your speed to a mere 5 feet per round as you fight your way through the water, pushing or dragging your burden.

=====Power Feats=====

- **Environmental Adaptation (aquatic): **This feat may also be a power feat of Swimming, allowing you to move through water as easily as you do air.


- **Affects Others: **With this extra you can grant the benefits of your Swimming speed to others in contact with you. Note this isn|t the same as simply carrying someone along with you while you swim, it is granting them the same Swimming movement as yours.


- **Duration: **Concentration duration Swimming can represent a type of focused movement effect requiring more of your concentration and effort. Since maintaining a concentration effect is a standard action, you can|t use accelerated or all-out swimming movement, you|re limited to the normal movement pace of your Swimming rank.

=====Associated Effects=====

- **[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Strength]]: **Muscles strong enough to withstand deep water pressure and move a character at high speeds through the water may also feature truly [[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Strength]] or even [[MMSuperStrength Super-Strength]], in the water and on land.

- **[[MMImmunity Immunity]]: **[[MMImmunity Immunity]] to drowning (1 rank) is common for swimmers, allowing them to breathe normally underwater. [[MMImmunity Immunity]] to cold and pressure (1 rank each) are also common effects for avoiding the frigid temperatures and crushing pressures of the ocean depths.

- **[[MMSuperSenses Super-Senses]]: **Traits like low-light vision and darkvision are useful for navigating the dim ocean depths and tremorsense allows swimmers to pick up vibrations in the water. Sharks and many other aquatic creatures have the scent trait, picking up minute traces in the water around them.

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