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======Plant Control======

||**Effect:** [[MMArray Array]] ([[MMSnare Snare]])||**Action:** Standard (active)||
||**Range:** Ranged||**Duration:** Instant||
||**Saving Throw:** Reflex||**Cost:** 2 points per rank||

You can control the growth and movement of plants. You can cause plants in an area of (rank x 5) feet in radius to rapidly grow and entangle opponents as a [[MMSnare Snare]] effect. Targets in the area receive a Reflex saving throw to halve the rank of the effect as well as the usual Reflex save to avoid being entangled.


Plant Control is primarily useful for countering other uses of Plant Control, although certain effects may be suitable for countering other power effects at the Gamemaster|s discretion. For example, the Insect Control effect (see Alternate Powers, following) may be useful for countering other effects that influence or control insects. Likewise, Plant Control may be able to counter certain plant-based effects using pollen or plant toxins as a medium, for example.

=====Alternate Powers=====

The following are some suitable Alternate Powers for a [[MMArray Plant Control Array]]:

-**[[MMFatigue Fatigue]]: **By touch you can cause an allergic reaction or drain living targets of some moisture, causing a [[MMFatigue Fatigue]] effect at a rank equal to your Plant Control rank. If you can cause [[MMFatigue Fatigue]] at normal range, reduce the effective rank to two-thirds your Plant Control rank.

-**[[MMSummonMinion Insect Control]]: **You can emit certain scents that attract and influence the behavior of insects, giving you a [[MMSummonMinion Summon Insect Swarm]] effect at your Plant Control rank. Once you stop maintaining this effect, any swarm disperses, effectively disappearing as it breaks up into its component creatures.

-**[[MMNauseate Nauseate]]: **Your touch can carry a plant toxin or allergen that induces illness like a [[MMNauseate Nauseate]] effect at your power rank. If you can induce Nausea at normal range, reduce the effective rank to two-thirds your Plant Control rank.

-**[[MMGrowth Plant Growth]]: **You can stimulate the growth of plants, causing them to grow even greater than their normal mature size. This is a [[MMGrowth Growth]] effect (see [[MMGrowth Growth]] in the previous chapter) with Affects Others (+0), Limited to Plants (-1), and Permanent in duration (+0), since the enlarged plants remain that way. Apply ranks of [[MMGrowth Growth]] equal to your Plant Control rank, so Plant Control 12, for example, can increase a plant|s size category by three, turning a small sapling into a huge tree, for example.

-**[[MMESP Plant Perception]]: **You can sense things occurring near living plants like an [[MMESP ESP]] effect at two-thirds your Plant Control power rank (see [[MMESP ESP]] in the previous chapter for details).

-**[[MMStun Stun]]: **Either by using a plant-based toxin or influencing intestinal flora, you can stun a creature by touch like a [[MMStun Stun]] effect at your Plant Control rank. If you can stun at normal range, reduce effective rank to two-thirds of your Plant Control Rank.

-**[[MMTransform Transform]]: **You can turn one type of plant into another, a sustained [[MMTransform Transform]] effect at half your Plant Control rank. Transformed plants revert to normal over time (assume a save bonus of +0 against the lasting effect).

-**[[MMTransmit Transmit]]: **You can transport yourself by stepping "into" a plant large enough to accommodate your body and stepping out of a similar plant at your destination like the [[MMTransmit Transmit]] power at your Plant Control power rank. Alternately, if you have a [[MMAlternateForm Plant Form]] body (see Associated Effects, following) you may be able to abandon your current plant form and grow a new one elsewhere at your destination; the same effect, but with different descriptors.

=====Asspcoated Effects=====

-**[[MMImmunity Photosynthesis]]: **Your skin is tinged green with chlorophyll, allowing you to photosynthesize food from water and sunlight. You have the benefits of [[MMImmunity Immunity 1 (starvation)]].

-**[[MMAlternateForm Plant Form]]: **The ability to control plants may come from being a plant, or at least having the ability to turn into one! You have the [[MMAlternateForm Alternate Form]] power, either allowing you to change from flesh-and-blood to mobile vegetation or a permanent version for mobile, intelligent plant creatures (see [[MMAlternateForm Alternate Form]] for details).

-**[[MMProtection Protection]]: **Your skin is covered with tough bark-like armor, giving you a [[MMProtection Protection]] effect.

-**[[MMComprehend Speak With Plants]]: **You can communicate with ordinary plants, learning what they know and "speaking" to them in return (see the [[MMComprehend Comprehend]] effect in the previous chapter for details).

-**[[MMStrike Strike]]: **You have tough wooden limbs, perhaps covered with sharp thorns or spikes, giving you a [[MMDamage Damage]] effect that enhances your unarmed attacks. If the benefits stack with your normal Strength, apply the Mighty power feat as well (see [[MMDamage Damage]] in the previous chapter for details).

-**[[MMSuperMovement Super-Movement]]: **[[MMSuperMovement Super-Movement]] effects appropriate for plant-controllers include [[MMSuperMovement permeate]] (through plants, wood, or natural earth), [[MMSuperMovement slithering]] (vine-like along the ground), [[MMSuperMovement swinging]] (via hanging vines), [[MMSuperMovement sure-footed]] (via roots and the ability to move through undergrowth), and [[MMSuperMovement trackless]].

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