======Super Speed====== ||**Effect:** [[MMArray Array]], [[MMQuickness Quickness]], [[MMSpeed Speed]]||**Action:** Move (active)|| ||**Range:** Personal||**Duration:** Sustained|| ||**Saving Throw:** None||**Cost:** 5 points per rank|| You have [[MMQuickness Quickness]] and [[MMSpeed Speed]] effects equal to your power rank and a +4 bonus to initiative checks (essentially one rank of [[MMImprovedInitiative Improved Initiative]]) per power rank. You also have a [[MMArray Super-Speed Array]] of effects you can do (2 points per rank in the [[MMArray Array]]). Choose one of the following Alternate Powers, acquiring the others normally (for 1 point per Alternate Power feat). ====Alternate Powers==== The following are suitable Alternate Powers for a [[MMArray Super-Speed Array]]: -**[[MMAirControl Air Control]]: **You can control the movement of air by whirling your hands or arms like super-speed fans or moving in tight circles to create artificial cyclones, giving you [[MMAirControl Air Control]] at your Super-Speed power rank. -**Bullet: **You can throw small bullet-sized objects as super-sonic speeds, giving you a Ranged [[MMDamage Damage]] effect equal in rank to your Super-Speed. -**[[MMBurrowing Burrowing]]: **By spinning in place like a drill or digging rapidly through the ground by hand, you gain [[MMBurrowing Burrowing]] at your Super-Speed rank. -**[[MMDeflect Deflect]]: **You can bat aside projectiles that, to you, appear to be moving at a snail|s pace, giving you [[MMDeflect Deflect]] Slow and Fast Projectiles at your Super-Speed power rank. -**[[MMInsubstantial Insubstantial]]: **If you have Super-Speed rank 10 or higher, you can acquire the Incorporeal rank of [[MMInsubstantial Insubstantial]] as an Alternate Power feat, typically by vibrating your molecules at super-speed so they pass through ordinary substances. -**Rapid Attack: **You can make a melee attack against any opponents in a radius of (power rank x 5 feet) around of you, provided you can physically reach them. This includes a normal strike or a special action like Disarm or Trip (see Disarm and Trip, M&M, pages 156 and 159, respectively). Make one attack roll and compare it against all targets in the area. -**Rapid Fire: **You can throw small objects at super-sonic speeds, like bullets, doing [[MMDamage Damage]] equal to two-thirds your power rank with the Autofire modifier. -**Sonic Boom: **You can generate a deafening sonic boom around you, a Burst Area [[MMDazzle Dazzle]] effect, best used in conjunction with a Move-By Action feat. Alternately, your sonic boom could be a Burst Area [[MMDamage Damage]] effect inflicting concussive damage, or possibly both at once, limiting the ranks of the effects to two-thirds your Super-Speed rank rather than your full rank (since both effects together cost a total of 3 points per rank). -**Spin Attack: **You grab a target and spin him around rapidly, causing a [[MMNauseate Nauseate]] effect at your Super-Speed power rank. -**[[MMSpinning Spinning]]: **You can spin in place at super-speed, gaining the [[MMSpinning Spinning]] power at your Super-Speed power rank. -**[[MMStrike Strike]]: **You can hit faster than normal, inflicting additional unarmed damage and giving you a [[MMStrike Strike]] effect at a rank equal to your Super-Speed. -**[[MMStun Stun]]: **You can create a micro sonic boom or strike with a super-fast attack that can stun at target with a [[MMStun Stun]] effect equal to your Super-Speed power rank. -**[[MMSuffocate Suffocate]]: **By drawing the air away from a target--usually by moving in a tight circle around them as super-speed--you create a [[MMSuffocate Suffocate]] effect at your power rank. -**Takeaway: **You can attempt to disarm opponents in an area (Super-Speed x 5) feet in radius with a melee attack with an effective Strength bonus equal to two-thirds your Super-Speed power rank. This is a Targeted Burst Area Selective [[MMDamage Damage]] effect that disarms rather than inflicting damage (a +0 modifier). -**[[MMVibrationControl Vibration Control]]: **By vibrating your molecules at super-speed, you gain the ability to generate and direct vibrations like the [[MMVibrationControl Vibration Control]] power at your Super-Speed rank (see [[MMVibrationControl Vibration Control]] later in this chapter). -**Whirlwind Attack: **You can attack opponents in an area (Super-Speed rank x 5) feet in radius with a melee attack that inflicts damage equal to two-thirds your Super-Speed power rank. This is a Targeted Burst Area Selective [[MMDamage Damage]] effect (costing 3 points per rank). =====Power Feats===== -**Seize Initiative: **You can spend a hero point to automatically go first in the initiative order. While even a few ranks in Super-Speed tends to ensure going to the top of the initiative order in any given encounter, this feat is particularly suitable for really fast speedsters who can even reliably out-do others with Super-Speed. =====Extras===== -**Affects Others: **You can share the benefits of your Speed effect with others, allowing someone in close contact to move at the same speed as you. =====Associated Effects===== -**Displacement: **Moving rapidly from place to place you leave "after-images," duplicating the effects of the [[MMDisplacement Displacement]] power (see [[MMDisplacement Displacement]] earlier in this chapter). -**[[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Defense]]: **Being super-fast should make you harder to hit, so [[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Defense]] is a common associated power for Super-Speed. A speedster may also just have a high defense bonus in general or [[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Dodge]] (at a lesser cost); making the defense bonus Enhanced just shows it|s part of the character|s powers rather than the result of skill or talent. -**[[MMImmunity Immunity]]: **The descriptors of Super-Speed assume immunity to the side-effects of things like friction heat or the difficulties breathing when moving well past the speed of sound in an atmosphere; you don|t need the [[MMImmunity Immunity]] effect for any of those. Speedsters may have additional [[MMImmunity Immunity]], particular to heat in general (environmental, 1 rank; damage, 5 ranks; all effects, 10 ranks) or minor things like [[MMImmunity Immunity]] to Vertigo (protecting against certain [[MMNauseate Nauseate]] or [[MMStun Stun]] effects, for example). -**[[MMProtection Protection]]: **While most speedsters rely on having a high defense bonus (see Enhanced Defense, previously), some may also be extremely tough to withstand the rigors of moving at super-speed, and possibly colliding with obstacles! GMs should note that speedsters with substantial [[MMProtection Protection]] are quite effective at making slam attacks (see Slam, M&M, page 158). -**[[MMSuperMovement Wall Run]]: **You can run up and down walls and other vertical surfaces without a Climb check; [[MMSuperMovement Super-Movement (wall-crawling)]], Limited to while running. -**[[MMSuperMovement Water Run]]: **You can run across the surface of water without sinking as long as you keep moving; [[MMSuperMovement Super-Movement (water walking)]], Limited to while running. [[MMPoderes]]