Summon (Minion)
Type: General | Action: Sustained (active) |
Range: Touch | Duration: Sustained |
Saving Throw: None | Cost: 2 points per rank |
You can call upon another creature--a minion--to aid you. This creature is created as an independent character with (Summon rank x 15) power points. Summoned minions are subject to the normal power level limits, and cannot have minions themselves.
You can summon your minion to you automatically as a standard action; it appears in the nearest open space beside you. You always have the same minion unless you apply power modifiers allowing you to summon different minions. Your minion automatically has a helpful attitude and does its best to aid you and obey your commands.
Unconscious and dead minions disappear. Defeated minions recover normally except they recover from death as if they were disabled. You cannot summon a defeated minion until it has completely recovered. Your summoned minions also vanish if your effect is turned off, countered, or nullified.
Power Feats
- Mental Link: You have a mental link with your minions, allowing you to communicate with them over any distance.
- Progression: Each time you apply this feat, move your total number of minions one step up the Progression Table (2, 5, 10, etc.). Each minion is created with (rank x 15) power points. You can still only summon one minion per standard action.
- Sacrifice: When you are hit with an effect requiring a saving throw, you can spend a hero point to shift it to one of your minions instead. The minion must be within range of the attack and a viable target. Needless to say, this is not a particularly heroic feat. The Gamemaster may wish to restrict it to villains or non-player characters (in which case a hero earns a hero point when a villain uses this feat to avoid an effect by sacrificing a minion).
- Fanatical (+1): Your summoned minions have a fanatical attitude and devotion to you.
- Heroic (+1): Creatures you summon are not subject to the minion rules, but treated like normal non-player characters. Gamemasters should be particularly cautious about allowing this extra for Summon effects used by player characters, especially ones summoning more than one minion.
- Horde (+1): You can summon up to your maximum number of minions with one standard action. You must have Progression (see this effect|s power feats) to take this extra.
- Type (+1/+2): Minions are normally identical in terms of traits. It|s a +1 modifier to summon minions of a general type (elementals, birds, fish, etc.), +2 to summon minions of a broad type (animals, demons, humanoids, etc.).
- Attitude (-1): Your summoned minions are less than cooperative. For a -1 modifier, they are indifferent. They are unfriendly for a -2 modifier, and hostile for a -3 modifier.