======Shield====== ||**Effect:** [[MMEnhancedTrait Enhanced Dodge]]||**Action:** Free (active)|| ||**Range:** Personal||**Duration:** Sustained|| ||**Saving Throw:** None||**Cost:** 1 point per rank|| You have a shield able to deflect the brunt of attacks. You gain a dodge bonus to Defense equal to your Shield rank. Since you have to be able to bring your shield to bear, you lose this bonus whenever you are denied your regular dodge bonus or are unable to take a free action. The dodge bonus from your Shield is subject to the normal power level limits. Note that your Shield isn|t necessarily a Device, although it may be. It could also be an effect you can create out of nowhere, like a disk-shaped force field, or a floating disk that deflects incoming attacks. =====Alternate Powers===== -**[[MMDamage Damage]]: **You can use your shield as a weapon as well, providing you with a [[MMDamage Damage]] effect equal to your Shield rank. However, on a round when you use your shield to inflict damage, you lose the dodge bonus it provides. =====Associated Effects===== -**[[MMDeflect Deflect]]: **You may also be able to use your shield to deflect incoming attacks, providing the [[MMDeflect Deflect]] power. It may be an Alternate Power, but since a useful [[MMDeflect Deflect]] costs more than Shield, and since it|s possible for a shield to provide both a dodge bonus and the [[MMDeflect Deflect]] power at once, it|s more effective as a separate effect of a shield. -**[[MMForceField Force Field]]: **Like [[MMDeflect Deflect]], your Shield might be able to provide a bonus to Toughness saving throws with the same action and duration, essentially the same as the [[MMForceField Force Field]] power. Again, [[MMForceField Force Field]] might be an Alternate Power of Shield, but is equally likely to be an additional effect, usable at the same time. [[MMPoderes]]