Wiki source for MMStun
||**Type:** Attack||**Action:** Standard (active)||
||**Range:** Touch||**Duration:** Instant (lasting)||
||**Saving Throw:** Fortitude (staged)||**Cost:** 2 points per rank||
You can stun a target. Make a melee attack roll. If successful, the target must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + Stun rank). A failed save means the target is dazed. A save that fails by 5 or more means the target is stunned. Targets failing the Fortitude save by 10 or more are unconscious and recover normally. The target gets a new save each round to recover from being dazed or stunned, with a +1 bonus per previous save.
=====Power Feats=====
- **Reversible: **You can reverse the effects of your Stun at will, removing any conditions caused by it.
- **Sedation: **Once you have rendered someone unconscious, you can keep them unconscious (see the Sedation power feat description for details).
- **Alternate Save: **Stun may be based on Will save to reflect more of a mental effect than one resisted by physical Fortitude, or based on Toughness for an effect that must overcome the target|s physical protection rather than fortitude.
- **Sleep: **This +0 modifier leaves targets rendered unconscious by your Stun effect in a deep sleep instead, well suited for "sleep enchantments" or certain psychic powers (see the Sleep modifier description for details).
- **Daze (-1): **Your Stun effect cannot inflict more than a dazed result.
||**Type:** Attack||**Action:** Standard (active)||
||**Range:** Touch||**Duration:** Instant (lasting)||
||**Saving Throw:** Fortitude (staged)||**Cost:** 2 points per rank||
You can stun a target. Make a melee attack roll. If successful, the target must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + Stun rank). A failed save means the target is dazed. A save that fails by 5 or more means the target is stunned. Targets failing the Fortitude save by 10 or more are unconscious and recover normally. The target gets a new save each round to recover from being dazed or stunned, with a +1 bonus per previous save.
=====Power Feats=====
- **Reversible: **You can reverse the effects of your Stun at will, removing any conditions caused by it.
- **Sedation: **Once you have rendered someone unconscious, you can keep them unconscious (see the Sedation power feat description for details).
- **Alternate Save: **Stun may be based on Will save to reflect more of a mental effect than one resisted by physical Fortitude, or based on Toughness for an effect that must overcome the target|s physical protection rather than fortitude.
- **Sleep: **This +0 modifier leaves targets rendered unconscious by your Stun effect in a deep sleep instead, well suited for "sleep enchantments" or certain psychic powers (see the Sleep modifier description for details).
- **Daze (-1): **Your Stun effect cannot inflict more than a dazed result.