Power Drawbacks

Inaccurate (-1 per application)

An effect with this feat is hard to control or wildly inaccurate; you get -2 penalty on attack rolls made with it. This drawback can be applied multiple times, each time it grants an additional -2 penalty on attack rolls.

Power Loss (-1 to -3 points)

You lose the use of a power with this drawback under certain conditions. Examples include when exposed to a particular substance, when immersed in water, when unable to speak, and so forth. You can also suffer power loss from a failure to do something, like not recharging a power, breaking an oath, not taking a pill, and so forth. Power Loss is minor intensity, with frequency based on how often you encounter the conditions, giving it a value of 1-3 points. You regain use of the power when the condition that triggered the loss no longer affects you.

The loss of Devices and Equipment is not covered by this drawback. Losing Device and Equipment powers due to theft is a part of those traits and factored into their cost. So characters cannot take Power Loss with the condition "when devices or equipment are removed."
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