Power Attack (Combat)

When you make an attack you can take a penalty of up to -5 on your attack bonus and add the same number (up to +5) to your attack|s saving throw DC. Your attack bonus cannot be reduced below +0 and your save DC modifier cannot more than double. The changes to attack and saving throw DC are decided before you make your attack roll and last until your next round. This feat does not apply to effects requiring no attack roll or allowing no saving throw.

Warriors & Warlocks

Power Attack

When you make an attack you can take a penalty on your attack bonus and add the half that number (up to +2) to your attack|s saving throw DC. Your attack bonus cannot be reduced below +0 and your save DC modifier cannot more than double. The changes to attack and saving throw DC are decided before you make your attack roll and last until your next round. This feat does not apply to effects requiring no attack roll or allowing no saving throw.

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