
Type: GeneralAction: Free (active)
Range: PersonalDuration: Sustained
Saving Throw: NoneCost: 1 point per rank

You can perform routine tasks quickly. For purposes of this effect a "routine task" is one where you can take 20 on the check (see Taking 20, M&M, page 10). At rank 1 you perform such tasks at twice normal speed (x2). Each additional rank moves your speed one step up the Progression Table (x5, x10, x25, and so forth). At rank 20, you perform routine tasks at 5 million times normal speed! Tasks where you cannot take 20 (including combat actions) are unaffected by Quickness, nor is movement speed.

You can take 10 and take 20 normally using Quickness and, if your power rank is high enough, you may be able to take 20 on a task in a single standard action (3 seconds) or less. If you can perform a task in less than a second, the GM may choose to treat that task as a free action for you (although the GM can still limit the number of free actions you can accomplish in a round as usual). Among other things, this allows you to do things like take 20 on a Disable Device check by trying all possible combinations of a lock at great speed, or take 20 on a Knowledge check by reading all available research materials in an instant.



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