Wiki source for MMSpeed

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||**Type:** Movement||**Action:** Move||
||**Range:** Personal||**Duration:** Sustained||
||**Saving Throw:** None||**Cost:** 1 point per rank||

You can move faster than normal. You have a ground speed of 10 MPH (about 100 feet per round) at rank 1. Each additional rank moves your speed one step up the [[MMProgresion Progression Table]]. At rank 19, you can reach anywhere on Earth in a single move action. At rank 20, you can accelerate to near the speed of light!

You can carry up to a light load with no reduction in speed. A medium or heavy load reduces your speed to two-thirds normal while a heavy load also reduces your all-out speed to half normal. You cannot use Speed while carrying more than a heavy load.


- **Affects Others: **You can share your Speed with another character you are touching, allowing them to travel at the same speed as you. Note this isn|t the same as simply carrying someone along with you while you move using your Speed, it is granting them the same Speed movement as yours.

- **Attack: **This extra does not apply to Speed. For a "momentum attack" that flings targets into things at high speed, use [[MMMoveObject Move Object]] or [[MMTrip Trip]] with the Knockback extra instead.

- **Duration: **Speed generally cannot be continuous duration, given the limitations on using it: a stunned or unconscious character can|t move, quickly or otherwise.


- **Action: **Like other movement effects, Speed cannot have its action reduced below move, since it requires a move action to use the effect.

- **Duration: **Concentration duration Speed can represent an effect requiring additional focus or effort on your part; you can move at high speeds, but can|t do much else at the same time. Since concentration requires a standard action each round, it also means you can|t move at accelerated or all-out speeds, just the normal pace of your Speed rank.

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