======Stealth (Dex)====== You|re skilled at going unnoticed. **Check:** Your Stealth check is opposed by the [[MMNotice Notice]] check of anyone who might detect you. While using Stealth, you can move up to half your normal speed at no penalty. At more than half and up to your full speed, you take a -5 penalty. It|s practically impossible (-20 penalty) to use Stealth while attacking, moving all out, or charging. - //Size Modifiers:// Apply the modifier from your size category to your Stealth checks to represent the relative ease of noticing smaller and larger targets (see [[MMGrowth Growth]] and [[MMShrinking Shrinking]]). - //Hiding:// If others have spotted you, you can|t use Stealth to remain unseen. You can run around a corner so you are out of sight and then use Stealth to hide, but others then know which way you went. You can|t hide at all if you have absolutely no cover or concealment, since that means you|re standing out in plain sight. Of course, if someone isn|t looking directly at you (you|re sneaking up from behind, for example), then you have concealment relative to that person. Characters with the [[MMHideInPlainSight Hide in Plain Sight]] feat can make Stealth checks without the need for cover or concealment. - //Creating a Diversion to Hide:// A successful [[MMBluff Bluff]] or [[MMIntimidate Intimidate]] check can give you the momentary diversion needed to make a Stealth check while people are aware of you. When others turn their attention from you, you can make a Stealth check if you can reach cover or concealment of some kind. (As a general guideline, any cover has to be within 1 foot for every rank you have in Stealth.) This check, however, is at a -5 penalty because you have to move quickly. - //Sniping:// If you|re successfully hidden at least one [[MMNotice Notice]] range increment away from a subject (usually 10 feet), then you can make a ranged attack and immediately hide again, but you suffer a -20 penalty to your Stealth check. - //Tailing:// You can use Stealth to tail someone at your normal speed. This assumes you have some cover or concealment (crowds of people, shadows, fog, etc.). If the subject is worried about being followed, he can make a [[MMNotice Notice]] check (opposed by your Stealth check) every time he changes course (goes around a street corner, exits a building, and so on). If he is unsuspecting, he only gets a [[MMNotice Notice]] check after each hour of being tailed. If the subject notices you, you can make a [[MMBluff Bluff]] check, opposed by [[MMSenseMotive Sense Motive]]. If you succeed, you manage to pass off your presence as coincidence and can continue tailing. A failed [[MMBluff Bluff]] check, or being noticed a second time, means the subject knows something is up. **Action:** Stealth is a move action. [[MMSkills]]