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======Rage (Combat, Ranked)======

You can fly into a berserk rage as a free action, gaining +4 Strength, +2 to your Fortitude and Will saves, and a -2 penalty to Defense. While raging you can|t use skills or powers requiring concentration (with a duration of Concentration or Sustained), and you can|t take 10 or 20 on checks. Your rage lasts for five rounds, after which you are fatigued for five rounds.

Each additional rank gives you +2 Strength and a +1 Fortitude and Will save bonus to a maximum of +10 Strength and +5 to saves total at 4 ranks (the -2 penalty to Defense and other effects remain the same). Your maximum Strength and save bonuses are limited by the campaign|s power level.

Instead of increasing your Rage benefits, a rank in this feat can extend the duration by 5 rounds. This extends the duration of your post-rage fatigue by the same amount.

=====Warriors & Warlocks=====


You can fly into a berserk rage as a free action, gaining +4 Strength, +4 on checks to resist grapple attempts made against you, +2 to your Fortitude and Will saves, and a -2 penalty to attack rolls and Defense. While raging you can|t use skills or powers requiring concentration (with a duration of Concentration or Sustained), and you can|t take 10 or 20 on checks. Your rage lasts for 5 rounds, after which you are fatigued for five rounds. Additional ranks in this feat extend the duration by 5 rounds per rank. This extends the duration of your post-rage fatigue by the same amount.

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