Ride (Dex, Manipulation, Trained Only)

Use this skill to ride a mount, such as a horse or more exotic creatures like dolphins, griffins, or even dragons.

Check: Routine tasks, such as ordinary movement, don|t require a skill check. Make a check only when riding in a dramatic situation (being chased or attacked, for example, or trying to reach a destination in time). While riding, you can attempt simple maneuvers or stunts.

Easy riding maneuvers, like staying in the saddle in a fight or guiding a mount with your knees, are DC 5. An average maneuver, like a full gallop or dodging around an obstacle, is DC 10. Difficult maneuvers, like using your mount as cover, jumping, or suffering no harm in a fall, are DC 15. Challenging maneuvers, like a fast mount or dismount (as a free action) or controlling a panicking mount, are DC 20 or more.

Try Again: Most Ride checks have consequences for failure that make trying again impossible.
Action: A Ride check is a move action.
Special: At the Gamemaster|s option, Ride may be further broken down into more detailed categories requiring specialization, such as running, swimming, and flying mounts, or even by specific mount type (horse, camel, dolphin, giant eagle, etc.).

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