Revision [1147]

This is an old revision of MMSkills made by GilbertoLeon on 2010-09-05 14:25:38.



Skill Ability Untrained? Specialty? Action Take 10/20
Acrobatics Dex No No Free or move 10
Bluff Cha Yes No Attack or full 10
Climb Str Yes No Full or move 10
Computers Int No No -- 20
Concentration Wis Yes No React --
Diplomacy Cha Yes No Full 10
Disable Device Int No No Full 20
Disguise Cha Yes No -- 20
Drive Dex No No Move 10
Escape Artist Dex Yes No Full 20
Expertise Int No Yes -- Seedescription
Gather Information Cha Yes No -- 10
Handle Animal Cha Yes No -- 20
Intimidate Cha Yes No Full 10
Investigate Int No No Full 10
Language -- No Yes -- --
Medicine Wis No No -- 10
Notice Wis Yes No Free or full 20
Pilot Dex No No Move 10
Ride Dex No No Move 10
Search Int Yes No Full 20
Sense Motive Wis Yes No Reaction 10
Sleight of Hand Dex No No Attack 10
Stealth Dex Yes No Move 10
Survival Wis Yes No -- 10
Swim Str Yes No Move or full 10

A "--" entry in the Action column means the skill takes longer than a full round. See the skill description for details.

Craft;Int;No;Yes;--;10 (20 on repair);
Knowledge;Int;No;Yes;Free or full;20;

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