======Power Resistance====== ||**Effect:** [[MMNullify Nullify]]||**Action:** Reaction (passive)|| ||**Range:** Personal||**Duration:** Instant|| ||**Saving Throw:** None||**Cost:** 2 points per rank|| You are especially resistant to powers of a particular descriptor: when such a power targets you, make an opposed check of your Power Resistance rank and the attacker|s power rank. If you win, the power has no effect on you. If you lose, the power has its normal effect, although you still get your usual saving throw. =====Extras===== - **Affects Others: **You can grant the benefits of your Power Resistance to one other character you are touching for a +1 modifier. To increase the number of subjects you can protect at once, apply the Progression power feat. - **Area: **Affects Others Power Resistance may have this extra, protecting everyone in the affected area. If another area effect overlaps the area of your Power Resistance, make a single power check against the area effect to see if you successfully overcome it. If you can choose to protect just some people in your area and not others, apply the Selective Attack extra as well. - **Duration: **Power Resistance either immediately blocks a power effect or does not; its duration cannot be changed. - **Range: **Affects Others Power Resistance may have this extra, allowing you to grant its benefits at normal range. A +2 modifier allows you to grant Power Resistance at perception range. - **Total: **Your Power Resistance works against all powers, regardless of descriptor. This extra is only available with Gamemaster permission and depends on the power descriptors available in the setting. =====Flaws===== - **Action: **If Power Resistance|s required action is increased to free or more by the Action flaw, then the power can|t react to power use when it isn|t your turn and you most likely have to ready a use of Power Resistance. GM|s may wish to prohibit (or at least strongly advise against) changing the power|s required action. - **Fades: **Your Power Resistance is "ablative." Each time you make a power check with it, you lose a power point of effectiveness, and you lose a full power rank when you don|t have enough total points for that rank; so if you have Power Resistance 10 and lose a power point, you drop to Power Resistance 9 with 19 power points (see the Fades flaw description for information about recovering a faded power). - **Limited: **Your Power Resistance only works against a limited descriptor or a single power effect. [[MMPoderes]]